A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1915 Dragon King Temple

The fellow who led the way was called Mao Jiang, and Qingyuan B\u0026B was opened by his eldest son Mao Wenfu.

The Mao family is a local household, and they can talk about the Dragon King Temple with great eloquence.

Lu Fei and the other three were extremely excited when they learned from Maojiangkou that the Dragon King Temple in Maojia Village had a history of hundreds of years.

When he arrived at Qingyuan B\u0026B, Lu Fei opened the three best rooms and booked a dinner worth 800 yuan.

Eight hundred yuan for a table, which is the highest standard for Qingyuan B\u0026B.

In the six months since it opened, few people have ordered such an expensive table package.

Lu Fei made such a bold move, and everyone in the B\u0026B was extremely excited.

Mao Jiang, in particular, seemed to regard Lu Fei and the others as the gods of wealth.

"Uncle, tell the kitchen that dinner will start at seven o'clock. It's still early now. Can you take us to the reservoir?"

"We are all fishing enthusiasts. If we choose a fishing spot today, it will be much more convenient tomorrow morning."

"By the way, I also want to see what the Dragon King Temple looks like." Lu Fei said.

"Of course, no problem, come with me."

After getting in the car, Mao Jiang guided Lu Fei to drive towards the east end of the village.

After walking for about a kilometer, a wide reservoir appeared in front of everyone.

The width of the reservoir is more than 500 meters, and there is a row of dense poplar forests on the side near the village.

On the other side is an endless stretch of reeds.

There are many people fishing here near the poplar forest, and the environment is quite good.

"Boss Lu, this is our Qingyuan River in Gaoyang County."

"Five kilometers downstream is intercepted as a reservoir, and all electricity in Gaoyang County is supplied by that hydropower station."

"There are so many big grass carp and silver carp weighing 20 to 30 kilograms in this reservoir. It is simply a paradise for wild fishermen!" Mao Jiang said.

Lu Fei nodded.

"The water quality here is really good. We will come to play tomorrow too."

“But, we didn’t bring any fishing gear with us this time!”

"It doesn't matter, we have them at the B\u0026B, you can rent them."

"That's great

. "

"By the way, will you take us to the Dragon King Temple to see if it works?" Lu Fei asked.

"No problem, it's not far ahead. Follow me."

Lu Fei and the other three followed Mao Jiang and walked westward along the woods.

After walking for about twenty minutes, Lu Fei and others finally saw the Dragon King Temple that they had longed for.

It is said to be the Dragon King Temple, but it is actually a shrine made of stones.

Sitting north and facing south, the height is no more than one meter and the width is about sixty centimeters.

The green tiles on the top are ridged, closed on three sides, and only the south-facing side is open.

There is a red curtain hanging on the open side, so you can't see clearly what's going on inside.

If outsiders saw such a miserable Dragon King Temple, they would be extremely contemptuous.

But Lu Fei and the other three didn't have any objections.

These three people are all experts and know that this is the standard of the folk Dragon King Temple.

Not only the Dragon King Temple, but also folk mountain temples and earth temples are almost all like this.

In the past, ten villages usually worshiped one Dragon King Temple or Earth Temple.

It is simply unrealistic for every temple to be a large temple with golden tiles and glazed roofs with bird-scare bells.

It cannot be built either.

As the saying goes, sincerity leads to spiritual success.

As long as the heart is sincere, a shrine and a spiritual tablet are enough.

There is no need to engage in formalism.

"Boss Lu, look, this is the Dragon King Temple in our village."

"Five villages near us have a Dragon King temple, and it's very effective."

"We come here to offer incense on the first and fifteenth day of every month, and the red door curtain is also changed once a month."

"Otherwise, the color would have changed long ago." Mao Jiang said.

"Uncle Mao, can I open the curtain and see what it looks like inside?" Lu Fei asked.



"Uncle, don't worry, we are just taking a look and will never cause any damage."

"Okay then!"

Mao Jiang bowed to the shrine and muttered something.

After mumbling for a while, he slowly opened the red door curtain.

Lu Fei and the three of them looked over at the same time. There was a pocket version of the stone altar table inside.

There is a white porcelain incense burner placed under the altar table.

There is a red lacquer spirit tablet placed on the altar table.

The position of the spiritual tablet is slightly to the right, and it is placed sideways.

In this way, the back is facing northwest, but the facing is southeast.

The north is the ridge, and the west is the Rengui River. It faces Jiayimu in the east, which is the best direction.

Most people would not place it so coincidentally, it must be done deliberately by an expert.

Behind the spiritual tablet is a clay statue of Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

The clay statues are full of mottled spots, but they are very well preserved.

Lu Fei carefully scanned it inside and out several times, but found nothing suspicious.

"Boss Lu, are you optimistic?"

"If it's okay, I'll put the curtain down!" Mao Jiang asked.


"Thank you, uncle."

Mao Jiang opened the curtain and Lu Fei looked around.

The Dragon King Temple is located in the poplar forest.

The poplar forest is about fifteen meters wide, with thick trunks and at least several decades old.

The location of the woods is slightly higher and also plays the role of protecting the dam.

The terrain outside the woods is low, and they are all wheat fields in Maojian Village. There are also no obvious coordinates.

"Boss Lu, it's getting late, let's go back!"

"You guys have a good rest tonight and come over tomorrow to have a good day of fun." Mao Jiang said.

Lu Fei nodded, took out two hundred dollars and handed it to Mao Jiang.

"Boss Lu, you

What is this for? "

"I asked you to accompany us all the time, so I can't let you go in vain."

"It would be disrespectful for you to keep this small amount of hard work to buy cigarettes."

Mao Jiang was much better than Sun Guixiang before. He pushed and shoved Lu Fei repeatedly until his face turned red.

Lu Fei insisted again and again, and Mao Jiang had no choice but to accept it.

"Then I'd like to thank Boss Lu."

"However, I can't ask for your money in vain."

"In this way, I will provide you with the fishing gear for fishing tomorrow for free."

"Thank you, Uncle Mao."

Back at the B\u0026B, the 800-yuan table reservation was ready.

There are sixteen dishes on a large table, and the combination of chicken, duck, fish, meat and vegetables looks quite good.

The best wine in the B\u0026B is only two hundred bottles, and they are all low-alcohol and light-flavored.

The heavy-flavored Lu Fei couldn't get used to this kind of wine, so he asked Xiao Ma to go to the car and bring down a box of Feitian Moutai.

Driving a multi-million dollar Bentley cross-country, staying in the best room, ordering the most expensive meals, and drinking Moutai.

Such a strong style is unprecedented in Maojia Village.

The waiter in the B\u0026B had blue eyes with envy, looking at Lu Fei and the three of them, they all seemed to be competing with Zhao Gongming.

Lu Fei invited Mao Jiang over, and the four of them sat down and drank and chatted.

Invited by the three gods of wealth, Mao Jiang was flattered by smoking a pack of more than 100 cigarettes and drinking a bottle of Maotai worth a thousand yuan.

Because he was too excited, the old man became drunk after a glass of wine, so he had to ask the waiter to help him back.

After finding the Dragon King Temple, the three brothers were in a good mood. After drinking for more than two hours, it was over.

After taking a shower, the three of them met in Lu Fei's room.

"Brother, is it here?" Gao Yuan asked.

"The Dragon King Temple is right, it's at least five hundred years old."

"This is Maojia Village, and next to it is Sun Dianying's hometown."

"I think this is not a coincidence!"

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