A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1916 Sincerity leads to spiritual success

Find the Dragon King Temple in Maojia Village, adjacent to Sun Dianying’s hometown, Sunjiadian.

Such a coincidence should not be a coincidence.

Lu Fei was certain that this was 90% where Li Changshan buried his treasure.

Lu Fei has carefully observed the Dragon King Temple and it seems that it has not been renovated.

That said, the treasure may well have yet to be discovered.

However, Lu Fei became worried about the terrain here.

The Dragon King Temple is located in a poplar forest.

Although this poplar forest is thick and thick, it is only thirty or forty years old at most, which is far from the age when the treasure was buried.

In other words, these poplar trees were planted later.

After decades of growth, the root system of the poplar tree has penetrated deep into the ground and formed a network.

If the treasure is under a poplar forest, it will inevitably be severely damaged by the roots of the poplar trees.

Even if it is not destroyed, it will cause considerable difficulties in excavation.

Therefore, at this moment, Lu Fei could only pray in his heart that the place where the treasure should be buried should not be under the poplar forest.

The three brothers discussed it and decided to start searching tomorrow night.

In order to solve the problem quickly, Lu Fei immediately called back to Jincheng and transferred the Qin family's father and son and Zuo Xuesong to help.

After manpower arrangements were made, the three of them continued to discuss the details.

"Brother Fei, there are quite a few people fishing in the reservoir."

"If there is someone fishing at night, we won't be able to take action!" Xiao Ma said.

Lu Fei waved his hands and said.

"Baoding is located in northern China, and the water temperature is still very low in spring."

"With this kind of water temperature, it's okay during the day, but at night, carp, grass carp and silver carp basically don't open their mouths."

"I guess there should be no night fishing at night."

"To be on the safe side, Pony, you can go for a spin in a while."

"Check the situation of the reservoir and see if there is any monitoring."

"By the way, I want to know whose family owns the wheat fields near the Dragon King Temple and whether they have the habit of night patrol."

"Okay Brother Fei, I'll do it right away."

Two hours later, Ma Tengyun came back to report.

Everything was pretty much what Lu Fei expected.

It is very quiet near the reservoir, with no night fishing and no monitoring.

The surveillance of several nearby farmhouses and B\u0026Bs does not reach there.

In addition, Xiao Ma also learned that the owner of that wheat field was named Mao Haifeng.

This person was addicted to gambling and would play mahjong after dark. He had no habit of doing night patrols at all.

Lu Fei was very excited when he heard this, God help me!

After a night of silence, after breakfast the next day, Lu Fei and the other three borrowed fishing gear from Mao Jiang and headed to the reservoir.

Yesterday, he received a tip of 200 from Lu Fei and drank his Maotai liquor. Mao Jiang was extremely enthusiastic.

Drinks, beer and some cooked food were prepared for Lu Fei and the other three, all given by the old man for free.

Arriving at the reservoir, Lu Fei and the other three walked along the shore looking for fishing spots, and finally chose the fishing spot behind the Dragon King Temple.

I put on my sun umbrella and made a nest to start fishing, but I was rejected by two fishing friends who were passing by.

"Brother, why don't you make melon and eggs?"

"This place is bad!" said the slightly fat young man.

Lu Fei smiled slightly.

"Brother, are you from Tiandu?"


"Okay, buddy, are you from Tiandu too?"

"Yes, from Chaoyang."

"I'm from Xuanwu, my fellow countryman, let's have a cigarette!"

When he heard that he was a fellow countryman, the fat young man became extremely enthusiastic and took the initiative to offer cigarettes to Lu Fei and the others.


"You are welcome."

"My name is Bai Dazhi, buddy, you rarely fish, right?"

Lu Fei nodded.

"Indeed, I don't have much time."

"It's no wonder."

“I’m not telling you, buddy, there’s something wrong with the fishing spot you chose.”

“When fishing in wild reservoirs, you must either find the inlet or go

The fishing spot in the front position. "

"You have a straight road here, and the water level is relatively shallow, so it is difficult to catch big fish." Bai Dazhi said.

Lu Fei chuckled.

"Thanks for the advice, buddy, but I'm a bit superstitious."

Lu Fei pointed to the Dragon King Temple behind and said.

"This is the Dragon King Temple, and I want to get some dragon energy here."

"It doesn't matter if you can catch it or not."

"I go!"

"Brother, do you even believe this?" Bai Dazhi asked exaggeratedly.

"Hehe, sincerity leads to success."

"All right!"

"Then just wish yourself well!"

"My fishing spot is over there. Come and ask for anything you need!"

"Thank you."

After chatting for a few words, Bai Dazhi said goodbye and left.

But after taking a few steps, the guy stopped again.

"Hey, buddy, I think you look familiar?"


Lu Fei smiled.

"We're not too far away, maybe we've seen each other before."

Bai Dazhi shook his head.

"No, you look very familiar to me, but when it comes to my mouth, I can't put it into words."

"Oh, I remember, are you Lu Fei, the boss of Ascendas Group and the great collector?" Bai Dazhi shouted excitedly.

As he shouted, his companions also shouted.

"Yes, it looks similar to me."

"You're not really Boss Lu, are you?"

Lu Fei laughed when he heard this.

"Xiao Ma, what do you think? Everywhere I go, people say I look like Lu Fei."

"If I have a chance to meet Lu Fei, I have to get him to do DNA testing to see if he is my long-lost twin brother."

When Lu Fei said this, Bai Dazhi and Bai Dazhi were stunned.


"Aren't you Mr. Lu?"

"of course not."

"Lu Fei is from Jincheng and I am from Tiandu. Where are we from?"

"Besides, Lu Fei is a very busy man and earns millions every minute. How can he have time to come here to fish?"


When Lu Fei said this, Bai Dazhi suddenly realized.


"Lu Fei is so busy that he has no time to travel."

"But, buddy, you look so much like Lu Fei."


"You are not the only one who said this." Lu Fei said with a smile.

"Brother, you have a unique advantage!"

"If I were you, I would specifically practice Lu Fei's behavior and living habits."

"Then go out and show off under the guise of Lu Fei, then you will be prosperous."

"I'll go, I won't do such an immoral thing." Lu Fei said.

"How can this be called immoral?"

"It's a waste of resources if you don't do this."

"Come on, I won't talk nonsense to you, I'm going fishing."

"By the way, if the Dragon King's blessing doesn't work, you can come and find me."

"Brother, let me find a good fishing spot for you!"


With that said, Bai Dazhi and his friends turned and left.

Talking to myself as I walk.

“The world is full of wonders!”

"This guy looks so much like Lu Fei."

“If we don’t take advantage of such an advantage, it would be a waste of resources!”

This guy couldn't help but feel sorry for him, he really thought Lu Fei was a fake.

If he knew that the person he was chatting with just now was Lu Fei, he would definitely go crazy.

Bai Dazhi was right, the Dragon Prince really didn't protect Lu Fei.

Throughout the morning, Lu Fei's three fishing rods were as motionless as the sea-fixing needles.

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