A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1929 Perfect Repair

The potion in the bowl was extremely close to the color of the coral tree, and Lu Fei continued to add powder.

Stop when the color becomes heavier.

"Pony, pull the string board."

"Tianhao, there is a hair dryer in the bathroom on the second floor. Bring it to me."


The two ponies agreed and immediately followed suit.

Lu Fei picked up a small bowl filled with potion and came to the coral tree. He dipped his brush in the potion and smeared it on the gaps between the thirteen joints.

After applying one layer, move on to the next layer.

After applying six layers in a row, two millimeters of liquid mucus piled up in the gaps, Lu Fei stopped. .??.

At this time, the wire board was also pulled in front of Lu Fei, and the hair dryer was also brought over.

Lu Fei stared at the color change of the potion in the gap.

As the potion dries, the color becomes heavier and heavier.

When it was 70% dry, Lu Fei picked up the hair dryer and started blowing it evenly.

An hour later, the potion on the thirteen gaps had completely dried up. The dark red potion before was now close to black.

Lu Fei put down the hair dryer, took out a small bowl and poured some white wine into it, then dipped a brush in the white wine and applied it on the dried potion.

Liquor gradually becomes damp and moist, and its color gradually changes.

It slowly turned from black to deep red, and finally, it matched the color of the coral tree infinitely.

At this time, Lu Fei put down everything in his hands.

He took out a pack of wet wipes and began to wipe them carefully.

A few minutes later, all the potion on a gap was wiped clean. Everyone looked at it and collectively opened their mouths.

Everyone's eyes were widened, their tongues were hanging out, and they all doubted life.

Because the previous gap miraculously disappeared.

The spliced ​​limbs are perfectly integrated with the previous coral tree, and there is no trace of splicing or adhesion.

Zuo Xuesong pinched Xie Chuncheng's thigh hard, and the latter screamed in pain.

"Oh shit!"

"Why the hell are you pinching me?"

Zuo Xuesong's eyes were dull and showed no sign of apology.

"Brother, do you feel pain?"


"It's fucking green. Do you think it hurts?"

"Zuo Xuesong, you are going to die!"

"Why are you pinching me?"

Zuo Xuesong nodded and said softly.

"It hurts, which means it's not a dream."

"But this is too incredible!"

Xie Chuncheng finally came to his senses and stared at Zuo Xuesong with tears in his eyes.

"Did you fucking experiment on me just now?"



"To your sister!"

"Zuo Xuesong, I will kill you!"

The two young brothers were chasing and fighting, and no one else cared about them.

Everyone was shocked by Lu Fei's amazing repair techniques, and their bodies were completely damaged.

No matter how shocked everyone was, Lu Fei turned on his flashlight and took a closer look at the gap, and nodded with satisfaction.

Then pick up the wet paper towel and continue wiping other gaps.

After a while, all the potions on the thirteen gaps were wiped clean.

Looking at this coral tree again, it is perfect.

The height and width are generally the same as the recorded dimensions.

The whole body of the coral tree is covered with strings of small cherry trees.

Green stems, green leaves, and red fruits are all delicate and bright.

In addition, there is a pair of spotted kingfishers inlaid with pearls and jade standing on a cherry tree, which are vivid and beautiful.


Lu Fei sighed from the bottom of his heart, and the others woke up from the shock.


"It's perfect!"

"Xiao Fei, your repair techniques have reached the pinnacle of perfection."

"No matter how you look at it, you can't see any flaws at all.

Damn, it’s incredible! Gao Yuan exclaimed.

Lu Fei waved his hand.

"Brother Yuan, you think too highly of me."

"It's just a filling repair method, it's not particularly difficult."

"You look flawless, but the broken are the broken."

"If top experts study it carefully, they can still find faults."

"No way?"

Gao Yuan took a closer look and still couldn't see any flaws.

"Brother, don't belittle yourself."

"Although your brother and I are not as good as you, I still have some eyesight."

"I clearly remember the appearance and direction of the gaps, but now I can't find any flaws."

"It's even less likely for others."

Lu Fei smiled, picked up a chopstick and tapped on the intact branch.

Then he knocked a few more times on the repaired branches.

"Do you hear the difference?" Lu Fei asked.

Gao Yuan and others shook their heads at the same time.

"Can't hear it."


"If you can't hear it, just forget it!"

They couldn't hear it, but Lu Fei could tell it.

Corals are living structures formed by coral polyps.

No matter how perfect the repair is, it still cannot reach the level of pure naturalness.

This is inevitable, so there must be a difference.

It's just that most people can't feel this subtle difference.

But think about it, so many people can't feel it, and other people must not be able to hear it.

Besides, the coral tree is an ornament, not a musical instrument, and it is impossible to knock it to hear the sound.

Even if you don’t tell me or everyone else, this is a perfect work.

The coral tree restoration was completed and it was 3:30 in the morning.

Appreciating the most perfect and valuable coral tree in the world, Lu Fei was filled with a sense of accomplishment.

After admiring it for a while, Lu Fei started to worry about the packaging again.

\u003e Li Yunhe obviously has nothing suitable for packing in this house. It seems he can only wait until dawn to ask Song Jinfeng for help.

Pull out high-density foam and carefully protect the coral tree.

Then, Lu Fei helped everyone pick out the large and small pearls and gems on the golden brocade quilt and phoenix robe.

There are more than 20,000 beads, large and small, which is quite a tedious and boring job.

I kept picking until daybreak and then it was considered complete.

After pouring all the beads into the cleaning machine, my eyes were a little dazzled.

However, Lu Fei was still worried.

Find a big basin, put the rotten brocade quilt and pieces of cloth in it, add water, rinse and filter.

Seeing Lu Fei struggling like this, the boys all rolled their eyes.

"Brother Fei, we have selected very carefully."

"As for the trouble?" Tianhao said.

Lu Fei glared at this guy and said.

"I have prayed thirty-six times, and I am still trembling."

"I want to make sure nothing is missing, not even a single bead."

"Brother Fei, you don't believe us!"

"We spent the whole night selecting it, and we were careful the whole time, and we didn't miss even a millimeter."

"I guarantee that nothing will slip through the net."

Qin Tianhao promised, and Zuo Xuesong and Xie Chuncheng also followed suit.

"Tianhao is right, there is absolutely no chance of anything slipping through the net."

"If there are any omissions, we are willing to be punished."

Lu Fei raised his head and smiled.

"What kind of penalty?"

"Brother Fei, if you find something missing, the three of us can each do a hundred push-ups."

"If you miss one, we'll make a hundred."

"If you miss ten, we'll make a thousand."

"But, what if there are no omissions?" Tianhao shouted.

"It would be best if nothing was left out."

"If it is true, I will reward you with ten pieces of jewelry each."

"Okay, it's settled."

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