A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1930 Buying Timber

Fighting with the sky is endless fun, fighting with others is endless fun, and betting with one's own brothers is even more fun.

It was finalized and others showed interest.

Lu Fei washed the rags in the basin a dozen times until the water became completely clear, and then he started filtering.

As the rags were cleared away, three rice beads and a cat's eye gem suddenly appeared on the bottom of the water.

Looking at these four beads, Zuo Xuesong and the others suddenly felt something bad.

"Holy crap, is there really one?"

"That's impossible. I've obviously chosen carefully. How come something still slipped through the net?"

"Chuncheng, you must be dazzled and not picky. It's all your responsibility."

"Fart, I think it's your fault."

For a moment, Zuo Xuesong and the other three were having a dog-eat-dog quarrel, while the others were gloating and smirking.

Lu Fei picked out the beads and threw them into the cleaning machine and smiled.

"Okay, you three, stop arguing."

"No matter whose mistake it is, you will all be punished."

"Stop inking and do push-ups quickly."

"Five hundred each."



"Five hundred?"

"It's obviously four beads, why do you want to make five hundred?"

"Brother Fei, are you being too bullying?" Qin Tianhao said unconvinced.


"You are not convinced?"

"Not convinced!"

"There should be four hundred, why add an extra hundred?"

Lu Fei lit the cigarette and smiled.

"Don't be dissatisfied."

"I can be forgiven for missing three rice beads, but if I throw away such a big cat's eye, that would be a serious mistake."

"Four hundred is our bet standard, and the other hundred is the punishment for your negligence."

"Stop talking nonsense and do it for me quickly."

"No one can eat until they finish."


Now the three of them lost their temper and had no choice but to lie down face to face and began to do push-ups.

Seeing that it was already six o'clock in the morning, Lu Fei asked Xiao Ma to count them, and then he asked Gao Yuan to get in the car and leave to find Song Jinfeng.

After leaving the community, Lu Fei called Song Jinfeng to meet at the construction site.

"Brother, why do you want to see me so early?" Song Jinfeng asked.

"It's no big deal. Help me find some wood. I'm going to pack a few packing boxes."

"That's it?"

"Yes, that's all." Lu Fei said.


"You can just talk about this little thing on the phone. Why do you have to go all the way?"

Lu Fei handed Song Jinfeng a pipe.

"I asked for a different size and I plan to choose it myself."


"Come with me!"

Song Jinfeng led Lu and Fei into the construction site, talking as they walked.

"Brother, Mr. Di's wedding will be in four days. You, my dear brother, still don't want to leave?"

"There's something else going on here. I'll be there in two days." Lu Fei said.

"Brother, I also plan to go there in half a day."

"Call me when you leave. If I don't leave, I'll catch your plane and go with you."

"no problem!"

"Then just make an appointment. Just wait for me."

"It's done!"

Song Jinfeng took the two of them to the carpentry area and pointed to the mountains of wooden planks and wooden squares.

"You can pick any of these pieces of wood, whatever size you want, and I'll have someone cut it for you."

Lu Fei looked at it and shook his head in disappointment.

The wood materials used at the construction site are mainly boxes and concrete. The timber is good, but they are all the most common poplar wood.

It's not that the packaging box cannot be used, but it is seriously inconsistent with the quality of those treasures, and Lu Fei is not very satisfied.

"Brother, these materials can't be used?" Song Jinfeng asked.

Lu Fei Diandian


"It's all poplar wood. Is there any better material?"

"It doesn't have to be too good. Camphor wood, Paulownia wood, and cypress wood can all be used."

Hearing Lu Fei's request, Song Jinfeng laughed.

"Brother, are you kidding me?"

"If I use the wood you mentioned, I'll have to lose my underwear, brother."

"Those are all high-quality wood, we have no use at all."

"But don't worry, brother has a way, come with me."

Calling Lu Fei Gaoyuan to get into the car, Song Jinfeng drove directly out of the city himself.

Half an hour later, we arrived at the Hongfa Furniture Factory on the outskirts of the city.

Lu Fei's eyes lit up when he saw the furniture factory's brand.


Why didn't I think that there must be good ingredients here?

The boss of the furniture factory had cooperated with Song Jinfeng before, and he treated the No. 1 real estate tycoon in Bianliang like a guest and was extremely polite.

Good smoke, good water and good service, but it's a pity that Lu Fei has no intention of enjoying it.

He winked at Song Jinfeng, who immediately understood.

"Boss Zhang, I came here today to find some good wood to make a few boxes."

"If you have any good stuff here, just bring it out."

"Price is not an issue."

Song Jinfeng is a wealthy man, so Boss Zhang will certainly not miss the opportunity to make a fortune and make friends with big bosses.

I personally took everyone to the semi-finished product warehouse and let everyone choose by themselves.

Entering the warehouse, the natural fragrance of various woods made Lu Fei very friendly.

As you look around, you can see cypress, redwood, red branch, ironwood and other high-quality woods.

Lu Fei looked at the dozen or so cubes of ironwood in the innermost part and nodded with satisfaction.

Just when he was about to decide, he suddenly felt a familiar smell.


"Small-leaf rosewood."

"Boss Zhang, do you still have red sandalwood material?"

When Lu Fei mentioned the small leaf red sandalwood, Boss Zhang was slightly startled and quickly waved his hand.


"No, no."

"Boss, you have guessed wrong. This is a small workshop. How can I have red sandalwood material?"

"You really know how to joke."


Boss Zhang's expression was awkward, and anyone with a discerning eye would know something was wrong.

Lu Fei said nothing and suddenly jumped onto the iron pile of wood.

Boss Zhang was shocked when he saw Lu Fei acting like this.

"Boss, please come down quickly, it's not safe up there."

"All my ingredients are here, there are none inside!"

Unfortunately, no matter how much he shouted, Lu Fei ignored him at all.

Jumping quickly on the six or seven-meter-high material, I came to the middle position and looked inside, and suddenly laughed.

"Boss Zhang, do you really have no red sandalwood material?"

"Ah no, no."

"This pile is all iron pear wood imported from Indonesia." Boss Zhang said nervously.

Lu Fei smiled meaningfully.

"Is this all ironwood?"

"That's right."

"Oh well!"

"I'll just pick out a few pieces of material from the Tielimu pile."

Lu Fei said, and suddenly jumped down from the five or six meter high log.

Not this way, but jump into the wood.

Song Jinfeng Gao Yuan was worried to death and was about to go over to see what happened.

The next second, a dark and shiny piece of wood was thrown up from behind.

Immediately afterwards, wooden cubes, wooden beams, and round logs flew up one by one.

Each root is purple-red, shiny and moist. If you look up from a distance, you will see that it is small-leaf red sandalwood, and they are all old materials.

Some are window frames, some are rafters, and some are door frames. They are obviously demolition materials.

Seeing these materials flying up, Boss Zhang suddenly felt bad.

"Boss Song, tell your friend not to throw it away again."

"These materials are all from my collection and I won't sell them."

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