A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1931: Forcing others to make things difficult

Seeing the red sandalwood logs being thrown up by Lu Fei, Boss Zhang's expression changed drastically.

"Boss Song, tell your people, this is my personal collection and I won't sell it." Boss Zhang said with a grimace.

Song Jinfeng smiled nonchalantly.

"Old Zhang, you are not kind!"

"This is obviously rosewood, why do you say it's not there?"

"Do you look down on me, Song Jinfeng?"


"Boss Song, don't get me wrong. I told you that this is my personal collection and it's just put there temporarily."

"That's not for sale, not just you, I won't sell it to anyone else," Boss Zhang said.

"Old Zhang, what you said is wrong!"

"Forget about collecting antiques and antiques. What's so good about collecting wood?"

"You run a furniture factory. Isn't this just for making money?"

"Are you still worried that I, Song Jinfeng, can't afford the money?"

"Mr. Song, I, I didn't mean that, I"

"Okay, that's not what I meant."

"Let my brother choose first, and I will give you a satisfactory price later."


Boss Zhang still wanted to explain, but Lu Fei's shout came from behind Tielimudui.

"Brother Yuan, come here and help!"


Gao Yuan agreed and went around to meet Lu Fei behind the pile of wood.

After a while, the two brothers came out carrying a red sandalwood rafter with a diameter of more than 25 centimeters.

This rafter was three and a half meters long. Song Jinfeng was shocked when he saw it.

"What the hell!"

"How many years will it take for such a big red sandalwood rafter to grow!"

"Good stuff, really good stuff!"

Song Jinfeng was excited, but Boss Zhang almost cried.

He kept shaking his hands and stamping his feet as if he had been electrocuted, and he was already sweating profusely.

He really didn't want to be discovered by anyone, let alone take action.

But the person in front of me is Bian

Liang real estate tycoon Song Jinfeng, he never dared to offend him, he could only be anxious.

However, this is not the end.

Putting down this rafter, Lu Fei Gaoyuan returned the same way.

Immediately afterwards, the rafters were carried out one by one.

There are a total of eleven rafters at the front and back, all three and a half meters long and more than twenty-five centimeters in diameter.

Finally, Lu Fei and the two struggled to bring out a red sandalwood beam with a diameter of more than 35 centimeters and a length of more than five meters.

Looking at Boss Zhang again, his eyes rolled up and he was breathing rapidly and almost went into shock.

Song Jinfeng didn't pay attention to Boss Zhang at all. He rushed to the pile of red sandalwood and took a look, and his mouth opened wide in shock.


"This, is this all red sandalwood?"

Lu Fei lit a cigarette, wiped the sweat from his forehead and smiled.

"That's right!"

"It's all made of old rosewood material."

Pointing to the last beam that was carried out, Lu Fei smiled brightly.

"This beam is the most awesome. It has not reached this level in two thousand years."

"Brother Song, look, the cross-section of this material is glued. This is a big treasure!"

After reading this, Song Jinfeng nodded frequently.

At this time, Boss Zhang finally calmed down and trotted to the wood.

Regardless of the boss's dignity, he directly rode on the red sandalwood beam and said with a sad face.

"Boss Song, your people are too rude!"

"How can you touch my collection without my permission?"

Song Jinfeng said with a smile.

"Old Zhang, what do you mean?"

"We are here to buy wood sincerely. Our relationship is so good, you should come up with the good stuff as soon as possible."

"Isn't it interesting to hide and tuck in with me?"

"Boss Song, I'm not

Intention to conceal. "

"Let me tell you clearly, this is my collection and I will not sell it."

"Please don't force others to make things difficult." Boss Zhang said displeasedly.

Before Song Jinfeng could speak, Lu Fei spoke.

"Boss Zhang, right?"

"I like these materials, please give me a price!"

"Not for sale!"

Zhang Chunlin tilted his neck and said angrily with a deadly look.

"Boss Zhang, I am sincerely discussing business with you."

"Please make an offer!"

"If you don't want to sell it, you won't sell it!"

"You are so rude, I hate you."

"Even if I want to sell it, I will never sell it to you."

"If it weren't for Mr. Song's sake, I would have had you kicked out a long time ago."

"Now please leave my warehouse."

Lu Fei squatted in front of Zhang Chunlin and laughed.

"Boss Zhang, what if I have to buy it?"

Lu Fei's words hit Zhang Chunlin's bottom line.

When Lu Fei said this, he was not only forcing others to do something difficult, it was simply forcing him.

Although Zhang Chunlin is afraid of Song Jinfeng, he is still a decent boss.

Even a man can't bear to be threatened by others in his own territory.

If this spread, he would be laughed out of his wits.

Then I am still a Jie Baomao in Bianliang!

Therefore, after hearing what Lu Fei said, Zhang Chunlin's face suddenly fell.

Standing up and giving Lu Fei a hard look, Zhang Chunlin drank.

"My friend, for the sake of Boss Song, I didn't care about you."

"But there are limits to my patience."

"If you continue to make trouble unreasonably, don't blame me for turning against you."


After hearing what Zhang Chunlin said, Song Jinfeng was the first to quit.

Just when I was about to come over for a theory, I

Lu Fei waved his hand and refused.

Lu Fei took a deep breath of cigarette and said with a smile.

"Boss Zhang, I want to make trouble right now. What are you going to do?"



"If you push me again, I will call the police."

"Call the police?"


Lu Fei sneered twice and suddenly changed his expression.

His deep eyes instantly locked onto Zhang Chunsheng's and shouted sharply.

"Boss Zhang, do you dare?"

Looking at Lu Fei's eyes, Zhang Chunlin shivered, and goosebumps suddenly appeared all over his body.

The momentum he had finally built up was gone in less than a second, and cold sweat broke out again.

However, as a boss, even if you are at the end of your strength, you cannot just surrender.

Gritting his teeth, Zhang Chunlin said.

"Why don't I dare?"

"Do you still want to kill people and silence them?"

"Young man, we are in a harmonious society now. I am not afraid of you."


"Of course you don't have to be afraid of me. I'm a legal citizen and I won't do anything illegal."

"However, I can be sure that you will never dare to call the police." Lu Fei said with a smile.

"W-what do you mean?"

"What do I mean, don't you know, Boss Zhang?"

"You know best where you got these materials."

"You may have cleaned the surface, but you can't hide it from my eyes."

"I visually estimate that these materials are worth at least fifty million."

"Do you understand what it would be like to trade fifty million stolen goods privately?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't know. I'll give you time and you can search online."


After Lu Fei finished speaking, Zhang Chunlin collapsed to the ground.

His eyes were dull, his face was bloodless, and his whole person looked bad.

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