A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1934 Give you a good fortune

Of course Lu Fei understood what Gao Yuan meant.

These old red sandalwood materials are not affordable for ordinary people. On the contrary, it is definitely extraordinary for a house to be built with these materials.

Maybe there are other good things in there.

However, Lu Fei thought about it and finally chose to give up.

Lu Fei has seen that these materials should have been buried underground for about sixty or seventy years.

Judging from the remaining mud patches in the gaps, it must have been buried by mudslides.

Going back sixty or seventy years, those who could afford the old red sandalwood material were either rich people, government officials, or ancestral houses.

No matter which one it is, since it has suffered a natural disaster like a mudslide, even if there are good things in the house, it will be almost destroyed.

Even if the original address is found, it doesn't mean much.

Lu Fei was already satisfied to get so many old red sandalwood materials that were rare in a hundred years.

There is another reason. In four days, the little milk dog will get married.

Due to his relationship with the Di family, he must go to watch the ceremony.

Otherwise, that guy will have to blame himself for the rest of his life.

In four days, it was indeed a bit too hasty to find a way to find the original location and to eliminate various unstable factors to dig for treasure.

If you can't find anything decent, it will be even more useless.

Therefore, Lu Fei didn't bother to do such uncertain things.

After telling Gao Yuan his point of view, the latter nodded and chose to give up.

"Brother, since you don't want to interfere, why don't you just pretend that nothing happened?"

"Why do you still need to report it in your name?" Gao Yuan asked.

"Brother Yuan, this matter must be reported."

"That bearded man is not alone. If things happen from their side, we will be passive."

"Instead of worrying about God's face, it's better to take the initiative in your own hands."

"But if they find out and the material is in our hands, then you"

Lu Fei chuckled.

"Don't worry, I have a solution."

Lu Fei said, dialing Fu Yuliang's phone number


"Tatters fly!"

"Why did you remember to call me?" Fu Yuliang asked excitedly.

"I'm in Bianliang." Lu Fei responded calmly.


"Are you in Bianliang?"

Hearing the news that Lu Fei was in Bianliang, Fu Yuliang's scalp suddenly felt numb.

"Um, you, you kid, you don't have anything to ask me for, do you?"

"Depend on!"

"You're so scared. What can I ask you for?"

"With my current abilities, do you think you can help with things that I can't do?" Lu Fei said with a smile.

Fu Yuhao on the other side of the phone felt embarrassed for a while.

If you think about it carefully, that's really what happened.

Baolanfei is now a famous person.

Not to mention ordinary people, they also have a certain say in front of senior leaders.

It's not a very difficult matter. It's really not a problem in front of him.

On the contrary, when he encounters a big problem that he cannot solve by himself, he, a provincial doctor, can only act as a cheerleader to cheer him up.

If you want to help, I'm afraid you are too weak to help.

Knowing that Lu Fei was not asking for help, Fu Yu's conscience suddenly felt happy.

"Then what do you want from me?"

"Is it possible that you want to invite me to drink?"


"you are right."

"I'll give you three hours to get to Bianliang, and I'll treat you to a drink." Lu Fei said.


"Are you sick? I traveled so far just to have a drink with you. I'm not so worthless."


"why are you laughing?"

"What's going on?" Fu Yuliang asked.

Lu Fei hey hey


"Old Futou, do you think I will ask you to come over for a drink when I have nothing to do?"


"What do you mean?"

"Is there something good going on?"


"Get to Bianliang within three hours, buddy, I'll give you a blessing."

"If you're one minute late, you'll be here in vain." Lu Fei said.


"Believe it or not, the timer starts."

"I believe!"

"Wait for me, kid. I'll be there right away."

Fu Yuliang was extremely excited.

The good fortune that Broken Fei mentioned was definitely not an ordinary benefit.

After hanging up the phone, Fu Yuliang shouted while getting dressed.

"Prepare a car and take me to Bianliang City."

On the other side, Lu Fei hung up the phone and Zhang Chunlin walked in.

"Mr. Lu, I have already arranged the task."

"As you requested, it must be completed before six o'clock this afternoon."

"Don't worry!"

Lu Fei nodded.

"Then I'd like to thank Brother Zhang."

Lu Fei called Brother Zhang, and Zhang Chunlin was stunned.

"Mr. Lu, what did you call me?"

"Brother Zhang!"

"What's wrong?"


Lu Fei repeated it again. Zhang Chunlin's eyes were moist and he was so moved that he almost cried.

Zhang Chunlin knew very well how powerful Lu Fei was.

He also knew that Wan Jiakai and Song Jinfeng's wealth and connections immediately doubled because they made friends with Lu Fei.

Now, not only in Bianliang City, but also in the entire Zhongzhou Province, these two are also super bosses in the real estate industry.

Not only Song Jinfeng and Wan Jiakai, but all friends who were close to Lu Fei all benefited.

Whether it is status or

Wealth has made a qualitative leap.

This is what is called a person achieving enlightenment, a chicken or a dog ascending to heaven.

However, this is not just Lu Fei's success.

There are too many capable super bosses around Lu Fei.

For example, the Li family in Bianliang, the Chen family in Tiandu, the Wang family in Demon City, the Feng family in Yangcheng, the Di family in Malaysia, etc.

When these big guys are twisted together, they become an unimaginably huge force.

Therefore, countless people in the business world tried their best to establish a relationship with Lu Fei, but unfortunately they didn't catch the cold at all.

Now that Lu Fei calls him a brother, how can Zhang Chunlin not be excited.

Excited as he was, Zhang Chunlin still had some self-awareness.

"Mr. Lu, how dare I call you a brother?"


Zhang Chunlin was interrupted by Lu Fei before he finished speaking.

"Brother Zhang, what are you talking about!"

"I, Lu Fei, am just a businessman, nothing special."

"Brother Song is my friend, and you are Brother Song's friend."

"From now on, you will be my friend, Lu Fei."

"Let's leave our contact information. No matter how big or small we are in the future, we will communicate with each other and never see each other!"

"Don't call me Mr. Lu, just like Brother Song, just call me Xiaofei."

What Lu Fei said was not against his will.

He could see that Zhang Chunlin's character was quite good.

As for those red sandalwood aniseed materials, they are just caused by greed and cannot explain anything.

Greed is something everyone has.

I am no exception.

Putting this layer aside, Zhang Chunlin cannot find fault with his conduct.

Since he has a good relationship with Song Jinfeng, Lu Fei is certainly willing to make such a friend.

When Lu Fei said this, Zhang Chunlin couldn't control it anymore, and tears of excitement flowed down his cheeks.

"Thank you, Mr. Lu, for looking up to me."

"Hey, just call me Xiaofei."

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