A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1935 Better

Lu Fei took the initiative to befriend him, and Zhang Chunlin was flattered.

"Mr. Lu, no, Xiaofei."

"Since you think highly of me, I, Zhang Chunlin, will definitely be honest with you from now on."

"If it's useful to get my place, just talk."

"As long as I can do it, I will never refuse."

Lu Fei smiled: "Then I'd like to thank Brother Zhang."

After chatting for a while, Zhang Chunlin frowned again.

"Xiao Fei, you have to bring this matter to the forefront."

"If the authorities investigate, they will definitely find me."

"How will I explain to them then?"

Lu Fei patted Zhang Chunlin on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"Brother Zhang, don't worry. Not only will you be fine, the superiors will also award you a banner and a bonus!"



"After all, Big Beard and I have had a real deal, right?"


"You don't have to worry anymore."

"You use cash when you trade, and that's your biggest advantage."

"Checks and transfers are recorded, how do they check the cash?"

"Even if you look up the number, you can still have 10,000 explanations."

"As long as you bite me to death and there is no deal, leave the rest to me."

Hearing what Lu Fei said, Zhang Chunlin's confidence greatly increased.


"I listen to you."

"It's almost noon. I want some dishes. Let's have a drink in our cafeteria."


Zhang Chunlin booked a banquet at the hotel and ordered a box of Feitian Moutai.

After the food and wine were delivered, Song Jinfeng also returned.

All the old red sandalwood materials have been sent to Zhang's house, and Xiao Ma and others have properly handled them.

The rest depends on how Lu Fei responds.

Lu Fei was confident, and everyone relaxed completely and started eating and drinking in the cafeteria.

What Lu Fei didn't expect was that Zhang Chunlin's drinking capacity was quite unusual.

Even Gao Yuan is not his opponent.

\u003e However, this kind of drinking capacity is just what Lu Fei wants.

Usually when Lu Fei wants to drink, only the little milk dog can be with him among his friends, and the others are all scum.

For this reason, Lu Fei was worried a lot.

Lu Fei was extremely happy when he met his confidant again today.

While drinking and chatting, it was two o'clock in the afternoon before we knew it.

At this time, Lu Fei's phone rang.

Fu Yuliang informed Lu Fei that he had arrived in Bianliang and wanted Lu Fei's exact location.

Lu Fei sent the location, and twenty minutes later, Fu Yuliang took his secretary to Zhang Chunlin's furniture factory.

Looking at the food and wine on the table, Fu Yuliang's eyes turned green.

"Tatters fly!"

"As soon as you called me, I came all the way. I'm already so hungry that my heart is pressed against my back."

"Do you mind if I sit down and eat?"

Lu Fei gave him a big eye roll.

"Do you mind if I say?"


"I don't care if you mind, I'm starving anyway."

With that said, Lao Futou sat down and started to feast without any ceremony.

Zhang Chunlin couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed when he saw him.

"Xiao Fei, this is"


"Let me introduce you."

"This shameless old man's name is Fu Yuliang."

"He is a great leader of your Zhongzhou Provincial Museum."


Zhang Chunlin almost choked on his drink after hearing this.

He coughed twice, quickly stood up and took the initiative to shake hands with Fu Yuliang.

"Hello, Mr. Fu!"

"Brother Zhang, you don't have to be so polite."

"You are his noble person today."

Lu Fei pulled Zhang Chunlin down, but Fu Yuliang looked confused.


Hey, what do you mean? "

Lu Fei pointed at Zhang Chunlin and said.

"This is my friend and Mr. Zhang Chunlin, the owner of this furniture factory."

"I said on the phone that I would give you a good fortune, and this good fortune was given to you by my brother Zhang."

"As for whether you want it or not, it's up to you!"

Fu Yuliang had been dealing with Lu Fei for a long time, and he immediately felt blessed after hearing about it.

Throwing away the chicken legs and wiping the oil on his hands, he stood up and shook hands with Zhang Chunlin enthusiastically. ??

"Hello Mr. Zhang!"

"Since you and Lu Fei are good friends, then we are our own people."

"If you can find any use in the future, just speak."

Zhang Chunlin is a furniture factory owner with a net worth of just over 10 million.

The leader I knew the most before was the county magistrate directly under the central government.

Now the provincial leader took the initiative to shake hands with him, and Zhang Chunlin was flattered.

He knew that the reason Fu Yuliang thought highly of him was all because of Lu Fei.

So Zhang Chunlin was extremely lucky to be able to make friends with such a noble person as Lu Fei.

With the help of such noble people, he might become an elite boss like Song Jinfeng and Wan Jiakai in the future.

"Hello, Mr. Fu, just call me Xiao Zhang." Zhang Chunlin said modestly.

"That's not okay. We are friends and must respect each other."

"By the way, what exactly is the fortune that boy Lu Fei mentioned?" Fu Yuliang asked.

Of course, Zhang Chunlin couldn't talk nonsense about this matter and had no choice but to look at Lu Fei.

Lu Fei waved his hand and motioned for Fu Yuliang to sit down.

"Lao Fu, why are you so anxious?"

"I'm here, can I still fool you?"

"Good fortune won't run away. You need to fill your belly first."

Fu Yuliang was not polite, nodded and continued eating and drinking.

This old guy is really hungry.

Seeing a man who is almost 60 years old, he has traveled more than 300 kilometers in one breath without even eating lunch.

This is Lu

If it were anyone else, even Guan Laosan wouldn't be able to use Fei's summons.

Lu Fei asked Fu Yuliang's secretary to sit down to eat and drink, filled a glass of wine for Fu Yuliang and said.

"Hey, why did you come here by yourself?"


"You didn't explain clearly what it was, how should I arrange it?"

"I've almost eaten now. Please tell me first what the good thing is." Fu Yuliang said.

"Just wait, I'll show you something."

Lu Fei said and left the canteen, and came back soon carrying a window sash more than half a meter long.

This is the thinnest window sash that Lu Fei deliberately left behind, just to use it as a prop.

"Lao Fu, look what this is?"

Fu Yuliang put down his wine glass and took a quick look.

"Small-leaf rosewood is still the same old material."

"Not bad!"

"I didn't expect that Mr. Zhang's furniture factory also has red sandalwood demolition materials. It's really not easy!"


Lu Fei cleared his throat and said.

"You're so old, why don't you be so irritable?"

"Look carefully and see clearly what he is talking about."

Fu Yuliang was stunned for a moment, then picked up the material and looked at it carefully, then put it in front of his nose and sniffed it, and was suddenly shocked.


"Unearthed materials?"

"It took no more than three days to unearth it, and it should have been buried underground for about sixty years."

"And it looks like it was caused by a mudslide."

"This, this can be considered a cultural relic!"

"Baolanfei, what on earth is going on?"

After Fu Yuliang finished speaking, Zhang Chunlin, Gao Yuan and the others gave the old man a heartfelt thumbs up.

As expected of a provincial boss, his eyesight is poisonous. In such a short time, he talked about all the problems, just like Lu Fei said.

However, Fu Yuliang studied it carefully, but Lu Fei just took a look and saw it.

Therefore, Lu Fei's eyesight is still better!

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