A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1952 Big Deception

The cute girl Jiang Xinyu pestered Lu Fei in every possible way and stuck to Lu Fei like a piece of dog skin plaster, but she just refused to leave.

Seeing that the auspicious time was coming, Lu Fei had to tolerate her staying in order not to affect the consecration ceremony and divination.

"Girl, today's hexagram is very important to me. You can stay, but you must not cause trouble for me."

"Otherwise, I'll be very angry, understand?"

Although Lu Fei promised her to stay, he still needed to warn this girl.

Jiang Xinyu stuck out her tongue playfully and said with a smile. .??.

"Do not worry!"

"I know that divination requires full concentration, and I won't mess with it."

"Besides, you are my idol, not my enemy."

"very good!"

"Just watch from the side. When I'm done, we can go out together."


"It's three quarters past noon. If you ask for ink again, you'll miss the auspicious time."

"Hurry!" Jiang Xinyu said.

Lu Fei was slightly startled.

"Do you still know the auspicious times?"


"Don't look down on people, okay?"

"You must have chosen to do your divination here because you want to take advantage of Sanqing Taoist's magic power."

"At three o'clock at noon, the mana and yang energy are at their strongest, and this is the auspicious time."

"This is all basic knowledge, it's a piece of cake."

"You know, this girl is"

Halfway through, Jiang Xinyu covered her mouth again, which made Lu Fei even more curious.

"Girl, who are you?"

"I won't tell you."

‘If you want to trick me, there’s no way. ’

Jiang Xinyu rolled her eyes, and Lu Fei smiled, not intending to get to the bottom of it.

This girl is right, it is already three quarters to noon, and if you miss it, you will have wasted the best moment.

As for this girl's background, it's really not as important as her own predictions.

Some people would say, isn’t 3:00 noon the time when criminals were beheaded in ancient times?

It should be an unlucky time to take a life, so why did it become an auspicious time?

That's right!

In ancient times, the Ministry of Punishment beheaded human traffickers, which was generally

All at three quarters of noon.

This time was not chosen because three quarters past noon is an unlucky hour.

Ancient people were superstitious.

They believe that if the prisoner's head is in a different place, he will inevitably accumulate countless grievances.

After death, it is very likely that he will turn into a ghost and come back to take revenge.

The description of Li Gui in various black materials shows that he is a very tough existence.

The third quarter of noon is the time when Yang Qi is the strongest.

When beheading is performed at this time, the ghost of the deceased will be driven away by the strong Yang energy.

In other words, the opportunity of the prisoner to become a ghost is directly nipped in the bud.

The executioner holding the knife wears bright red, also to add some yang energy.

Red is fire, and fire is yang.

Wearing bright red can not only increase the yang energy, but also avoid being invaded by evil spirits.

It can be said that there is a lot of knowledge here.

I have to say that this idea is quite inhumane.

It's not enough to kill people, but it's really too much to not give them a chance to reincarnate.

Therefore, according to folklore, many executioners are destitute.

This means that the executioner's killing karma was too heavy and he suffered retribution.


A bit off topic.

The book returns to its true story.

After warning Jiang Xinyu, Lu Fei squatted down in front of the yellow paper.

Make mudra and recite words in your mouth.

Lu Fei was fussing about it for two minutes, but he still hadn't made up his mind.

This performance also attracted a pair of cute girls to roll their eyes.

Just when he was about to remind Lu Fei of the time, Lu Fei finally moved.

He reached into his pocket and seemed to grab something and hold it in his hand.

Then send your fist to the Palace of Life and continue to recite the mantra silently.

At this time, Jiang Xinyu didn't care what Lu Fei was thinking about, but guessed what object Lu Fei was holding in his hand.

Is it copper coins or Gua rice?

Is it a bamboo hexagram or a matchstick?

Or is it? ?

While Jiang Xinyu was guessing, Lu Fei softly shouted "Get up".

At the same time, he unclenched his fist and threw the object in his hand on the yellow paper.


Seeing what was on the yellow form, Xiao Nizi was so angry that she vomited blood.

She hypothesized a dozen possibilities, but she never expected that what Lu Fei threw was two pebbles the size of quail eggs.

At this moment, Jiang Xinyu felt a sense of humiliation of being deceived.

Gritting his teeth and clenching his pink fists, his face turned pale with anger.

Just when he was about to have an attack, he saw Lu Fei's serious expression.

After looking at it for two seconds, Lu Fei picked up the two stones again.

He muttered a few more spells and threw them out again.

After repeating this six times, Lu Fei showed a satisfied smile on his face.

Then he put away all the pebbles and yellow paper.

"Girl, we can go." Lu Fei said.

At this time, Jiang Xinyu was completely confused.

"Lu Fei, you won't tell me that you have completed the divination, right?"


"Come on, it's time for us to go out."

"Wait a moment!"

"What else do you want to do?" Lu Fei asked.

"Lu Fei, you have always been my idol."

"You are so upright and stinky, don't be too lazy to deceive your fans. Are you still a human being?" Jiang Xinyu said angrily.

Seeing this girl's angry look, Lu Fei burst out laughing.

"Girl, we met by chance, and you slandered me. Isn't that good?"



"If I couldn't beat you, I would still want to beat you!"

"Tell me, why did you lie to me?"

"You must give me a perfect explanation today." Jiang Xinyu grabbed Lu Fei's arm and shouted softly.

Lu Fei was also a little unhappy now.

"Girl, are you sick?"

"What did I lie to you about?

Already? "

"Besides, do I need to lie to you?"

"What benefits can I get from lying to you?"


"Lu Fei, you are so stubborn."

"Obviously you deceived me and said you wanted to make a fortune."

"But you just spent a long time tossing around with two stones. What do you mean?"

"You are obviously lying!"

"Don't tell me, you can use ordinary stones to make hexagrams." Jiang Xinyu glared angrily.

Hearing this, Lu Fei burst into laughter.

He finally understood why this girl was so crazy about smoking. It turned out that he thought he was fooling her with stones!

If others were so entangled with him, Lu Fei would have gone crazy long ago.

But facing this cute and cute girl, Lu Fei just couldn't get angry.

"Girl, what you said is a bit unreasonable."

"We met by chance, right?"

"That's right!"

"But what if we meet by chance?"

"Can you lie to someone just by chance?"

"I now seriously doubt your character."

"If you don't give me a reasonable explanation, I will post your lie to the Internet." Jiang Xinyu pouted and said resentfully.


"Girl, don't be angry first. Let's sort this out from beginning to end."

"We met by chance. You took the initiative to take pictures with me, right?"

"That's what I am"

"Stop it, just answer me." Lu Fei asked.


"very good!"

"When I came here, it was you who used my guise to deceive the Taoist priest guarding the door and sneak in, right?"


"I asked you to go out just now, but you acted in every possible way, right?"


"What are you?"

"I didn't ask you to read my divination, so why should you say I lied to you?"


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