A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1953 Poisonous Oath

Jiang Xinyu was speechless by Lu Fei, and mist appeared in her shining eyes.

The expression on his face made Lu Fei extremely sad.

"Lu Fei, even if you say so much, you can't hide the fact that you are lying."

"I don't believe you can predict fortune with two mediocre stones."

"You are a liar, a big liar."

As Jiang Xinyu spoke, a pair of aggrieved tears suddenly rolled down.

Lu Fei, who was planning to leave, had no choice but to turn around again when he saw her expression.

"Jiang Xinyu, you don't have to feel wronged, I didn't lie to you at all." .??.??

"Yes, I do use stones to predict fortune. This is not a lie, it's because I have the ability."

"Everything has a spirit. As long as you master the method, you can use anything to divine fortune."

"Using stones to tell fortunes is just childish."

"Back then, Liu Bowen could use two water drops to predict fortune. Could it be that he was also a liar?" Lu Fei said.


"Liu Bowen is a great national master, and you are a businessman. Can you compare with him?"

"I will believe Liu Bowen even if he uses toilet paper to predict fortune. If you use stones, you are just pretending to be deceptive."

"I hate you!" Jiang Xinyu said.

"Depend on!"

"Are you still done?"

Although the cute girl is cute, she is unreasonable and entangled, which makes Lu Fei a little angry.

Unfortunately, Lu Fei glared, but Jiang Xinyu was not afraid at all, but took a strong step forward.

"It's not over!"

"If you don't explain it to me clearly, I won't be done with it."

"Depend on!"

"Crazy, I'm too lazy to talk to you."

"Just do whatever you like!"


Lu Fei said and turned around to leave, but as soon as he turned around, Jiang Xinyu's shout came from behind again.

"Lu Fei, don't try to get away with it."

"If you don't explain it to me clearly, I will yell."

"Whatever you want!"


"Lu Fei, you

Don’t forget that the consecration ceremony is not over yet. "

"As long as I yell, all my efforts today will be in vain." Jiang Xinyu said.


This sentence really caught Lu Fei.

The consecration is all done in one go.

If someone makes trouble during this period and the ceremony is interrupted, the consecration will be considered a complete failure.

In this way, I will never have the chance to consecrate my more than 20,000 treasures.

That's not what Lu Fei wants to see.

But being threatened by Jiang Xinyu, a little girl like this, Boss Lu felt ashamed.

Looking at this cute girl again, I immediately lost all good feelings.


"Don't you want to explain?"

"I'll explain it to you."

"You are right, I used stones to make divination, and it has been completed."

"If you don't believe it, I can prove it to you."


"How do you prove it?" Jiang Xinyu asked, tilting her head.


"You tell me your horoscope, and I will use the two stones just now to give you a divination."

"If my divination is inaccurate, does that mean I'm a liar?" Lu Fei said.

Hearing this, Jiang Xinyu sneered.


"Lu Fei, you big liar!"

"You still want to lie to me about your horoscope, right?"

"Tell me the truth, how do you feel about it?"


Boss Lu, who had always been strong and omnipotent, felt deeply powerless at this moment.

Facing such a cute girl is really unbearable!

Lu Fei chewed his teeth sadly and asked coldly.

"Sister, what is the purpose of your visit to Yanqing today?"


Did you forget to take your medicine when you went out, or did you come to disgust me on purpose? "

"Do I have any grudge against you?"

"If you have any grudges, tell me clearly and I will apologize to you."

"If not, please let me go?" ??

"I really don't have that much time to tease you."

Seeing Lu Fei's helpless look, Jiang Xinyu raised her head and raised her chest, with a sense of accomplishment on her face.

"Lu Fei, please stop making blind guesses. We have no grudges."

"I am indeed a student of Bianliang University and a loyal fan of yours."

"I saw the video of Yanqing Temple today and came here specifically to visit you."

"But I didn't expect that the great hero and philanthropist in my mind turned out to be a great liar."

"You have let me down too much."

"I'll give you another chance. If you don't explain it clearly to me, I will post your lie to me online."

"Show everyone your true face!"

After hearing what she said, Lu Fei was really speechless.

He lit a cigarette and said.

"Girl, you don't have to fool me."

"First, I didn't ask you to worship me. I'm not your idol. I'm not familiar with you."

"Second, I don't care what others think of me, and I don't care what others do with me. You can do whatever you want!"



"What else do you want?" Lu Fei asked with a frown.

"Lu Fei, have you forgotten that there is a consecration ceremony going on ahead?"

"If you don't explain to me, I will destroy it now."



At this moment, Lu Fei had the urge to kill and silence.

"Dear classmate Jiang Xinyu, can you please be reasonable!"

"You didn't believe me when I said I could use stones to tell fortunes."

"I want to prove it to you, but you won't give me your horoscope."

"I want to ask you, you

How else do you want me to explain? "

Jiang Xinyu thought for a while and said.

"It's impossible to tell you my girl's horoscope."

"However, I have a way to verify whether you are really a liar."

"In this way, you write the hexagram you just made on the paper and put it aside."

"Then you tell me what you want to divination, and I will give you a divination myself."

"If our hexagrams are consistent, it means you can really use stones to make hexagrams."

"what do you think?"

Boss Lu, who had never suffered in front of countless big bosses, was repeatedly threatened by a teenage girl today, which made Lu Fei, who had lived in two generations, doubt his life.

"Girl, this method you said won't work!"

"How can I believe that you can really perform hexagrams?"

"If you compose a hexagram at random, it will definitely be different from mine."

"In that case, wouldn't I be wronged to death?" Lu Fei said.


"Lu Fei, don't underestimate people."

"My divination skills are extraordinary. Most people want me to divine, but I don't like them!" Jiang Xinyu said proudly.


"What you said is nothing more than one-sided words."

"I'm sorry I can't believe it."

"You, you, Lu Fei, how dare you look down on me?"

"This girl is"


"Anyway, I can do hexagrams, and I'm a very good one." Jiang Xinyu said.

"No, I don't believe you."


"Lu Fei, you are too self-righteous."

"In this case, can I swear to you?"

"If my calculations are inaccurate, or I use false hexagrams to deceive you, then I will never be able to get married, and I will have no baby, no baby, and no baby, okay?"


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