A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1954 King Wen Gua

Today’s boss Lu has left Maicheng.

Not only was he threatened by others, he was also despised by others.

This made Boss Lu feel a little unstable.

At this time, Jiang Xinyu made another super poisonous oath, which made Lu Fei dumbfounded.

Thinking about it carefully, losing face in the hands of such a strange flower can be regarded as an explanation for oneself.

After all, Lu Fei didn't see any affectation in Jiang Xinyu's eyes.

Maybe this girl really has two brushes.

Thinking of this, Lu Fei became very curious about this girl.

"Girl, stop talking, I believe you can do it!"

"But the problem is, it's not convenient to tell you my horoscope, right?"

When Lu Fei said this, Jiang Xinyu got a pair of disdainful eyes.


"My girl's level of fortune-telling is much higher than yours. As long as it's your birthday, that's fine."

"Just write down your divination words, and I will give you a divination right away." Jiang Xinyu said proudly.

Lu Fei chuckled.

"Sorry, it's not convenient to tell you my birthday."


"You don't need to tell me, I know your birthday."

"What you have to do now is tell me what you plan to divine."


"How do you know my birthday?" Lu Fei asked doubtfully.

Jiang Xinyu smiled proudly.


"You are quite a celebrity!"

"There is also your foundation's official website on the Internet, which has your old man's public identity certificate."

"Your birthday is not a secret at all, okay?"

Lu Fei also laughed when he heard this.

"You are still smart."

"However, the ID card only has the solar calendar date of birth."

"When I asked for divination, I asked for my birthday according to the lunar calendar!"


"This is easier."

"I have already checked the lunar calendar birthday of the year you were born."

"Stop the ink and quickly tell me what you plan to ask about divination."

The various behaviors of this clever little devil have successfully aroused Lu Fei's curiosity.

In order to test her ability, Lu Fei actually told the truth.

"Tell you the truth!"

"In a few days, I'm going to England for business."

"I want to know whether my trip is safe and whether I can achieve my goals."

"That's it?" Jiang Xinyu asked.


"Just asking about the itinerary."

"All right!"

"Write down your divination words, and we will touch upon them later. We will know immediately whether you are a liar or not."

After Jiang Xinyu finished speaking, Lu Fei took out a piece of white paper and wrote down his divination words.

He rolled it into a ball of paper and threw it between the two of them.

"Girl, you can start your performance now."

"Before you divine, don't forget the oath you swore."

"The place we are in now is the back hall of the Sanqing Palace, and we are facing the golden statue of the Sanqing Dharma."

"If you don't mean what you say, it's very likely that your vow will be fulfilled."

"If what I say turns out to be a prophecy, it will be a big joke." Lu Fei said with a smile.

Jiang Xinyu waved her hands nonchalantly.

"Do not worry!"

"Nothing else can compare to you. When it comes to divination, I have never failed!"

"You know, this girl is"

Speaking of this, Jiang Xinyu stopped again and quickly covered her mouth.

This situation has appeared in front of Lu Fei four times, and Lu Fei has long been alert.

It seems that this girl's background is quite extraordinary, maybe she is the direct descendant of the Xuanmen master!

"Girl, what did you want to say just now?"

"Why didn't you say anything again?"

Jiang Xinyu glared at Lu Fei and said.

"Don't ask, I won't tell you."


"Now let me show you how powerful this girl is in divination."

Jiang Xinyu said, turning around and tinkering with her chest a few times.

Turning around again, his two white and tender little hands were clenched into fists, obviously there was something in both hands.

"Girl, what are you using?" .??.

"Isn't it also a stone?" Lu Fei asked with a smile.


"Only a liar like you can use that thing. This girl has a magic weapon!"

As she spoke, the girl spread her hands.

Two turtle shells, which were smaller than eggs, appeared in the palms of both hands.

The two turtle shells look similar, but they are actually one big and one small.

The turtle shell on the left hand is blue-black, and the turtle shell on the right hand is yellow-white.

The turtle shell was shiny, and the coating was so thick that it had turned into jade.

As soon as he glanced at the pair of turtle shells, Lu Fei's obsidian eyes burst out with the hottest light.

Jiang Xinyu saw Lu Fei's eyes dull, and her heart was filled with pride.

"How about it? My baby is much prettier than your stone!"

Jiang Xinyu squatted down as she spoke, put her hands together, placed a pair of turtle shells together in the Ming Palace, and muttered something.

After chanting a few words, he softly shouted "Gua Qi".

At the same time, he threw the turtle shell up with both hands.

The turtle shell left her hand, and the girl's watery eyes widened, waiting to see where the turtle shell would land.

But after waiting for two seconds, he was surprised to find that his two turtle shells did not fall down.


"how so?"

"Where's my baby?"

Jiang Xinyu raised her head and found that her turtle shells were not

I don't know when it fell into Lu Fei's hands.


"Lu Fei, you, what do you want to do?"

"Are you feeling guilty?"

"Give it back to me quickly, this is my baby!"

Jiang Xinyu reached out to grab it, but Lu Fei held her down.

"Don't move, let me take a look."

Lu Fei said, looking carefully at the backs of the pair of turtle shells.

The textures on the shells of these two turtles are quite special, with the same number of sixty-four openings on the skirts.

The lines in the middle are extremely complicated, with a total of 384 lines.

Both the skirt openings and the texture are much more than a normal turtle shell.

Moreover, there are some small black dots mixed in the lines on the backs of the two turtle shells.

There are seventy-two black spots on the back of the yellow-white turtle shell, and thirty-six on the blue-black back.

Seeing this, Lu Fei was shocked.

"Wen Wang Gua!"

"This is the real thing, girl, how can you afford this?"

Lu Fei is well-informed, so what can surprise him so much is definitely not ordinary.

In fact, the two turtle shells in front of me are indeed quite amazing treasures.

This is the famous Wenwang Gua Turtle Shell Guazi.

When Lu Fei said the name of King Wen Gua, Jiang Xinyu was not surprised, but actually laughed.

"Awesome, you are indeed my idol. You can recognize it as the genuine Wen Wang Gua at a glance."

"Grandmaster Lu is indeed knowledgeable and talented!"

Jiang Xinyu was generous with her praise, but Lu Fei didn't appreciate it at all and didn't react at all.

At this moment, Lu Fei's eyes and energy were completely attracted by this pair of children.

"Hey, Lu Fei, I'm praising you!"

"Can you give me some reaction?"


"What are you looking at?"

"This is my girl's treasure. It's useless to look at it. Be careful because you can't pull it out if you see it in your eyes!"

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