A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1955 Turtle Guazi

Lu Fei completely ignored Jiang Xinyu's noise.

His eyes were like a torch, staring at the pair of turtle shells in his hands.

This thing is called a hexagram, and it is a tool for divination based on King Wen's hexagram.

They can be found everywhere on antique city stalls.

But those are all fakes, all man-made garbage. To put it bluntly, they have no use at all.

But the pair of hexagrams in Lu Fei's hands are real treasures.

The turtle's shell is oval-shaped and its back is highly bulging. Its shape is very different from other turtles.

In fact, it is a type of tortoise.

The two turtles, one black and one yellow, are a pair made in heaven.

The slightly larger yellow-white one is female, and the blue-black one is male.

The sixty-four opening lines on the skirt and the three hundred and eighty-four lines on the back are all natural.

Such textures are rare to see in thousands of years.

In the five thousand years of Chinese civilization, only three pairs of tortoises with such patterns have been recorded in historical records.

All in the hands of the superpower.

The owner of the first couple was King Wen of Zhou Jichang.

Jichang's divine fortune-telling is all-powerful, and he knows five hundred years before and five hundred years later, all relying on the pair of Wenwang hexagrams and the tortoise shell hexagrams in his hands.

It is said that when Ji Chang was seven years old, he saved the life of a tortoise in Xiqi Ancient Mountain.

At midnight, Cao Gui entrusted Ji Chang with a dream, saying that with Ji Chang's help, Cao Gui had achieved enlightenment and was ranked among the immortals.

In order to thank Ji Chang, he specially left two tortoise eggs to Ji Chang as a reward.

He also taught Ji Chang a method of divination.

This divination technique was the prototype of the world-famous "Book of Changes".

The next day, Ji Chang found the two tortoise eggs according to the prompts in the old turtle's dream.

When discovered, the tortoise had already broken out of its shell.

Ji Chang was extremely depressed when he saw the lines on the backs of the pair of tortoises.

Because there are no lines on the backs of these tortoises at all, which is completely different from what the old turtle introduced in his dream.

However, Ji Chang still took the pair of tortoises home and raised them carefully.

When observing the tortoise the next day, Ji Chang was overjoyed.

The tortoise shell that originally had no lines suddenly had a clear horizontal line overnight.

The next day, there was another one.

In this way, the lines on the backs of these tortoises grow one every day.

Three hundred and eighty-four days later, the shape and layout were exactly the same as the old turtle described.

But what made Ji Chang heartbroken was that on the day when the lines were overgrown, the two tortoises died at the same time.

Ji Chang understood that this was the fate of this pair of tortoises.

The body of the tortoise was transformed, and the tortoise shell became the treasure of Ji Chang's divination.

The sixty-four opening lines on the skirt correspond to the sixty-four hexagrams.

There are three hundred and eighty-four miscellaneous lines on the back, corresponding to three hundred and eighty-four lines.

A pair of turtle shells, one yin and one yang.

When doing divination, the lines will change infinitely with time, direction, location and other factors.

From these changes, you can deduce the results of divination that you want, and you will always be able to predict the outcome.

Because Ji Chang's divination skills are unparalleled in ancient and modern times, coupled with his unique historical status.

The pair of Caogui hexagrams in his hand became a sacred object in the hearts of Xuanmen disciples.

Countless people want to find a pair of turtles with the same style as Ji Chang, but unfortunately they have not been able to do so.

It was not until a thousand years later that a pair of turtle hexagrams of the same style as Ji Chang appeared in the world again.

The owners of Er Gua Zi are also quite awesome.

That is Zhengdaozun, Heavenly Master Zhang Daoling.

The pair of hexagrams also played a huge role in Zhang Daoling's hands.

After Zhang Daoling ascended to heaven, the pair of hexagrams stayed in Zhengyimen for inheritance.

It is still collected in Longhu Mountain.

Historical records record that in addition to these two big guys, there is another person who owns Caogui Guazi.

This person's reputation is not as popular as the first two, but his ability is not inferior to the first two bosses.

That was Yuan Tiangang, the great master of the Tang Dynasty six hundred years later.

Yuan Tiangang was not only proficient in divination and calculation, but also in astronomy.

Combining divination and astrology, his achievements in divination far exceed those of the previous two.

On the back of the turtle shells in Lu Fei's hands, in addition to those lines, there were also some irregular small dots.

These dots are all carved manually.

There are seventy-two dots on the back of the female tortoise's shell, and thirty-six on the back of the male's shell.

The distribution of these dots looks chaotic, but to the expert it is clear at a glance.

The seventy-two dots on the back of the female correspond to the seventy-two evil stars.

The thirty-six dots on the back of the male correspond to the thirty-six Tiangang stars.

The two turtle shells added together are exactly one hundred and eight dots.

With these characteristics, Lu Fei can be sure that this pair of hexagrams is the one left by Yuan Tiangang.

Only this boss can perfectly combine the horoscopes and hexagrams.

Lu Fei's heart suddenly tightened when he was sure it was Yuan Tiangang's couple.

Because there is also a sad past in it.

Among the twelve Cao Mang brothers who went to the South China Sea with him in his last life, there was a guy named Yuan Cheng, who claimed to be the fortune teller of Chang'an.

However, his divination ability is not worthy of this title at all.

However, Yuan Cheng has his advantage, that is, he can fight.

It is precisely because of this advantage that everyone chose to tolerate his frequent boasting and pretentiousness.

Yuan Cheng was introduced to Lu Fei by a friend. Before going to sea, everyone just admired him and had no direct contact with him.

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