A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1956 Finding Wealth in Danger

Jiang Xinyu muttered impatiently, but Lu Fei just stared at her.

After going back and forth, Jiang Xinyu's face turned red, her body jumped with worry, and her whole body felt bad.

"Lu Fei, you, why do you look at me like this?"

Lu Fei shook the hexagram in his hand and asked seriously.

"Classmate Jiang Xinyu, how come this thing is in your hands?"


Seeing Lu Fei asking herself this question, Jiang Xinyu suddenly became angry.

“So fresh!” .??.

"This is my treasure, of course it must be in my hands?"

"What do you mean by asking?"

Lu Fei frowned slightly, his heart full of doubts.

"your precious?"

"This is Yuan Tiangang's Cao Guizi, which is a priceless treasure of Xuanmen."

"Such a baby should have been passed down from male to female, and it is even less likely to be passed on to a girl with a foreign surname."

"Tell me the truth, why is this baby in your hands?"

Jiang Xinyu was shocked when Lu Fei heard the baby's name everywhere, and her little mouth suddenly opened into an O shape.


"As expected of my idol!"

"Your knowledge is simply too profound." Jiang Xinyu said with admiration.

Xiao Nizi complimented her, but Lu Fei's expression did not show any joy, but instead became more serious.

"Classmate Jiang Xinyu, please answer my question."

Lu Fei looked dull, and Jiang Xinyu was a little unhappy.

"Answer what?"

"This is my treasure in itself and has nothing to do with you. Who am I to answer you?"

"Beauty, don't get me wrong, I don't mean any harm."

"I just want to know if you are a descendant of the Yuan family."

"Also, during the Republic of China, did your ancestors have a man named Yuan Cheng?"

After listening to Lu Fei's question, Jiang Xinyu became even more angry.

"Lu Fei, are you sick?"

"I've told you, my name is Jiang Xinyu, so what do you mean?"

"Hurry up and return my baby to me, or I'll call someone."

Jiang Xinyu said this

While talking, Lu Fei always stared at this girl's eyes.

In her eyes, Lu Fei didn't notice any affectation.

Could it be that I guessed wrong?

At this time, Jiang Xinyu was about to get angry again.

In order to prevent the quarrel from affecting the consecration ceremony, Lu Fei had to reluctantly return the divination to her.

"I'm sorry, I just lost my temper a little bit."

"I still have something to do. Let's take the first step and see you later."

Lu Fei said and turned around to leave, but was stopped by Jiang Xinyu again.

"Wait a moment!"

"What else do you want to do?" Lu Fei asked.

"Wait a minute, our matters haven't been settled yet."

"What do we want?"


"You want to get away with it again, don't you?"

"I haven't fortune-telling for you yet, and I can't prove whether you can use stones to divine fortune-telling."

"So, you can't leave yet."

When Jiang Xinyu spoke, Lu Fei clearly felt that the mysterious magnetic field disappeared out of thin air.

Looking through the gap, the consecration ceremony of the front hall has ended.

After the ceremony was over, Lu Fei no longer had to worry about this girl causing trouble.

He should have left without any scruples, but thinking of the divination in Jiang Xinyu's hand, Lu Fei wanted to see if this girl was really capable.

After thinking for a moment, she turned back and signaled that Jiang Xinyu could show off her talents.

Jiang Xinyu snorted with an arrogant look on her face, squatted down and prepared to perform the hexagram.

Suddenly I thought of something and stopped again.

He looked at Lu Fei and said.

"You, take two steps back."

"What's the meaning?"

"Am I still affecting your magnetic field here?" Lu Fei was very puzzled.

"What's the meaning?"

"How dare you say that!"

"Just now when I was about to start the hexagram, you snatched the hexagram away from me. Do you still want to repeat the same trick?"


After hearing what this girl said, Lu Fei understood immediately, smiled, stepped back and watched quietly.

Jiang Xinyu felt relieved after making sure that Lu Fei kept a safe distance from herself.

Place the hexagram again in the life palace and mutter something.

"Hexagram rises!"

With a soft drink, the hexagrams in his hands were thrown out at the same time. .??.

Lu Fei took a look at the shape and placement of the Turtle Gua Zi, and was overjoyed.

Jiang Xinyu looked at it and nodded slightly.

Immediately he picked up the hexagram written by Lu Fei and held it in his hand.


"Lu Fei, watch carefully. I didn't open it and take a peek at the hexagrams you wrote."

"The divination I gave you just now is: "The future will be bumpy, wealth and honor will be found in danger"!"

"If your calculations are the same as mine, it proves that you can really use stones to make fortunes."

"Now is the time to witness the miracle!"

Jiang Xinyu said, while observing Lu Fei's expression, she slowly opened the paper ball.

Halfway through opening it, I saw that Lu Fei was still calm, but now it was this girl's turn to become a little nervous.


"Big liar, your deception is about to be exposed by this girl, why aren't you nervous?"

"Don't you want to explain?"

Lu Fei laughed when he heard this.


"I really don't understand. Why do you think I look like a liar?"

"You keep saying that I am your idol, are you so unsure of your idol?"

"Not only are you doubting my character, you are also doubting your own vision."

"So, no matter what the outcome is, you are a loser."


Jiang Xinyu was so angry at Lu Fei's words that she thought about it but was speechless.

He had no choice but to give Lu Fei a hard look, giving himself a bad breath.

Then, Jiang Xinyu quickly opened the paper ball.

After taking a closer look, Xiao Nizi exclaimed.


"Why, how could this happen?"

It is written clearly in the paper ball that the future is bumpy, and wealth can be found in danger.

Lu Fei's hexagrams were exactly the same as what she said just now.

The evidence was overwhelming, and Jiang Xinyu suddenly turned red.

"You, can you really use stones to make hexagrams?"


"You still don't believe it now?" Lu Fei asked with a smile.

"Oh no!"

"I believe it, I believe it."

"Lu Fei, I really didn't expect that you have such profound attainments in metaphysics."

"It's amazing that you can use two stones to predict fortune."

While saying this, Jiang Xinyu suddenly thought of something.

He patted his thigh and said excitedly.

"I understand, I finally understand."

"Your two stones must be specially made, right?"

"Your stone must have carved patterns, and its properties are similar to my King Wen's hexagram."

"That must be it."

Lu Fei chuckled.

"You're overthinking it again. The stones I used are very ordinary. They were picked up from the flower beds outside."


"I do not believe!"

Jiang Xinyu comes from a family of metaphysics. She has been fond of divination and divination since she was a child, and has done some research on books and history in this area.

She knew that there were some experienced experts who could use anything to make hexagrams at will.

Just like Lu Fei said, Liu Bowen can tell fortunes with water drops.

But the book also said that those who can reach that level are not ordinary people.

It takes not only decades of experience, but also amazing talent.

But the Lu Fei in front of him was only twenty-four years old, and he was a profit-seeking businessman.

Whether he is a philanthropist or a collector, these names have nothing to do with metaphysics.

To say that Lu Fei could have such attainments, Jiang Xinyu would not believe it even to death.

This is also the reason why she has always been entangled with Lu Fei.

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