A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1966 Confusing

Fu Yuliang, together with cultural security and the police, tried every means to interrogate Hu Neng, but the guy insisted on selling the first batch of red sandalwood aniseed to Zhang Chunlin's furniture factory.

Yesterday, Fu Yuliang went to the furniture factory for a surprise inspection under the guise of bringing evidence to express condolences to Zhang Chunlin, but did not find any clues.

To be honest, Fu Yuliang really suspected that Lu Fei and Zhang Chunlin were colluding to steal the materials.

Therefore, I wanted to take this opportunity to deceive Lu Fei and test his tone.

If it was really Zhang Chunlin who had tampered with the material, he would definitely be held accountable.

But if rags and wealth come to the fore, we can mediate the situation based on our relationship.

Unexpectedly, not only did his trial fail to achieve the expected results, but Lu Fei actually gave him a lesson. ??

At this time, Lu Fei couldn't see that Fu Yuliang's old face was already red, and his expression could be as embarrassing as possible.

However, although this old guy was angry, he never dared to vent his anger on Lu Fei.

First, the entire archaeological team owed Lu Fei a favor, and Fu Yuliang had an irreversible friendship with Lu Fei, and was also the one who benefited the most from Lu Fei.

Therefore, Fu Yuliang would definitely not repay kindness with hatred and offend the god of plague, Polanfei, for this little thing.

On the other hand, he didn't have any evidence to prove that Lu Fei and Zhang Chunlin were suspected, so all he could do now was to appease Lu Fei.

"Baolanfei, please don't be so stingy, okay?"

"I just said it casually, why should you take it seriously?"

"Brother, if there was anything I couldn't say that I couldn't say just now, can I apologize to you?" Fu Yuliang said.


"Just saying?"

"I think this is what you say from the bottom of your heart!"

"No, absolutely not."

"Didn't you rush here just now because you had a rush?"

"Brother, I definitely didn't mean that."

"When you come back, can I treat you to a drink to make amends?" Fu Yuliang said.


Fei snorted disdainfully.

"I don't care, but you can't wrong my friend."

"There are not many good people who abide by the law like me, Brother Zhang. If you continue to make random suspicions, it is really chilling."

"I can give you a chance, but you must apologize to Brother Zhang in person."

"The rewards that deserve to be rewarded should be published in the newspaper. Otherwise, I will ask Guan Laosan for review."


Even Fu Yuliang, who had long been accustomed to Baolan Fei's bad temper, now had the urge to vomit blood.

But there is no way, who would let people fly in pieces!

He is the God of Wealth of the Chinese Archaeological Team!

If you offend this man, let alone whether he will make you wear small shoes, you can withhold funding for your region for any reason.

If word spread that it was because he had offended the God of Wealth and lost the opportunity to receive funds from the foundation, his brothers would have to rebel.

There was no other way, so Fu Yuliang had no choice but to compromise.


"My Uncle Lu, I will listen to you."

"Tomorrow I will personally apologize to Mr. Zhang, issue a banner, and give him the highest reward within the regulations, okay?"

"Are there any reports for praise?" Lu Fei asked.



"No problem at all. Not only will it be published in the newspaper, but can I ask the TV station to produce a special program for him?"

"The title is law-abiding enterprise, model pioneer, okay?"

"That's pretty much it."

After receiving Lu Fei's affirmation, Fu Yuliang wiped away the hot sweat and finally breathed out a breath of turbidity.

"Okay, then I won't bother you old man to make money. I'll see you later."

ha! "

Fu Yuliang was about to hang up the phone when Lu Fei's voice came again.

"Wait a moment!"

Hearing this voice, Fu Yuliang's heart skipped a beat when he returned to his seat. .??.

"Uncle Lu, do you have any other instructions?"

"Lao Fu, what's going on with those logs and ancient tombs?"

"I think the size of that tomb should be that of a prince during the Spring and Autumn Period."

"Have you found the epitaph?"

"Whose mansion is this?" Lu Fei asked.

After hearing what Lu Fei said, Fu Yuliang gave him a heartfelt thumbs up.

It is a crime to disobey superiors!

Just through the short video, it can be seen that it is a prince-level tomb in the Spring and Autumn Period. Except for the late Kong Lao, no one in the entire China can match this evildoer's vision.

To be honest, the reason why these big guys in the archaeological world are so respectful to Lu Fei is.

The first is because Shattered Fei is very loyal.

Most people have received favors from Lu Fei.

But the most important point is Lu Fei's strength.

Whether it's appreciation, eyesight, or knowledge and repair, this monster is completely superior to the rest.

Only Lu Fei's ability can convince everyone.

Taking a deep breath, Fu Yuliang spoke eloquently.

Two days ago, Fu Yuliang led the Bianliang archaeological team and cultural preservation team, and with the help of the police, found Hu Neng based on clues provided by Lu Fei and Zhang Chunlin.

While arresting Hu Neng, a rescue excavation was conducted on the ancient house dug by Hu Neng.

As the excavation progressed, pieces of red sandalwood aniseed were cleared out piece by piece.

Looking at these super big babies, Fu Yuliang and others were extremely excited.

Unfortunately, all other objects in the ancient house were destroyed due to being buried by mudslides.


Only a few tiles, porcelain tiles and scattered silver coins were found.

After research by Fu Yuliang and other experts, it was determined that this old house should have been built in the mid-Qing Dynasty.

In the middle and late Republic of China, it was washed away and buried by mudslides.

The total area of ​​the old house is nearly one thousand square meters. With these red sandalwood aniseed materials, you can imagine how luxurious it was back then.

However, what is confusing to everyone is.

Dead Man's Valley is far away from the residential area, and no trace of human habitation has been found within a two-kilometer radius.

Then, here comes the problem.

Whether it is ancient or modern, super luxurious properties must be built in downtown areas or places with excellent Feng Shui.

It was built in a downtown area just to show off.

People who like quietness and elegance will find a Feng Shui treasure land with pleasant scenery and suitable for living even if they are far away from the downtown area.

But Shibaizigou is surrounded by steep mountains on both sides.

According to the Feng Shui layout, this place is suitable for a dark house, but it is definitely not suitable for living people to live in.

Judging from the excavated buildings and a series of clues, this is indeed a house inhabited by living people.

Moreover, the foundation is above the ground, and the Yin Mansion was not designed this way at all.

A treasure land suitable for the dead to live in, but a super luxurious mansion for the living has been built.

This puzzled everyone.

But as we continue to clean up, we finally have clues to the mystery.

After a day and a half of cleaning, the ancient house was basically cleaned.

Just as the pass was being closed, a small area of ​​the mountain in the northeast corner collapsed.

This collapse revealed the super luxurious tomb gate in the video.

Seeing such a huge stone gate, Fu Yuliang and others were also shocked.

Over the decades of working in the industry, Fu Yuliang has seen more than a few hundred tomb doors.

However, this is the first time I have seen such a huge one.

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