A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1967 Evil Fire

Seeing such a luxurious and majestic tomb door, all members of the archaeological team were shocked and at the same time full of surprises.

At this time, Fu Yuliang and other experts also made a bold guess about the previously incredible mansion.

That is the family gravekeeper.

The so-called tombkeepers are people who specialize in guarding the ancient tombs of aristocratic families.

This was very common in ancient China, especially in the central Chang'an and Jiangnan areas.

Gravekeepers also represent the face of the family.

According to the strength and status of the family, the luxury of the tombkeeper's house varies greatly.

For example, the three huts next to Zhang Huaizhi's tomb in Lingquan Mountain were also set up by Lu Fei to guard Zhang Huaizhi's tomb.

That is, Zhang Huaizhi’s tombkeeper.

But the quality of those three huts is still vastly different from this super mansion that covers an area of ​​thousands of square meters and is made of red sandalwood and aniseed.

According to expert research, the tomb-guarding mansion in Dead Man Gou was built in the mid-Qing Dynasty.

However, traces of multiple reconstructions were found.

Research has found that the earliest tomb-keeper's house was only more than 200 square meters.

Judging from the degree of weathering of the foundation stones, it is very consistent with the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

It then continued to expand until it reached its current scale.

Unfortunately, after a natural disaster, the tomb-guarding mansion was buried underground and disappeared.

As for why the family did not renovate it, that is a mystery.

The time when the natural disaster occurred should be in the middle and late period of the Republic of China.

In those turbulent times, nothing was new.

Perhaps the family fell into decline, the family business was ruined, and the descendants moved to other places.

Or maybe the big tree attracts wind, attracts bandits and special care from warlords, and the whole family disappears from this world.

No matter which possibility it is, what is certain is that this is a tomb-guarding mansion.

Since it is a tomb-guarding mansion, the owner will definitely not live here.

On the contrary, in order to show off and spend thousands of dollars to build such a luxurious mansion for the servants and tombkeepers, the strength of this family is absolutely appalling.


After listening to Fu Yuliang's description, Lu Fei agreed with him.

"Tatters fly!"

"The video you see was taken yesterday morning."

"We stopped when we got to the main tomb chamber and studied various possibilities. The main tomb chamber and the ear chamber were just opened today."

"In addition, two burial pits were discovered in the surrounding area."

"I found a set of chimes and two luxury carriages. I am so cool."

"Guan Laosan will come over this evening. Thank you for the good fortune you have given me."

"If nothing else, this is definitely one of the top five archaeological discoveries of the year."

Fu Yuliang was among the proud ones. He thought Lu Fei would be as happy as him, but he never expected that he would get yelled at by Bao Bao Fei.

"Are you so proud of yourself?"

"You bunch of idiots, who asked you to open the tomb door?"

"Prodigal things, you are all damn sinners in the history of China's examinations."


"Baolanfei, are you crazy?"

"Did I provoke you?" Fu Yuliang said aggrievedly.


"You don't like hearing it anymore, do you?"

"Let me ask you, where did the colors of the pottery figurines and murals in the tomb passage go?"

"Give me a perfect explanation." Lu Fei shouted.

Lu Fei's challenge left Fu Yuliang speechless.

At this moment, he finally knew why Baoshaifei was so angry.

"Hey, you can't blame me entirely!"

"First of all, we didn't expect that there would be pottery figurine murals in the tomb passage."

"But even if you know it, it's useless unless you don't open it. Once it is opened, this will inevitably be the result."


It's in a vacuum state, but that's simply not realistic! "

What Fu Yuliang said is also true.

Unless it's in a vacuum, there's nothing you can do.

In so many years of archaeological work, hundreds of thousands of cultural relics have been destroyed due to air oxidation.

The team looked distressed, but there was nothing they could do.

For example, the tomb of Emperor Wanli was one of the most painful lessons.

The reason why Lishan Mausoleum dare not take action is that there is a frightening horror inside.

Actually, that's all nonsense.

The reason why I dare not take action is that I am worried about destroying the treasure inside and causing irreparable damage to historical research.

They are no better than Lu Fei. If there was a protective agent developed by Lu Fei, everything would be possible.

Lu Fei knew all this, and he couldn't blame Fu Yuliang and others.

The reason why Lu Fei went crazy was because the evil fire in his heart had nowhere to vent.

Gao Yuan originally proposed to find the true image by himself, but it was because of the puppy's wedding date that Lu Fei chose to give up.

Lu Fei's heart was bleeding now when he saw the mountains of red sandalwood aniseed and the high-quality ancient tombs of princes from the Spring and Autumn Period.

If you don't give up, these are yours.

It would be strange for Uncle Lu not to get angry after causing such a huge loss.

After taking a deep breath and barely calming down, Lu Fei continued.

"All right!"

"I was too irritable just now, I apologize to you."

"Have the ear chamber and main tomb chamber been opened?" Lu Fei asked.

"I originally planned to open it today, but Guan Laosan and Jia Laowu are coming over."

"So we can only take action tomorrow." Fu Yuliang said.


"Tell Guan Laosan later, I want to watch the live broadcast."

"There's something, maybe I have a way to remedy it."

"Really?" Fu Yuliang asked excitedly.

"I said maybe, not definitely."

"Depend on!"

"Stop pretending. If you dare to say this, there will be a solution."

"You listen to my call, and we will synchronize the live broadcast with you later."


After hanging up the phone, Lu Fei's blood surged again.

This time it was not because he felt bad about losing the chance to get the treasure, but because Lu Fei had other ideas.

When Mr. Kong was still alive, with his experience, he might have been able to avoid some major losses.

Now that Mr. Kong is gone, the Chinese archaeological community has lost the Dinghai Shenzhen.

They appear to be united, but in reality they are disorganized.

The reason is that there is no leader who can stabilize the overall situation and turn the tide at critical moments.

If things continue like this, not to mention continuing on to the future and heading towards glory, they will just be weasels laying waste, and one litter will not be as good as the next.

For the sake of Mr. Kong’s entrustment and his own oath, it seemed that he really needed to join in.

The thought of joining the regular army made Lu Fei's head hurt even more.

Chen Xiang is right. When he is doing business outside, as long as he does not evade taxes, violate laws and discipline, others will be helpless.

But once you join the regular army, you will have more constraints.

The opportunity has come when the bosses above have ulterior motives and want to deal with them.

It won't be a crime if you want to, but it is very likely that a small mistake will cause a big mess.

From childhood to adulthood, it gets worse and worse, until it is irreversible.

It's okay for these enemies. As long as they are cautious and have the protection of Pan Xingchen and other big men, it is not a problem to get rid of them all at the critical moment.

The most critical issue is the human heart.

I am still relatively inexperienced and may be criticized by others.

Others don't care, but if Mr. Kong's disciples feel aggrieved, that will be the biggest trouble.

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