A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1968 Stunning the whole audience

The luxury motorcade arrived at the most luxurious Donghuang Hotel in Malaysia under the attention of passers-by.

This is the hotel of Little Dog's family. Since three days ago, the hotel has been closed to the public and only entertains the distinguished guests who came to attend Little Dog's wedding.

The distinguished guests came to Donghuang Hotel and checked in with the invitation letter.

Invitations are uniformly customized and there is no hierarchy. This is the foundation of the Di family's approachability.

But on the surface, there is no hierarchy in the invitation letters. In fact, all the hotel staff have already memorized the information of each distinguished guest who received the invitation letter.

At that time, the service staff will assign the VIPs to floors and rooms of different grades based on their information.

In this way, every distinguished guest can be guaranteed to have face, which is also the cunning point of Di Chaodong.

But no matter what level of VIP you are, you can only live in the high-end and mid-range areas. .??.

As for the super luxury area on the top floor, that belongs only to the little brothers like Lu Fei.

To put it bluntly, the brothers also took advantage of Lu Fei.

After all, after more than a year of contact, Lu Fei has become the most respected guest of the Di family.

Coming to the top floor, the most luxurious presidential suite certainly belongs to Lu Fei and Chen Xiang.

The little nanny carefully handed the room card to Lu Fei.

"Brother, I, I really didn't mean it before."

"Well, I've prepared a reception for you and your sister-in-law at the rooftop restaurant in the evening."

"At that time, several of my best friends from abroad will arrive."

"The reception starts at seven o'clock in the evening. You and your sister-in-law have a rest first. I will notify you at six-thirty."

After being hit by this guy at the airport, Lu Fei was filled with anger.

I was angry not because this guy hit me, but because this guy hit me to curry favor with Caroline.

This is unforgivable.

Normally, Lu Fei would be relieved after such a long time.

However, today, the little nanny is a bit on the back.

The mountains of red sandalwood aniseed and the ancient tombs of the Spring and Autumn Period in the video are sadly lost.

Damn, the reason is just to attend this guy's wedding.

Otherwise, given Lu Fei's character, he must investigate on his own.

The oil and water are not big, so you can report it.

On such a scale, it must be swept away.

Therefore, Lu Fei attributed the reason for missing the opportunity to make a fortune to the little milk dog, and of course he would not look good on him.

Lu Fei glared at the little milk dog, who was so scared that he lost his mind.

"Brother, I will get married the day after tomorrow, so why don't you give me some face?"



"sister in law!"

"Look at my brother"

Seeing the aggrieved look on the little dog's face, Chen Xiang burst out laughing.

He punched Lu Fei, turned around and comforted him with a smile.


"Your brother is a little unhappy because of other things. It has nothing to do with you."

"You go out and accompany them!"




"Then I won't delay your rest."

"I will arrange the most amazing seafood for my sister-in-law tonight, I guarantee you will like it."

The little puppy said goodbye, and Chen Xiang gave Lu Fei an angry look.

"What are you doing!"

"Why are you so annoying on someone else's happy day?"

Facing Chen Xiang, Lu Fei immediately changed his face.


"It's nothing, just to let him remember it for a long time."

"If Qingyi knew what happened at the airport today, the consequences would be disastrous."

"I did this to let him understand that he

The one who is getting married. "

"The Di family is very knowledgeable in Malaysia. It's not worth it to lose face because of his mistakes."

Chen Xiang nodded.

"What you say makes sense, but it should be done in moderation."

"You're embarrassing him like this, aren't you afraid that the Di family will be embarrassed?"


"I understand. It's been a long day on the plane. Go to bed and rest for a while."

"Tomorrow I will take you to Tiao Sao Market. The flea market here is very lively."


After a short rest, at 6:30, Little Milk Dog invited everyone to attend a cocktail party at the rooftop outdoor restaurant.

Lu Fei and his brothers are accustomed to dressing casually and dressing however they feel comfortable.

Fang Mingliang and Wang Dalei walked out of the room in their pajamas.

In comparison, the two foreign girls were much grander.

I heard before that there would be a cocktail party in the evening, and these two foreign girls had made preparations early.

Opening the door, two foreign girls wearing dark evening dresses instantly attracted everyone's attention.

The lavender floor-length dress fully reflects Caroline's creamy skin and noble temperament.

She was originally known as the most beautiful woman in the world, and when she dressed up carefully and put on an evening dress, the eyes of the little naughty dog ​​guys were all wide-eyed.

Wang Xinlei and Ji Yong, these two damn things, had nosebleeds directly.

Li Yunhe and Bai Zirui also had their hearts beat faster, and their eyes became digital.

Just when the two of them were concentrating, two murderous eyes glanced at them.

Lao Bai and Lao Bai turned around in unison and calmed down immediately when they saw Zhang Huan and Kong Jiaqi glaring at each other.

At this time, the door to the next room opened, and two beauties in evening dresses appeared.

These two people are of course Liang Ruyi and Song Xiaojiao.

Hearing that they were going to attend a cocktail party, these two young

Nizi specifically blackmailed Little Dog into two sets of expensive evening dresses.

After dressing up carefully for more than two hours, I planned to make a splash.

But when they appeared in front of everyone, they didn't attract everyone's attention, and the two girls suddenly felt a little discouraged.

Following everyone's gaze, they saw Caroline and Evelin. The two girls then looked at their height and the size of their breasts, and they suddenly felt ashamed.

At this time, Lu Fei and Chen Xiang walked out of the room hand in hand.

Although Chen Xiang's figure is not as hot as Caroline and Evelin, her unique oriental beauty and noble temperament are no less impressive when standing next to the two foreign girls.

When everyone was present, Lu Fei cleared his throat, and then the little puppy looked away from Caroline.


"Ladies and gentlemen, good evening everyone!"

"You are all my best friends, Di Ruilong. You are welcome to travel thousands of miles to Malaysia to attend my little brother's wedding."

"To thank everyone for coming, we have arranged a welcome reception tonight at the rooftop outdoor restaurant."

"Everyone must have a good time eating, drinking and having fun soon!"

Everyone clapped and cheered, and walked to the rooftop at the same time.

The little puppy originally planned to accompany the two foreign girls, but Lu Fei glared at him and reluctantly left alone.

Two foreign girls came to Lu Fei generously.

"Mr. Lu Fei, Ms. Chen Xiang, please!"

Lu Fei and Lu Fei returned the greeting and were about to set off, when the two girls also came up.

No matter what the occasion is, these two girls rush to be by their side.

In the end, Liang Ruyi was a step slower, and Song Xiaojiao grabbed Lu Fei's right arm first.

Ruyi stomped her feet angrily and had no choice but to hold Chen Xiang's arm.

Dozens of bachelors were walking in front, but Lu Fei was accompanied by five beauties. Everyone was extremely envious, but there was nothing they could do about it.

To sum up, this means that comparing people to others will lead to death, and comparing goods to goods will lead to throwing away!

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