A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1970 Super Luxury

When we arrived at the open-air restaurant, while everyone was chatting, the hotel chef and waiters were busy preparing.

The theme of tonight's cocktail party is "Jie Feng", and the main focus is the top-quality seafood buffet.

To say it is top-notch is an understatement.

A variety of top-quality ingredients and fruits are placed on the thirty-meter long table.

The top-quality seafood, pastries, fruits and vegetables you can imagine are all available here.

Lafite, who was born in 1982 and has the title of pretentious endorsement, is not ranked here at all.

The best champagne is a classic collection that has been around for decades.

To put it simply, the red wine, champagne and brandy on the table, if you pour a glass of it, is worth more than 10,000 Chinese dollars.

This is the background of the Di family of Qianyi Daolang.

Seeing these exquisite ingredients, some friends who have lived inland for a long time exclaimed.

Song Xiaojiao and Liang Ruyi screamed while taking selfies and forwarding them to their WeChat Moments.

Not to mention them, even the two foreign girls who had seen countless things in the world, when they saw such luxury, they called me "I bought it."

"With all due respect to Miss Caroline, Miss Evelyn."

"These are our Malaysian specialty seafood, I hope you like it." The little milk dog pretended to be a gentleman and said with a slight salute.

"Thank you Mr. Di for your hospitality. We like it very much."

"nice! You love it."

After saying that, the little milk dog came to Chen Xiang again.

"sister in law!"

"My dear sister-in-law, is the dinner okay today?"

Chen Xiang smiled slightly.

"Isn't it too luxurious with so many delicious foods?"

"How can it be!"

"This is just the beginning!"

"Sister-in-law, this is your first time in Malaysia, so I must treat you warmly."

"There will be a surprise later, please don't be polite to me!"

While talking, two beautiful waiters brought out two soup cups and gently placed them in front of Chen Xiang.

The little milk dog opened the lid, and the rich and delicious smell instantly filled the whole place, attracting everyone's attention.


"What's this?"

"smell good!"

"Little loach, what kind of thing are you?"

"Why are there only two cases? You are too biased!"

The little milk dog chuckled.

"Um, this is how I honor my sister-in-law."

"This cup is a century-old fish maw soup. Our chef carefully cooked it for three days and three nights before it was completed."

"This cup is our family's treasure. It's a hundred-year-old snow bird's nest. We only have this small amount in stock, so don't fight over it!"

"Besides, these are supplements for beauty and beauty. If you rough men eat them, they will be a waste of natural resources and food."

"So, you can only smell it!"

What the little milk dog said was not entirely true.

First of all, this is indeed their treasure, a super supplement that even money cannot buy.

When taken by women, it has a strong beauty and beauty effect.

However, more than half of these good things were looted by his brother Lu Fei before, and the little nanny was really reluctant to take out the rest.

Therefore, I can only find a reason to let my sister-in-law eat alone.

The little naughty dog ​​used Chen Xiang as a shield, so even if everyone had questions, it was hard to say anything.

Regardless of whether the little milk dog's words were true or not, Chen Xiang felt warm in his heart.

However, looking at the envious and jealous looks of the beauties around him, how could Chen Xiang enjoy eating alone?

Ask the waiter to bring some small bowls and spoons, and distribute the two cups of tonics to everyone. Then everyone is happy.

While the ladies were savoring the food, several master chefs came in pushing a delivery cart.

Lifting the white cloth above, a bluefin tuna weighing three hundred kilograms came into view.

"Holy shit!"

"So big?"

"Brother Long, where did you get this?"

Everyone knows how valuable Blue Flag tuna is.

A guy as big as this is worth more than a million!

Such a luxurious banquet, and the little puppy released such a big satellite, everyone became excited.

The little puppy put on a showy pose and said nonchalantly.

"Hey, why don't you become like a country bumpkin who has never seen the world?"

"What a disgrace to my brother!" .??.

"Maybe you haven't watched the news!"

"Early this morning, Okinawa fishermen caught a bluefin tuna weighing more than 300 kilograms."

"This is the one in the news. I spent 9.7 million Shenzhou coins to take the photo."

"Now let our hotel chef dissect it on the spot. Our main dish tonight is bluefin tuna sashimi."


"Master Di is awesome!"

"Master Di is mighty!"

The various ingredients and drinks on the table together are worth more than ten million.

Now the little nanny got another bluefin tuna worth tens of millions, bringing the total to nearly twenty million.

What is the concept of 20 million for a meal?

There were all rich people here, but no one had such a fucking luxury.

Bai Zirui didn't have it, Caroline didn't have it, Chen Xiang didn't have it, and Lu Fei didn't have it either.

The Di family is indeed rich, but their money does not come from strong winds.

Being able to spend more than 20 million to treat everyone to a meal shows how much the Di family values ​​everyone.

The boys said they were going back and making trouble, but they were very moved in their hearts.

The little milk dog chuckled.

"Well, are you particularly surprised and touched?"

"If that's the case, then you should be more accommodating when you follow others the day after tomorrow."

"I know the family background of each of you very well. If anyone pretends to be a grandson, don't blame me for cursing him!"


The milk dog's joke immediately aroused a lot of yelling and curses.

With Lu Fei's warning before, Caroline knew that this was all a joke and laughed along with everyone.

The tuna is being decomposed here, and a food delivery truck is rolling over there.

The white tablecloth was opened, and everyone was stunned by a huge lobster.

There are many people present who have seen the big world.

How could the lobster that surprised them be ordinary?

It turns out that this lobster is indeed worthy of everyone's surprise.

This guy is covered in green armor and is huge, nearly one meter in length.

Not only have I never seen such a big lobster, I have never even heard of it!


"This, this isn't lobster essence, is it?"

"Why is it so big?"

"Master Di, where did you get this big guy?"

Everyone was talking about it, and Caroline also gasped.

"I bought it!"

"This is the American crayfish, the largest lobster in the world."

"The previous world record was the one caught off the coast of Nova Scotia, Canada, in 1977."

"The lobster is 1.06 meters long and weighs over 20 kilograms."

"Visually, this lobster is not much different from the world record one!"

The little puppy gave a thumbs up and praised.

"Miss Caroline is indeed knowledgeable and talented!"

"Yes, this is the American Crayfish."

"However, this one is still a little behind the world record one."

"Ninety-three centimeters in length and eighteen kilograms in weight."

"Half a month ago, a Canadian fisherman named Peters captured it and raised it."

"I learned this information through connections and bought it for $750,000."

"Tonight, I invite everyone to taste the second largest lobster in the world."

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