A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1971 The Four Little Kings

A feast worth more than 20 million yuan was already shocking enough, but the little milk dog released another satellite of David and obtained the world's second largest lobster worth several million Chinese coins.

For this, the whole audience cheered.

After asking for everyone's opinions, the little dog ordered the chef to cook on the spot, and the atmosphere in the open-air restaurant instantly reached a climax.

The two foreign girls who had just blended in felt unprecedented joy and were even more excited.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please feel free to taste and drink slowly."

"Some of my best friends are coming over later."

"When they arrive, the reception will officially begin." said the little girl.

"Brother Long, who are you talking about?"

"Can't they be your four little kings?" Wang Xinlei asked.

"hey-hey!" .??.

"Yes, it's them."

"How dare they not come when I get married!"

"Xiao Yao, you will be responsible for keeping them company in a while. Who the hell isn't drunk? I'm asking for you, Brother Long."

"Don't worry, Brother Long, leave it to me."

The two brothers sang together, and the whole audience was stunned. They didn't understand what the so-called four little kings were about.

Not to mention them, even Lu Fei heard about it for the first time.

Out of curiosity, everyone gathered around Wang Xinlei and were about to ask when a roar suddenly came from the southeast.

Everyone looked up and saw three helicopters flying towards us as the lights flickered.

In the blink of an eye, three helicopters were already hovering over the rooftop.

The lights on the tarmac came on, and two pure white Bell 525 luxury helicopters landed one after another.

Almost all the little brothers like Lu Fei have ridden on Lu Fei's EC225L, which is several levels higher than the Bell 525.

So it’s not too surprising to see a luxury helicopter worth 15 million US dollars.

Next, a look of surprise appeared on the knowledgeable person's face.

An Airbus Puma super luxury helicopter has landed

Come down.

The dark blue body, huge size, streamlined design, and ultra-low noise are simply perfect.

The cost of this helicopter is nearly 30 million dollars, and it is extremely luxurious.

Although not as luxurious as Lu Fei's two, they are still the best among private helicopters.

The three helicopters turned off their engines at the same time, opened the hatches, and three handsome Asian guys stepped out with smiles.

The oldest of these three people is no more than twenty-five years old. Their whole bodies are customized, and each of them holds a sexy beauty in his arms.

Moreover, each person is followed by two black bodyguards. Such a showy way of appearing is much more attractive than filming a TV series.

Seeing these three handsome guys, the little puppy smiled and greeted them.

"Hi, my brother, long time no see!"


"Master Di, if you hadn't called me, I would have thought you went to see God."

"Fuck you, you just went to see God!"

"I've been too busy lately, and I don't have time to fool around with you guys," said the little milk dog.

"Hey, my dear Mr. Di, are you out of your mind?"

"Why do you suddenly think of getting married?"

"Haven't you heard that marriage is a man's grave?"

"Don't take these words seriously, I swear, these are all wise words!"

"After you get married, you will lose your most precious freedom."

"The scariest thing is that you have to worry about being discovered by your wife when you are trying to pick up girls. That is simply the greatest tragedy!"

"Look at us, we change one every day, it's so fun!"

"Comparing the two, what we call life, and you, at best, can be called alive!"


The three handsome guys laughed, while the little puppy rolled his eyes.

"Cut the nonsense!"

"I won't argue with you here today. When I return to the island tomorrow, I'd better shut your mouth. If my wife hears your nonsense, the consequences will be disastrous."

"By the way, I'm getting married, what gifts are you going to give me?" asked the little dog.

The three handsome guys smiled mysteriously.

"This will be kept secret for now. I will definitely give you a big surprise on your wedding day."

The little puppy nodded.

"That's pretty much it."

"Come with me and I'll introduce you to my best friend and my brother."

The little nanny took them into the restaurant. Facing dozens of young buddies of all kinds present, these three handsome guys showed no signs of stage fright and nodded frequently to everyone.

As they walked, the three people suddenly froze.

Because they discovered that there were several super beauties standing next to the main seat at the end.

What surprised them even more was that one of them seemed to be Carlos, the most beautiful woman in the world.

The three handsome guys rubbed their eyes at the same time and looked carefully. The more they looked, the more they looked alike.

"I bought it!"

"What did you see?"

"Why do I seem to see Miss Carlos?"


"You're damn right, I saw it too, that's Miss Carlos!"


"Why is she here?"

"Am I dazzled?"

"Why are you so lucky to be able to see my goddess here?"

The three handsome guys said that their eyes were straight, like hungry wolves that had not seen food for a long time. It was an exaggeration.

The three of them lost their composure seriously, and the beautiful women in their arms were a little bit...



"What are you looking at?"

"Am I not beautiful?"

At this time, the three handsome guys only had Caroline in their eyes, and they didn't even bother to take a second look at the beautiful women around them.

He pushed his female companion away and yelled angrily.

"Get out of here and eat what you want, and don't fucking bother me."

With that said, the three of them came to Carlos in a cheap manner, were stunned for a moment, and at the same time put on the most gentlemanly posture.

"Dear Miss Carlos, I didn't expect to see you here. It's such a surprise."

"Can you please dance with me later?"

"And I, Miss Carlos, am I your loyal fan?"

"And I"

The three of them approached Carlos as they spoke.

Carlos was startled and quickly moved closer to Lu Fei.

"Sorry, I, I don't seem to recognize you."

Only then did the three handsome guys discover Lu Fei's existence.

Raising their heads and glancing at Lu Fei, the three of them were slightly startled.

Although she looked familiar, they only had Caroline in their eyes at this time and didn't think much about it.

Seeing Caroline relying on Lu Fei, the three handsome guys suddenly looked at Lu Fei with less friendly eyes.

"This friend, who are you?"

"Please stay away from Miss Carlos."

"Miss Carlos is our goddess and is not something you can blaspheme."

Hearing this, Lu Fei almost laughed.

Lu Fei noticed these three handsome guys the moment they got off the plane.

From their speech and behavior, Lu Fei discovered that the expressions and shapes of these three people were exactly the same as the little puppies he had just met.

Needless to say, this must be a playboy from some family. He really has the same resemblance to the little naughty dog ​​from back then!

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