A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1991 Jin Chenggong

Chen Xiang was slightly startled after hearing what Lu Fei said.

That day at Babao Mountain, Lu Fei showed his true feelings, spoke boldly and had a decisive attitude without any wavering.

But now Lu Fei was hesitant, with more helplessness in his eyes.

Seeing Lu Fei's expression and the contents of the computer video, Chen Xiang suddenly understood.

Chen Xiang smiled slightly and handed the millet porridge to Lu Feidao.

"No matter what, I will always support your decision."

"You eat slowly, I'll go out first."


Chen Xiang left, and Lu Fei continued to enjoy the video while eating breakfast.

At this time, most of the wooden coffin had been cleared.

Near the end, two more items were found on the woman's right side.

These are two lacquerware wooden boxes. They are not big. They should be jewelry boxes for women.

The paint box is made of wood and has been highly rotted, with only some mottled red paint left on the surface.

But the lines on the paint box are still quite clear.

Lacquerware was popular in the Eastern Han Dynasty, but during the Spring and Autumn Period, lacquerware was not affordable for ordinary people.

It not only represents wealth, but also represents social status.

Its value is comparable to gold.

This is proven by previous archaeological discoveries in China.

So far, archaeological teams have excavated quite a few tombs from the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods.

But the ones where lacquerware appears are all large tombs of the princely level.

Even at the princely level, only a few pieces were found, which shows how high the status of this thing was in the society at that time.

Although no epitaph was found in this coffin, there was no object with an inscription that could prove the woman's identity.

But the location of the coffin and the excavated cultural relics are enough to prove that this woman's status is quite remarkable.

In feudal society, men were superior to women, and there were almost no cases of ear tracheitis.

Because men occupy an absolutely dominant position.

Even if this man is afraid of his wife, it was a matter of his lifetime.

After death and burial, women should always line up behind men, and they should be clearly distinguished.

That's the rule.

To say that women are more important than men, the relationship can only be that of mother and son.

The ancients said that filial piety comes first among all good deeds.

Although feudal society had many shortcomings, it fully embodied the noble virtue of filial piety and righteousness.

In that era, no matter how high a man's status was, if he was unfilial, he would be despised by everyone in the world.

Even for extremely vicious people, filial piety is often their bottom line.

Some people would say that no matter how filial a man is, he cannot be in the same grave as his mother!

His parents should be buried together, right?

This is true, but the situation at hand does not belong to a joint burial.

The so-called joint burial means that two skeletons are placed together in one coffin.

Or, two coffins for men and women are placed side by side, with red chopsticks or some other object used to build a bridge in the middle, so that the souls of the two coffins can communicate with each other.

This is a joint burial.

The coffin in front of me appears in the east ear chamber, which is a completely different space from the main tomb chamber.

This situation is not a joint burial at all.

If the woman in the coffin is the wife or concubine of the tomb owner, this is called a sacrificial burial, or a companion burial.

If it is his parents, this is called a companion burial, which is the same as a family burial.

In ancient times, some filial sons were extremely sad after the death of their parents, and worried that they would not be able to see their parents' souls after their death and continue to perform their filial piety.

Therefore, after the death of their parents, some filial sons choose to dispose of the bodies and temporarily bury them.

After you die, your descendants or a mage will come forward to bury you and your parents at the same time, and write inscriptions to perform rituals so that

His dead soul communicates with his parents.

In order to achieve the effect of fulfilling filial piety in the underworld.

Of course, this idea is somewhat absurd, but it is just a spiritual sustenance of the deceased.

However, doing so requires a huge amount of manpower, material and financial resources.

Ordinary people simply cannot do it.

Therefore, in the past archaeological discoveries, when there were accompanying burials, almost all of them belonged to quite wealthy families.

The book returns to its true story.

Through research on the cultural relics inside the coffin, the archaeological team members on site have completely agreed with Lu Fei's point of view.

The woman in the wooden coffin must be the biological mother of the tomb owner.

After confirming the relationship, Fu Yuliang and others gave Lu Fei a thumbs up in front of the camera.

Looking at Guan Laosan's expression again, it was a bit uglier than before.

At this time, Guan Haishan came to the camera and started to compete for a while.

This muttering was obviously talking to Lu Fei, but Lu Fei turned a blind eye and turned a blind eye, and of course he wouldn't reply to him.

While Lu Fei was eating breakfast, he watched Guan Haishan talking silently to himself, and he already had a plan in mind.

Guan Haishan on the other side talked to the camera for two minutes, but didn't hear Lu Fei's reply. He rolled his eyes in anger.

"Bashao Fei, you are talking!"

"What's next?"

Watching Guan Haishan chattering away, the cameraman smiled awkwardly.

"Mr. Guan, Mr. Lu has turned off the speaker. He can't hear what you are saying at all."


"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Well, I'm sorry, Mr. Guan, I just found out."

"Depend on!"

"This damn bastard!"

"Isn't this sincerely teasing me?"

Gritting his teeth, Guan Haishan took out his mobile phone and dialed Lu Fei's number.


The phone rang, but Lu Fei didn't answer the phone.

I called several times in a row, but Lu Fei didn't answer.

Guan Haishan was so angry that he was about to curse, but the next second he seemed to think of something, and his old face suddenly turned red.

"They also said that I am petty, but this dog is even more petty and pitiful than me."


"Ignore him. I'll ask you to arrange for someone to clean out the pottery figurines. Remember the numbers and don't mix them up."

"Others, come with me, and let's open the main tomb."


Lu Fei picked up the last beef bun and took a bite. At this time, the main tomb chamber had also been opened.

The main tomb chamber is about sixty square meters.

The surrounding area was empty, without any items.

In the middle is a stone platform made of huge rocks.

The stone platform is sixty centimeters high, five meters wide and about three meters long.

Above the stone platform, there is a huge stone coffin.

This stone coffin is one and a half meters high, two meters wide and three meters long.

Although this type of stone coffin is not the largest ever found, it is still among the top of the list.

The entire stone coffin is quite well preserved, with no decorations on the surface.

But on the stone platform at the bottom of the stone coffin, there are some inscribed bird seal scripts.

At this time, the camera lens happened to hit the text. Lu Fei glanced at it and frowned.

"Chenghou, Jikai, south of Sucheng"

The name Ji Kai was no stranger to Lu Fei.

This man is the second overlord of the Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period and the ninth son of Ji Chong'er, Duke Wen of Jin.

Chenghou is Ji Kai's title, which sounds pretty loud, but in fact Ji Kai is not allowed to smoke in front of Duke Wen of Jin.

This man was extremely mediocre and made little achievements in his life. There are only a few records about him in official history.

But I didn't expect that his tomb would have such a high standard.

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