A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1992 Heyang Trade

Lu Fei was really surprised that Jin Wengong's most useless son had such a high-standard tomb.

It stands to reason that even if Ji Kai is a useless loser, he is still a prince and a prince after all.

Given his status, a tomb with such specifications should be appropriate.

What really surprised Lu Fei was not these, but the funerary objects in the tomb and the murals on the walls.

The burial objects were of a very high standard.

It is even better than any tomb of a prince of the Spring and Autumn Period unearthed before.

How could such luxurious burial objects be used on a useless person?

Isn't this a waste of natural resources?

And those murals.

Although it has lost its color, its outline is clear.

The mural records the life narrative of the tomb owner.

According to the records on the murals, the owner of the tomb is clearly a great man with excellent martial arts and martial arts.

This is completely contrary to the Jinchenghou Jikai recorded in historical books.

Could it be that the historical records are wrong?

Not only Ji Kai's life, but also the wooden coffin in the Dong'er Room.

According to Lu Fei's speculation, it should be the mother of the tomb owner.

It is now confirmed that the owner of this large tomb is Jincheng Hou Jikai.

Then, his biological mother should be the wife of Duke Wen of Jin.

That is like a mother-of-the-nation existence!

Even if Jin Wen Gong's wife is not buried with Jin Wen Gong, she shouldn't be buried with Ji Kai!

What the hell is going on?

It was a complete mess.

Lu Fei chewed a mouthful of buns for five minutes, but he still couldn't swallow it. All he could think about was these inexplicable things.

Suddenly, Lu Fei's eyes lit up, and he finally swallowed the already chewed bun.

Lu Fei stood up and scratched his hair, and a strange thought came to his mind.

Could it be that Ji Kai is an illegitimate child?


Duke Wen of Jin found out that Ji Kai was an illegitimate son and was very angry.

Secretly delegating this extremely talented son and depriving him of his rights.


But in order to save face, he had to admit the existence of this son.

Therefore, in the history books, this son was demoted to mediocrity and worthless.

This tomb was built for him by Ji Kai's descendants.

The wooden coffin in the east ear room is Ji Kai's biological mother who lives among the people.


This possibility is quite high, and it is very likely to be true!

What's more, this is the only reason that can be explained.

In addition to this problem, Lu Fei also had another doubt, and that was the tombkeeper outside the tomb.

Since Ji Kai is a demoted prince, his financial resources should be limited.

In this case, where does the inheritance of tomb-keeping for thousands of years come from?

You know, the last renovation in the mid-Qing Dynasty, the specifications were quite impressive!

It covers an area of ​​more than 2,000 square meters and is made of old red sandalwood material.

Such luxury is not something that ordinary wealthy people can afford.

What's more, this is a house built for the servants who keep the tomb.

If the servants are so luxurious, what will the master's residence look like?

With such strength, who would this master be?

As the house was buried by mudslides, nothing could be verified.

Although Lu Fei was confused, he couldn't think of a solution.

At this time, the phone rang again, and it was still Guan Haishan's number.

Lu Fei glanced at it and ignored it.

Because he attended the wedding of the little milk dog, Lu Fei missed those rare old red sandalwood materials, and even missed this super-standard tomb.

Before, Lu Fei was filled with regret.

But now Lu Fei's heart is unwavering.

It's yours, no one can take it away.

If it's not yours, you can't force it.

This is life!

And it was Guan Haishan's look and expression before that instantly opened the knot in Lu Fei's heart.

Lu Fei figured it out.

A promise is a promise, and facts are facts.

Although he agreed to Kong Fanlong to revitalize China's archaeological cause.

But after all, the leader now is his apprentice Guan Haishan.

Although he has some abilities, he is unable to support himself.

It is almost impossible to get the archaeological team to sincerely support themselves.

Not to mention qualifications, even old guys like Guan Haishan would not be willing to give in.

Although what they say sounds nice, only they know what they think in their hearts.

In this case, there is no need to wade into this muddy water.

Wouldn't it be more comfortable to stay away from these intrigues and live a free and easy life of making money and wealth?

After understanding this, Lu Fei suddenly felt enlightened and felt more relaxed and happy than ever before.

Looking at the video again, Lu Fei no longer felt excited.

As for how to open the sarcophagus and coffin, whether there is any damage, and what is inside, these are no longer issues that I need to care about.

This is not a responsibility that I should bear, let alone an obligation.

Lu Fei stuffed the remaining half of the bun into his mouth and turned off the video.

After breakfast, Lu Fei lit a cigarette and called Gao Yuan while drinking tea.

Gao Yuan arrived in Chang'an yesterday and found the address of Jiang Xinyu's home.

The investigation is currently underway, but no important clues have been found yet.

After ending the call, Lu Fei planned to discuss something with his boss Li Yunhe.

At this time, Lang Lijing called.

"Boss, what you told us is done."

"So fast?"

"Sister, you didn't stay up all night, did you?" Lu Fei asked.

"Roughly the same!"


"Sister, you are so dedicated

. "

"When I go to England this time, I will definitely bring you a few bottles of limited edition."

"Well, you have a good rest first and come to the hotel to see me at noon."

"After lunch, I'll take you to the flea market."


After hanging up the phone, Lu Fei immediately checked the information sent by Lang Lijing.

I have to say that Lang Lijing's abilities really satisfy Lu Fei.

It took one night to find out everything clearly.

According to Lang Lijing's investigation, the sixteen companies in Zuo Zhigang's information have all had contact with a company in Hong Kong called Heyang Trading, and all of them have been in contact within the past month.

Lang Lijing also made a general investigation about this Heyang Trading Company.

This is a new company, registered for only forty days.

The legal representative is Ye Jiannan, an American and a top graduate from Harvard Business School.

Ye Jiannan's family is originally from Tiandu and immigrated to Massachusetts, the United States 12 years ago.

Before immigrating, Ye Jiannan's father was a senior white-collar worker.

After immigrating, he opened a car chain store in Boston.

Ye Jiannan graduated less than a year ago and worked in his family's automobile company after graduation.

More than a month ago, I suddenly came to Hong Kong Island to register this Heyang Trading Company.

The registered capital is 10 million Hong Kong Island dollars. It has not yet officially opened its business and has not completed any projects.

However, during this period of time, Ye Jiannan had frequent interactions with a woman.

And this woman is Nina, the president of Ruixin Group Asia.

Looking at this information, Lu Fei kept frowning.

This information is full of loopholes.

Ye Jiannan's father, Ye Haibo, is a white-collar worker in Tiandu, and his mother is a civil servant.

Twelve years ago, the income of white-collar workers was not high.

Why did he suddenly immigrate to Boston and start a car company?

And it's a chain store.

Where did his funds come from?

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