A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2080 There is a problem with character

Liu Laoer left angrily, and Lu Fei was extremely happy.

Just as he was about to go in, he met an acquaintance again.

Five people came across from me, three middle-aged foreigners and a white woman wearing glasses.

In addition, there is an Asian teenager who is the chairman of Heyang Trading, Ye Jiannan.

Among the four foreigners, Lu Fei also knew one.

That man's name is Paul, one of the shareholders of Ruixin Group.

He was the representative who came to China with Nina to negotiate with Lu Fei.

"Mr. Lu Fei, we meet again."

Ye Jiannan took the initiative to extend his right hand with a smile on his face, but Lu Fei ignored him at all and nodded politely at Paul.

"Hello Mr. Paul, we meet again."

Paul was also very polite. He stepped forward and held Lu Fei's hand, and then gave Lu Fei a polite hug.

"Hello, dear Mr. Lu Fei."

"I just heard that you came to London today, and I was preparing to receive you tomorrow. I didn't expect to meet you here first," Paul said.

"I just came to London to do some personal business, so I don't need to worry about it, Mr. Paul."

"Are you also here to participate in tonight's auction?" Lu Fei asked.


"Mr. Lu Fei, let me introduce you."

Paul pointed to a bald white foreigner in his fifties in the middle and said.

"This is the chairman of our group, Mr. John."

"Mr. John is very interested in collecting, and I came with him."

Lu Fei nodded and politely prepared to shake hands with John.

No matter what, this is my boss after all!

What Lu Fei didn't expect was that John gave him a disdainful look and had no intention of shaking hands with him.

John made Lu Fei feel embarrassed in public, and Ye Jiannan on the side felt happy.

John glared at Nina and said displeasedly.

"Nina, why are you here?"

Facing the boss, Nina was not afraid.


br\u003e “Dear Mr. John, it is off-duty time now. I am free to be with whomever I want. This is my freedom.”

"You seem to have no right to interfere with my private life!"

Hearing this, John's face became even more gloomy.


"very good!"

"I have no right to interfere in your private life, and I don't want to."

"However, Lu Fei has a problem with his character. If you are with him, I am very worried that you will be bewitched by him and leak our company's secrets." John said.

"Mr. John, this is a society governed by the rule of law. You have to rely on evidence when speaking."

"Lu Fei is my friend, and being with him is my freedom."

"If you doubt me, please provide evidence, otherwise I have the right to sue you for defamation." Nina said forcefully.


John was speechless by Nina, and his face looked ugly.

"Nina, I am your boss, and you dare to talk to me like this. Don't you want to do it anymore?"


"Mr. John, are you threatening me?"

"I work hard during work hours, but I have absolute freedom during off work hours."

"I have a clear conscience towards the company and have nothing to fear."

"If you fire me for this, I have nothing to say."

"With my knowledge and work ability, I have a place everywhere." Nina said.

"well said!"

Lu Fei once again hugged Nina's waist, his eyes full of appreciation.

"Don't worry, if he fires you, come and do it with me."

"I promise you'll make more than you make now."

Lu Fei looked at John and said calmly.

"Mr. John."

"We are partners, but your attitude towards me is a little puzzling to me!"

"Have I offended you in any way?"


"You know what you did."

"Lu Fei, I admit that you are very smart and very capable."

"However, your behavior is too despicable and I cannot accept it." John said coldly.

John's attitude was quite unfriendly, and Wade Longyun's face darkened, ready to come up and help Lu Fei out.

Lu Fei waved his hand and smiled at John.

"Mr. John, what do you mean?"

"It seems like it's the first time we've met!"

"Tell me, why am I so mean?" Lu Fei asked.


"Lu Fei, don't think that I don't know anything."

"I have investigated clearly. The last Ruixin drug smuggling incident was entirely orchestrated by you."

"You took advantage of this crisis in the group to force us to cooperate with you."

"And they signed an extremely unequal contract. What is this but despicable?"

"Lu Fei, don't be proud."

"It's just the Shenzhou market, we don't care."

"The agency period we signed is five years. After five years, you will never be able to represent Ruixin's drugs."

The location where these people were located happened to be in the corner of the parking lot, which was quite quiet.

If the conversation between the two was heard by reporters, it would be huge news tomorrow.

Good guy!

The chairman of Ruixin Group quarreled with Lu Fei, the general agent of China, in public. This was definitely a big event.

"Mr. John, speak with a conscience."

"If it weren't for my help, Lu Fei, your company would have gone bankrupt long ago. Would you still be here today?"

"Don't think your company is great.

That little bit of profit is just a drop in the bucket for me, Lu Fei. "

"With my financial resources, would I do that kind of thing just for a small profit?"

"If you have evidence, just bring it out. It doesn't matter if you break the contract on the spot."

"If you don't have evidence, shut your mouth."

"Otherwise, I will sue you for defamation!" Lu Fei said forcefully.

Facing Lu Fei's sharp eyes, John felt a little guilty.

"Lu Fei, don't be proud."

"China is just a single small market. Compared with the entire Asian market, it is still far behind."

John pointed at Ye Jiannan and said to Lu Fei.

"You may have heard of it."

"Ye is our new partner."

"Ye's character is trustworthy, and his connections are no worse than yours."

"We have decided to hold a board meeting at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning and formally approve the transfer of the general agency rights of Hong Kong, Macao and Baodao to Ye's Heyang Trading Company."

"I believe that with Ye's ability, it is only a matter of time before he surpasses your Tengfei Pharmaceutical."

"I hope you can take care of yourself and stop causing trouble."

"Our headquarters shareholders are not fools and will not let you succeed again."

John publicly gave the agency power to Ye Jiannan.

And not only Hong Kong Island, but also the agency rights of the three islands were given to him.

Ye Jiannan looked at Lu Fei with a look full of teasing.

"Mr. Lu Fei, you are a senior, and you will have to give more guidance to Jiannan in the future."

"Don't worry, Jiannan will definitely learn with humility."

"Oh, by the way, Jiannan is based in Hong Kong Island and will try its best to protect Hong Kong Island's regional agents from doing cross-border distribution."

"However, due to the long distance between the markets on Aodao Island and Baodao Island, they may do something that harms your interests."

"If you find any signs, you must notify me as soon as possible and I will deal with it as soon as possible."

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