A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2081 Depends on your mood

Ye Jiannan spoke provocatively in person, Lu Fei frowned slightly, but John was extremely happy in his heart.

During this time, he secretly investigated and suspected the drug smuggling incident, which was what Lu Fei called it.

It was because of this incident that the century-old Ruixin Group almost went bankrupt.

What's even more annoying is that in order to calm the matter, he was forced to agree to Lu Fei's extremely excessive conditions.

This was simply the biggest insult, so John hated Lu Fei deeply.

Some time ago, his boss asked him to find ways to suppress Lu Fei in business, which was exactly what John wanted.

John thought of a way to hand over the agency power of the three islands of China to his own people.

Let them slowly penetrate into China from the Three Islands.

Making money is one aspect, but the most important thing is to discredit Lu Fei's Tengfei Pharmaceutical in this way.

This move is undoubtedly a blow to the bottom of the pot.

Ye Jiannan is the candidate his boss is looking for.

Although the family's financial resources are average, the Ye family's power in China is unmatched by ordinary people.

What's more, Ye Jiannan's uncle Zhao Yuanchao still has leverage in the hands of his boss.

Putting these factors together, Ye Jiannan is undoubtedly the best candidate.

Before, John was worried that Ye Jiannan was too young to be competent.

Now that Ye Jiannan dared to challenge Lu Fei in person, John was quite satisfied and gave Ye Jiannan a big thumbs up in his heart.

Especially seeing Lu Fei's angry expression, John felt even more happy.

"Ye, what you said is wrong."

"No matter what my opinion is about Lu Fei, after all, he is also a partner of our company."

"You and Lu Fei are both agents of our group's drugs, and we must work together."

"It's best that nothing bad happens."

With that said, John looked at Lu Feidao.

"Mr. Lu Fei, although I personally have some prejudices against you."

"But it is undeniable that your company's business development is quite satisfactory to the board of directors."

"I hope you

In the future, I can sincerely cooperate with Mr. Ye Jiannan and exchange knowledge. "

"After all, the Three Islands are also part of China!"

Everyone could hear John's words, which were really humiliating to Lu Fei. Even Paul looked a little embarrassed.

However, Lu Fei was not angry and said with a smile.

"Mr. John, so you are determined to hand over the agency power of Mishima to Ye Jiannan?"

"Of course, the board has basically approved it."

"The board of directors will meet again at ten o'clock tomorrow morning and everyone will vote."

"If nothing else happens, we will officially sign a contract with Mr. Ye Jiannan tomorrow."

"After signing the contract, Mr. Ye Jiannan will hold a press conference on Hong Kong Island."

"In two days at most, the whole world will know the news."

John groaned and smiled evilly, and Ye Jiannan couldn't hide his pride.

Lu Fei looked at Nina and asked.

"John is just one of the shareholders, does he mean what he says?"

After hearing Lu Fei's words, both John and Ye Jiannan laughed.

Ye Jiannan thought to himself, Lu Fei must be so angry!

Mr. John is the company's largest shareholder and has absolute say.

More than half of the other shareholders are his cronies. If that doesn't work, John can still exercise the chairman's rights and approve Ye Jiannan's agency power with one vote.

Doesn't he keep his word?

How is that possible?

After hearing Lu Fei's question, Nina's face turned ugly.

"For Mr. John to say this in public, it is basically a certainty."

"We have been studying the Heyang trade cooperation with Ye Jiannan for nearly two months."

"After market inspection, more than half of the shareholders believe that Heyang Trading has this strength."

“All that’s left now is the final vote to pass it.”

"It can be said that there is no suspense."

After Nina finished explaining, Ye Jiannan became even more proud.

"Mr. Lu, don't doubt me anymore."

"I hope to cooperate sincerely with Mr. Lu in the future."

"My company welcomes Mr. Lu to visit us for guidance at any time." Ye Jiannan said with a smile.


"Ye Jiannan, before you sign, you are not the general agent of Mishima."

"Isn't it too early to say this now?" Lu Fei said. ??


"Does Mr. Lu think there will still be variables?"

"Of course, anything is possible."

"The contract will be signed at ten o'clock tomorrow morning, right?"

"I hope you can successfully complete the signing."

"At that time, I will definitely send you a big gift and congratulate you personally."

After Lu Fei finished speaking, he hugged Nina and strode into the building.

Looking at Lu Fei's back, Ye Jiannan frowned and his heart beat wildly uncontrollably.

"Mr. John, what does Lu Fei mean by this?"

"Is he going to cause trouble?"

John snorted nonchalantly.


"This is London, not his territory. What can he do?"

"Relax, the board of directors will convene on time at ten o'clock tomorrow morning."

"After signing the contract, when you return to Hong Kong Island, you must find a way to comprehensively suppress Lu Fei."

"If you can't do it, we'll replace you immediately."

"Don't worry, Mr. John, I am absolutely sure."

"Lu Fei has some financial resources, but in China, financial resources are not worth mentioning in the face of power."

"Believe me, within a year, I guarantee that Tengfei Pharmaceutical will be infamous and even go bankrupt." Ye Jiannan said.



“If you do that, the entire Asian market is yours.”

"Come on, let's go in and attend the auction."


Lu Fei and others entered the building and were surrounded by a large group of reporters.

The focus, of course, is Lu Fei.

As for people like Long Yun Wade, they never accept interviews, and few people know their true identities.

In the eyes of reporters, they are at best Lu Fei's friends or bodyguards, nothing more.

"Good evening, Mr. Lu Fei."

"I heard that you arrived in London two days ago. Are you making adequate preparations for tonight's auction?"

"Hello, Mr. Lu, I am a reporter from China Daily."

“Excuse me, will you go all out tonight to take a photo of the dog’s head and donate it to the motherland?”

"Mr. Lu Fei, Rui Stone Auction Company has postponed this unprecedented half-month delay."

"I heard that the delay was all because of you, right?"

"Mr. Lu, is this beauty your new girlfriend?"

The reporters kept firing with long guns and short cannons, and questions were poured out like a barrage.

Lu Fei waved his hand to signal everyone to quiet down, and then said with a smile.

"Can you all stop chasing me and not letting me go?"

"I'm really nervous about this."

"Just now a reporter said that the auction was postponed because of me. This is simply nonsense."

"I have no contact with Rui Stone Company. Why should they delay the appointment because of me?"

"I, Lu Fei, don't have that much dignity, do I?"

"As for the dog head, I'm not sure."

"I am just an ordinary businessman, and everything comes first."

"I really like dog heads."

"As for whether you will bid, it depends on your mood on the spot."


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