A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2082 Who is that woman?

Tonight's auction attracted the attention of countless Chinese people due to the appearance of the twelve zodiac dog heads.

In particular, Lu Fei came to London to participate in the auction, which attracted a lot of popularity.

Lu Fei spent billions to take pictures of the dragon head.

Patriots also hope that Lu Fei will spend thousands of dollars this time to collect the twelve zodiac signs of Haiyantang that have been lost overseas for a hundred years.

Therefore, dozens of China's authoritative media also came to London to broadcast live the auction tonight.

Lu Fei ignored the reporters and strode into the venue, but the netizens who were watching the live broadcast went crazy.

The reason is not Lu Fei's attitude, but the coquettish beauty Nina beside Lu Fei!

Not long ago, Tengfei Pharmaceuticals and Ruixin Group competed, and Nina and Lu Fei were frequently on camera. Chinese netizens are no stranger to Nina.

But everyone believed that the two were enemies. .??.??

But I never dreamed that the two of them would appear in public, arm in arm and side by side, like a couple.

After all, Lu Fei has a fiancée!

It doesn't matter if you have a private relationship with Nina, but you shouldn't bring it to light!

What kind of fame is this? Can the Chen family in Tiandu accept it?

What a coincidence, Chen Hongyi and his wife were accompanying the old man to watch the live broadcast.

Seeing Lu Fei and Nina being so charming, Chen Hongyi and his wife felt like they were struck by lightning.

He cursed his unreliable son-in-law Lu Fei in his heart, and was even more worried that the old man would go crazy.


"Dad, it's too late. Let me help you go back to the house and rest!" Chen Hongyi said awkwardly.

The old man glared, frightening Chen Hongyi out of his wits.


"I've been sleeping all day, just waiting to watch the live broadcast!"

"If you are tired, go back and sleep by yourself. Wang Wu is enough to accompany me."


"Shut up!"

"I know what you are thinking!"

"You have a dirty heart and a bad heart. Lu Fei is not that kind of person."

"Since he dares to do this in public, he must have a reason."

"If you don't like it, get out of my way!" Chen Yunfei yelled.


"Dad, we also know that Xiao Fei is not that kind of person."

"I'm just worried that outsiders will misunderstand me!"

"When outsiders see it, they will inevitably make some gossip, which is not good for our Chen family!" Chen Hongyi said.

"What's wrong?"


"I live a happy life, no matter what they say?"

"As long as no one says it to my face, I will treat him as a piece of shit."

"Turn the TV louder for me."



Chen Yunfei lived a hundred years, experienced countless ups and downs, and his mentality and realm were far beyond those of ordinary people.

In addition, Lu Fei had talked to him on the phone before.

The old man knew all the details, so of course he wouldn't blame Lu Fei.

The old man is open-minded, but the younger brothers who are still in Malaysia are dumbfounded.

Bai Zirui was stunned when he saw Lu Fei holding Nina's waist.

"What the hell!"

"What's going on here?"

"Is this grandson crazy?"

"If Chen Xiang sees this, he will be so angry!"


"I'll notify you immediately and block all signals."

"I'm going to wipe his ass this time. When we meet again, I'm going to make him give an explanation."

As Lao Bai was about to make a call, he was stopped by the little puppy.

"Hey, please save it!"

"Since my brother dares to be so shameless, he must have a shameless plan."

"My sister-in-law is not an ordinary person, she is as good as the Queen Mother of the West.

A sage will not be jealous. "

"Just watch the live broadcast and see how my brother takes back the dog's head!"


Jincheng, food factory family home!

Since there is a live broadcast of the auction tonight, Chen Xiang also adjusted his biological clock.

At this time, in Chen Xiang's boudoir, Wang Xinyi and Xiao Jin'er were eating melon seeds and watching the live broadcast.

Seeing Lu Fei appear in sight, the three women all became excited.

But seeing Nina next to Lu Fei, Jin'er and Chen Xiang suddenly felt something bad.


"What's going on?"

"Is this my brother?"

"Um, who is that woman?" Jin'er said with a big mouth in surprise.

Chen Xiang didn't speak, but Liu Mei frowned slightly.

Looking carefully, Chen Xiang's body was trembling slightly, and there seemed to be some mist shining in his beautiful eyes.

Seeing Chen Xiang's change, Wang Xinyi quickly comforted her.

"Xiang'er, don't get me wrong, Lu Fei has nothing to do with this woman."

Chen Xiang forced out a smile.

"I'm fine, I believe Lu Fei."


"Looking at you like that, it's strange that nothing's wrong."

"Come here and I'll tell you a secret."

Wang Xinyi leaned into Chen Xiang's ear and whispered a few words, and Chen Xiang's brows suddenly relaxed.

There was also a natural smile on his face.

The two of them whispered, and Jin'er suddenly pouted.

"Sisters-in-law, you are too much!"

"He actually whispered something behind other people's backs."

"If you don't tell me, I, I'll be angry!"


"Little girl, you're still being naughty!"

"Actually, we didn't say anything, we just told you some embarrassing little secrets about your brother." Wang Xinyi said.


"My brother's secret?"

"Great, I want to listen, I want to listen."

Entering the lobby, surrounded by Murray and others, Lu Fei entered the elevator.

The auction hall is on the second floor, arrive immediately.

Entering the auction hall, the 900 seats were almost occupied.

Looking around, more than half of the area is occupied by Chinese people.

Among them, there are many familiar faces.

Guan Haishan, Fatty Wang and a dozen other archaeological dignitaries were sitting in the twelfth row.

Seeing Lu Fei, everyone's eyes sparkled.

Several old guys were about to stand up and say hello.

However, Lu Fei just nodded to them and then looked away.

"Holy shit!"

"Why is Baoshaifei with that bitch?"

"Isn't he already engaged to the eldest lady of the Chen family?"

"What kind of plane is this guy doing?"

"Also, who are those foreigners around Bao Bao Fei?"

"Looking at the clothes and temperament, it seems very unusual!"

The old guys made random guesses, but Guan Haishan felt unhappy.

If we had met before, we would have sat down together cordially and chatted all over the world.

But now he just nodded politely.

This feeling is really terrible.

Lu Fei looked away.

Nod in greeting when you see an acquaintance.

Cheng Yufei and three others were sitting in the ninth row.

The elders of the Feng family, Feng Yuanyang and Wang Zhenbang, as well as several big names in the collecting industry, were sitting in the second row.

Seeing these big guys, Lu Fei definitely couldn't remain indifferent and hurried forward to say hello.

Feng Yuanyang and others were as polite as ever.

However, Mr. Wang Zhenbang's attitude was not so friendly anymore. He rolled his eyes repeatedly and was full of resentment.

Needless to say, this resentment must be directed at Nina beside Lu Fei.

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