A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2087 On-site identification

Emperor Daoguang's Shendetang seal appeared, and the Chinese audience in the venue suddenly became excited.

Because this square seal is so perfect.

The shape of the vessel is neat, the jade quality is excellent, and the design is exquisite.

The most rare thing is that this is the only treasure seal of Shendetang discovered so far, which is of great significance and preciousness.

However, the stuff is good stuff, and the patina is up to date.

However, this does not mean that it is true.

There were many masters of counterfeiting antiques in the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China. It was not easy to make such a fake.

Therefore, whether it is true or not requires further research.

On the spot, many viewers raised questions.

However, Peter was not nervous and smiled politely.

"Our Rui Stone Auction Company has a century-old reputation as the number one. We will never put it up for auction unless we are 100% sure."

"Because no matter what kind of treasure it is, it is not as important as our company's reputation."

As he spoke, Peter took out the pamphlet next to him.

"Everyone, please pay attention. This is the inscription "Shen De Tang Bao" stamped on the two paintings of "The Autumn Garden with Joy" and "The Rejoicing of Emperor Daoguang".

"We have carefully compared every detail and texture, and it is exactly the same as the details on the rubbings."

"There are so many experts here tonight."

"Mr. Wang Zhenbang, the famous collector in China, is here."

"Mr. Guan Haishan, the general consultant of China's archeology, and Mr. Wang Shun, the former leader of Bozhou University, are both here."

"Mr. Lu Fei, a famous collector in China, also came to the scene in person."

"If any of the great masters are interested, you can come on stage in person, and we will make on-site rubbings to compare with the rubbings in the booklet."

"If you don't believe the rubbings we collected, I believe Mr. Wang Shun can immediately retrieve the original painting rubbings and fax them over."

"We can do the comparison on the spot."

After saying these words, the whole place was boiling again.

Everyone knows that seals are very

Easy to copy.

But it is almost impossible to imitate watertight.

Because when making seals, there are too many anti-counterfeiting methods.

The depth, direction, height, thickness, cross section, pitting, etc. of the texture.

As long as the person who makes the seal is patient, it is easy to make 10 million anti-counterfeiting marks.

It is almost impossible for people to find out these anti-counterfeiting details one by one.

Not to mention the imitation is flawless.

Therefore, seals and seals are rarely auctioned at large auctions.

Even if it is auctioned, there must be additional inscriptions as evidence, otherwise no one would dare to take action.

The evidence is now in front of you, and several great masters are also present.

If their appraisal is correct, it will be 100% authentic, and other laymen will be able to take action with confidence.

At Peter's invitation, Guan Haishan, Wang Shun and Wang Zhenbang came to the treasure appraisal stage.

Peter came to Lu Fei personally to invite him, but Lu Fei waved his hand and expressed no interest.

Because, Wang Zhenbang, Guan Haishan and three people are enough.

Also, the seals and rubbings have appeared on the big screen, and with Lu Fei's eyesight, he has already made a judgment in his mind.

Looking at the current rubbing of "Shen De Tang Bao", both style and details are consistent with the printed text of "Shen De Tang Bao" on the booklet.

A comprehensive review of the jade quality and carvings complies with the regulations of the Qing Dynasty. It can be fully confirmed that this seal is the original one from that time.

"Shendetang Treasure" is exclusively used by Shendetang. According to the practice of the Qing Dynasty, it can be made before and after the completion of Shendetang.

However, because the four sides of the seal are engraved with the article "Shendetang Ji" written by Emperor Xuanzong, it provides a reliable basis for understanding the specific production time.

Shende Hall was completed in March of the 11th year of Daoguang. Emperor Xuanzong made the "Shende Hall"

The article "Tangji" was subsequently formed, so the poems inscribed on the four sides of the jade seal were inscribed as "Imperial System for the Spring Month of Xin Mao in the Eleventh Year of Daoguang", and the month of Ji Chun usually refers to the third month of the lunar calendar.

However, Emperor Xuanzong officially announced the article in mid-May of the same year.

Details can be found in the record in Volume 189 of "Records of Emperor Xuanzong of the Qing Dynasty". The time is "Ji Mao, the fifth month of the eleventh year of Daoguang". From this, it can be inferred that the inscription of "Shende Tang Bao" will not be made earlier than the tenth year of Daoguang. One year in May.

According to the seal cutting process and production cycle, the seal cutting should have been completed within the second half of the eleventh year of Daoguang.

Therefore, this seal is 100% authentic.

Lu Fei did not come on stage, and the Chinese audience was somewhat disappointed. Some people even whispered that Lu Fei's move was suspected of showing off.

But it doesn't matter, the appraisal by Wang Zhenbang's three great masters is enough.

The three of them don't have Lu Fei's vision, and they are extremely cautious.

They took out the ink pad on the spot and made a rubbing of the seal.

The three of them were uneasy after taking notice, so Wang Shun took out a special scanner similar to a police pass.

This is a high-tech product specially designed for Gubo. It is equipped with a storage capacity for all the rubbings of bell seals and seals collected by Gubo.

The Shen De Tang treasure rubbings were called up and scanned on-site, and the results were exactly the same.

With the conclusion, everyone is relieved and excited to the extreme.

"Auctioneer, let's get started!"

"I can not wait any more."

"That's it, I'm determined to win."

Seeing the madness of the Chinese people present, Lu Fei shook his head helplessly.

I thought, this square seal is going to fetch a sky-high price again.

"Everyone, please be patient. We will start bidding immediately."

"Here, on behalf of the company, I would like to first thank Wang Zhenbang and other three great masters for their personal appraisal."

"I believe that with their identification results, everyone will feel more at ease."

"Now I announce that the Guangxu Seal is the treasure of Shende Hall.

, with a base price of 1.5 million pounds. "

"Each bid shall not be less than one hundred thousand pounds."

"The transaction price is less than 3.5 million pounds, and our company does not charge commission."

"Now, let's start the bidding."

"I'll pay 1.5 million!"

"I'll pay 1.6 million."

"I'll pay two million."

Almost instantly, the price of the seal exceeded two million.

Looking inside the stadium, the number plates are densely packed, and almost everyone is in uniform.

Even those white-skinned foreigners are interested and vying to compete.


"Do you like this thing?"

"If you like it, I'll take it for you," Wade said.

"Hey, Mr. Lu Fei is a friend of our family, you don't need to worry about this matter."

"Mr. Lu Fei, if you like it, just nod. No matter how much it costs, I will help you get it."

After Murray finished speaking, Long Yun also expressed his willingness to take action.

The three of them immediately started a different kind of competition, which left Nina stunned.

Lu Fei chuckled.

"Don't make any noise."

"If I like it, I'll do it myself."

"For this little money, I won't bother you."


"That's true!"

"Fei, you are now extremely rich."

"To you, money is just a number, a seal, not even a drop in the bucket." Wade said.

"Depend on!"

"What does it mean to be rich and invincible?"

"Compared to your family, I'm a fucking pauper."

"Besides, my money isn't blown by the wind, okay? I feel bad if I spend too much!"


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