A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2088 Mr. Guan borrows money

The competition in the field for Seal has reached a fever pitch, and in less than five minutes, the price has exceeded five million pounds.

And Lu Fei was still chatting and spanking with Wade and the others.

At this moment, Lu Fei's cell phone buzzed.

I took out my phone and took a look. It was Guan Haishan who sent the text message.

"Balan Fei, aren't you going to take action?" Guan Haishan asked. .??.

"What do you mean?" Lu Fei asked.

"Such a good baby, why don't you take action?"


"You want me to take a photo of it and then donate it to you, right?"

"Mr. Guan, if you are so shameless, you can be regarded as the first person in ancient and modern times."

"Don't say I haven't decided yet whether I want to film it or not."

“Even if it’s photographed, it’s impossible to donate it.”

"My museum doesn't have many seals!" Lu Fei said.

Guan Haishan made an embarrassed expression and continued.

"I'm just asking you if you want to take action. You're thinking wrong."


"They are all foxes from the year before last. Stop playing with me, okay?"

"It's none of your business whether I take the picture or not. If you like it, take it yourself." Lu Fei said.

Guan Haishan said with a crying expression.

"I want to take pictures too!"

"Unfortunately, there is no money."

"I'm looking for you just to discuss it with you. Can you lend me some money?"

"I really like this Fang Seal, please."


Lu Fei almost laughed out loud.

I really misunderstood this dog, he actually wanted to borrow money from me.

This should be true, because Lu Fei knew that Guan Haishan had an almost paranoid love for seals.

There are more than a dozen high-quality seals collected in their home, including one of Emperor Qianlong's seals.

When Guan Haishan was young, he often made mistakes with his eyesight.

But most of the good things obtained were used in exchange for seals.

As for the seal of Emperor Qianlong, which is more exaggerated, it is related to

Haishan exchanged a Wanli blue and white piece for a property with three bedrooms and two living rooms in Chaoyang District.

Because of this, his wife almost divorced him.

Guan Haishan's wife complained about this matter in front of Lu Fei more than once.

It seems that when Guan Laosan saw this Fang Seal this time, he was tempted again.

"You can borrow money, as much as you want."

"But I don't know if you can afford it back?" Lu Fei asked.


"If you lend me 60 million Shenzhou coins, I will definitely pay you back with interest within twenty years." Guan Haishan said.

"Twenty years?"

"Holy shit!"

"Can you live another twenty years?"

"Do you think you are your master?"

"Who the hell am I going to cry to if you mess up your hair?" Lu Fei said.

Lu Fei said harsh words to Guan Haishan, but instead of being angry, Guan Haishan laughed.

For a long time, Lu Fei didn't give him a good look.

Now it seems like things are getting back to normal, at least the vicious tongue is showing again.

It sounds so kind!

If Lu Fei wanted to know what Guan Haishan was thinking, he would be so angry that he would vomit blood.

There is no better bitch in the world than this.

"Tashafei, I swear, I will return it to you."

"After the auction is over, I will give you an IOU."

"I still have a few treasures on hand, and can I mortgage this house to you?" Guan Haishan asked.


"Your house and your rags are not even worth 20 million, so stop dreaming."

"However, if you are really anxious, I can give you a chance."

"You report to the higher ups and use those red sandalwood materials in exchange for my protective fluid."

"As long as you can do it, these 60 million will accommodate you for twenty years."

"It doesn't even matter if you borrow more."

"Think about it!" Lu Fei said.

Guan Haishan's eyes almost popped out when he saw it.


"Without these rules, it would be impossible for the higher-ups to agree."

"Why is it impossible?"

"Although those rosewood materials were dug out of the ground, their value is not comparable to my protective fluid." .??.

"With my protective fluid, you can successfully open Ji Kai's coffin."

"In addition, I can also promise to help you ten times for free."

"With these ten free trials, you know better than me how many objects and treasures you will lose."

"In the report, if you make the situation more serious, the superiors will definitely approve it," Lu Fei said.


"This is protected by the Cultural Relics Law, and it is impossible for the higher authorities to approve it." Guan Haishan said firmly.

"Depend on!"

"Are you a fool to be the leader?"

"They know better than you what's important."

“It’s not like other museums don’t have red sandalwood aniseed, but those cultural relics will never recover after oxidation.”

"If I were the leader, I would definitely approve it after weighing the pros and cons."

"If you do this, write a report and make the matter more serious."

"As for whether it's approved or not, it's all a matter of your trying your best, okay?"

"As long as you file a report, I will lend you the money."

“It doesn’t matter how much you borrow, and you’ll pay it back within twenty years.”

"I'll ask my legal staff to make a contract later. If you cheat in advance, your daughter will repay you."

"what do you think?"


"The tatters fly, I'll draft the master!"

"Are you too much of an animal?" Guan Haishan said angrily.


"These are my rules. If you borrow money, follow my rules. If you don't borrow money, you will be kicked out."

. "

"However, if you miss Fang Baoxi, you will never see him again."

After Lu Fei finished speaking, Guan Haishan fell silent.

A few minutes later, he called Lu Fei again.


"I promise you."

"You can transfer 80 million to me now, and I will sign a contract with you later."

Lu Fei chuckled and started editing quickly.

"You think of the beauty, what if you don't admit it if I give it to you now?"

"You can do such a shameless thing."

"Besides, we have already asked for nine million pounds, and we may not be able to win eighty million pounds."

"Then what do you say? I am determined to get this seal."

Guan Haishan is really going crazy.

After personally witnessing Fang Baoxi on stage, Guan Haishan's heart was beating wildly and he was almost ready to cry out.

Lu Fei guessed well that Guan Haishan had a paranoid love for seals.

That kind of heart is no less than that when Xue Taihe saw Lu Fei's magical acupuncture skills, he was really going crazy.

It is no exaggeration to say that Guan Haishan would do anything for this seal.

Even if his wife wants to divorce him, he will take a photo of the seal.

Guan Haishan knew many of the Shenzhou bosses present.

Unfortunately, there is no way to borrow money from them.

If this spreads out, and the general consultant of China Archeology borrows money from the small boss to bid for a private collection, people will laugh out loud.

The only ones present who could speak were Wang Zhenbang and Lu Fei.

But compared to the two, Guan Haishan still believed in Lu Fei more, so he shamelessly borrowed money from Lu Fei.


"This is easy to handle."

"I'll think of a way to take a picture of Baoxi in a while."

"We'll sign a contract later. Whatever the transaction price is, it's up to you to borrow as much as you want."


"I'll do as you say!" Guan Haishan compromised.

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