A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2097 I will pay one hundred yuan

Lu Fei pulled Murray up and said his name in public.

The Chinese collector community and the bosses didn't think anything of it, but the Europeans present were collectively shocked.

The name Thomas is really shocking.

It was not only shocking, but also terrifying. It was simply not something they could compare to.

In this land, no business tycoon has the ability to challenge the Thomas family.

What everyone is struggling with now is whether the Thomas Murray Lu Fei talks about is a direct member of the family they admire.

Because, although everyone has heard of Thomas Murray's name, very few of them have seen him.

However, this person is expensively dressed, speaks elegantly, and has an extraordinary momentum. He should be a powerful figure of a high-ranking aristocrat.

Another point is that many people recognize Gene and know that he is the young boss of Feier Pharmaceuticals in the United States.

Mayfair is the leader of the pharmaceutical company, and its strength is absolutely terrifying.

But for such an awesome person, there are three people separated from Lu Fei.

Although these three people do not know each other, it is not difficult to see that they are all super powerful beings.

In contrast, Murray was sitting next to Lu Fei, and his status must be much nobler than Jean's.

After such analysis, this Murray should be the terrifying existence they thought of.

Moreover, there were actually several people present who had seen Murray in person.

There are even several companies affiliated with the Thomas family.

They recognized Murray and immediately started talking quietly.

Within a few breaths, all Europeans knew the real answer.

Everyone let out a sigh of relief and couldn't help but stand in awe.

Not talking about them, Murray was extremely depressed.

Just now Lu Fei told him to help take the photo of the dog's head.

But he never dreamed that Lu Fei would announce his name in public.

Every core direct member of their Thomas family is unwilling to have too many contacts with the business world.

Because these people cherish their lives the most.

The less people know about them, the more they


Now that it has been completely exposed, there will definitely be trouble in the future.

Murray was furious, but he couldn't get angry with Lu Fei, so he could only smile to hide his anger.

"Mr. Lu Fei, if you want to participate in the auction, just sit down and hold up your number plate."

"The way you are now is not in line with the rules." Peter said with a gloomy face.

That's right!

What Lu Fei did was indeed against the rules.

Standing up suddenly to show off his strength in public is to tell others that it is best not to compete with him.

This is a serious violation of the rules.

Anyone present who was wary of Lu Fei's strength would not dare to participate in the bidding.

In that case, the auction company will definitely suffer huge losses.

If it were anyone else, Beard could just invite Lu Fei out.

But today we are facing Lu Fei.

And standing next to Lu Fei is Thomas Murray.

He, a small auctioneer, would not dare to be presumptuous.

He paid full attention to Lu Fei and saw Lu Yun and Murray chatting and laughing, and Murray respected Lu Fei very much.

It was a small thing for him to offend Lu Yun. If he incurred the wrath of the Thomas family, it was not something he, a little auctioneer, could bear.

Lu Yun chuckled.

"Thank you auctioneer for the reminder."

"Actually, I don't have any other intention. I just want to stand up and move around because my legs are numb after sitting for a long time."

"Well, I promise not to delay the auction."

"You just said that there is no reserve price for this dog head, right?"

"Then I will give everyone a lead."

"I'll pay you a hundred yuan."

"Everyone, please continue."


Damn it


Damn it!

Buy it!

Oh, God!

Lu Fei's words were so shocking that the air in the entire audience froze for five seconds.

After reacting, extremely wonderful expressions appeared on the faces of more than 900 people in the audience.

Somewhat embarrassing!

Some are confused!

Some are sweating profusely!

Some laughed!

Some are angry!

Some are gloating!

And disdain and extreme contempt!

"What the hell!"

"Did I hear the wrong thing because I got angry and had tinnitus?"

"How much does Lu Fei pay?"

"Is it really a hundred dollars?"


"What kind of monster is this guy making? What kind of show are you going to play?"

"What does he want to do?"

"Is he crazy?"

Nina was dumbfounded in shock, Long Yun, Wade, Xiaoma and others laughed so hard that they all gave a thumbs up.

And Murray's true soul left his body and ascended to heaven as a Buddha.


"Damn it!"

"This yellow-skinned monkey deserves to die!"

"He just asked me to help bid, but he didn't say he wanted to act in this show!"

Murray didn't understand why Lu Fei reported his name just now, but now he finally figured it out.

This damn bastard wanted to use the reputation of the Thomas family to intimidate the wealthy European businessmen present.

Keep them from participating in the auction.

As for China, with Lu Fei's reputation covering him, there won't be much competition.

In this way, he can opportunistically capture the dog's head at the minimum cost.

This bastard is too smart and too bad.

He really deserves to go to hell!

Just now he said that the money was not enough for him to cover the whole situation. After hearing this

In short, Murray was still confused.

Lu Fei is the richest man in the world, and even those who have so much money don’t know how to spend it.

How much is a dog head worth even if it goes against the grain?

As for borrowing money from me?

It turns out that this is just a fucking excuse, and the purpose is to push myself to the front!

It's so inhuman.

What makes Murray even more depressed is that Rui Stone Auction Company is also a subsidiary of their family, and it is considered their family's industry.

Otherwise, why do people delay waiting for the landing?

Using the dog head as an excuse to get Lu Fei to come to London for the knife.

Dog heads are simply insignificant in their eyes.

Murray also stated before that he would "photograph" the dog's head and send it to land transportation.

Isn’t it fucking delicious to accept it for free without spending a penny?

Why would Mao do this?

Let his identity be exposed, and he is also suspected of using his power to oppress others.

Moreover, in this way, Lu Fei could get the dog head without paying a lot of money, and he didn't have to ask for his family's favor.

Inside and outside, it's like losing your wife and losing your troops, which is a big loss.

Sure enough, knowing Murray's identity, and then seeing the relationship between Murray and Lu Fei.

Most of the Europeans present quietly threw their number plates aside.

Several new nobles who had never heard of the Thomas family were really preparing to compete. They immediately received kind reminders from around them. They suddenly broke out in sweat and the number plates in their hands became hot potatoes.

There is one exception to this.

Chang Yufei, Christie's Asia general manager, often lives in Asia and really doesn't know the existence of the Thomas family.

He hated Lu Fei deeply. When he saw Lu Fei's quote of one hundred yuan, Chang Yufei responded with a sarcastic smile.

The number plate in his hand was also ready to be raised high and hit Lu Fei hard in the face.

However, the hand holding the number plate was tightly held by Henry, the British general manager beside him.

Henry whispered something to Chang Yufei, who quickly threw away his number plate, and cold sweat suddenly broke out on his forehead.

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