A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2098 Damn it

Lu Fei's move was extremely effective.

After confirming Thomas Murray's identity, all those rich and white-skinned people put down their number plates.

Even Chang Yufei and John, who hated Lu Fei deeply, did the same.

In fact, these people deliberately turned their heads to one side, not daring to look directly at Murray and Lu Fei.

Although this achieved the effect Lu Fei expected, Lu Fei was also shocked.

In the past, Lu Fei valued the strength of the Thomas family as highly as possible. .??.

But now it seems that I still underestimate them.

The foreigners fell silent. Although the Chinese people present had their own secrets, no one stood up to compete with Lu Fei for the time being.

The reason is the same as the Europeans.

Europeans are afraid of the strength of the Thomas family, and Chinese people are also afraid of Lu Fei.

A few people present had come into contact with Lu Fei, and the rest who had not come into contact all knew Lu Fei.

After all, Lu Fei's influence in China is too great

Everyone knows that people who provoke Lu Fei usually don't end well.

The more people know, the more afraid they are of Lu Fei.

Not only are they afraid of Lu Fei's power, but they are also afraid of Lu Fei's wealth.

If we compete here today, maybe Lu Fei will give him some shoes tomorrow.

With Lu Fei's financial resources and connections, it is not easy to clean up a company or enterprise.

Besides, everyone knows that if Lu Fei bids for the dog head and returns it, he will definitely donate it to the motherland.

In this case, who would compete with Lu Fei when they are full?

If Lu Fei loses more money, not only will he offend Lu Fei, but he will also be reviled by everyone.

Lu Fei is now the veritable number one internet celebrity. If you mess with him, the consequences will be disastrous.

Another point is that the dog's head is the ultimate treasure of China.

The more intense the competition, the cheaper it becomes for the auction company.

Even in a foreign country, the blood of the Chinese nation is still very united.

Let alone one hundred yuan, it would be best to get the dog's head for one yuan!

For many years, foreign

The auction company has made a lot of money from people in China.

This time they can make the auction company suffer, and of course they are happy to do so.


"Bad Flying is so awesome!"

"It looks like I'm going to get a big deal this time!" Jia Yuan said with a smile.


"How awesome is this!"

"It's shameless to ask for a hundred yuan."

"If there is no competition, the owner of the auction company will be crazy."

"But it's so damn enjoyable!"

"I like it!" Zhang Yanhe laughed loudly.

There was another alternative in the audience, and that was Ye Jiannan from Heyang Trading.

After losing face in front of Lu Fei several times, Ye Jiannan hated Lu Fei equally.

But this guy is not a fool either.

Looking at everyone's expressions, I felt something was wrong.

"Mr. John, this round is so strange!"

"Why is there no one competing?" Ye Jiannan asked.

"Keep your voice down, it doesn't matter to us whether there is competition or not. Don't talk too much." John said cautiously.

With John's expression, even an idiot Ye Jiannan could tell that something was wrong, and he no longer dared to talk nonsense.

Half a minute passed and the whole place was silent.

Auctioneer Peter's face was ashen, and he was stunned as if he had been immobilized.

Peter was really confused.

I thought that the finale of Dog Head would be wildly competitive. In this atmosphere, it is very likely that he will set a historical record and achieve his performance.

But he never dreamed that it would be like this.

Lu Fei shamelessly asked for a hundred yuan, and then nothing more happened.

As if there were nine in the field

More than a hundred people were like ghosts, lifeless.

Don’t experience this situation personally. In the history of auctions, you have never heard of it!

Damn it!

It's just incredible.


"Mr. Auctioneer, no one seems to be interested in this dog capital. No one is willing to bid!"

"Now I bid 100 yuan, and if no one bids again, can the hammer fall?" Lu Fei said with a smile.


Peter was so angry that he almost vomited three liters of blood. .??.

Although he knew that Lu Fei was not simple, now that he was so humiliated by Lu Fei, Peter was already in despair.

As for the Thomas family, he had never heard of it, let alone how powerful the Thomas family was.

In his opinion, everyone in the field withdrew from the competition because they must have been threatened by Lu Fei.

Lu Fei did this just to ruin things.

Therefore, Peter hated it so much that his teeth were broken.

"Mr. Lu Fei, you threatened everyone in public. This is a serious foul."

"Now I declare that you have been deprived of the qualification to bid."

"Please leave the auction hall immediately, otherwise I will ask the security to ask you out." Peter said angrily.


Lu Fei chuckled disdainfully.

"I want to ask, why did I commit a foul?"

"I just stand up, move my body, and say hello to people I know."

"In addition, I would like to express my love for this dog head and my determination to win it."

"Excuse me, who did I threaten?"

"Also, where does it say on the notice board of your auction company that talking is not allowed?"

"Which of your company's rules have I violated?"

"Please explain it to me, Mr. Peter."



Lu Fei's words left Peter speechless.

Lu Fei just nodded casually to everyone without explicitly threatening anyone.

His behavior of standing up and talking is indeed a bit shameless, and has never happened in previous auctions.

However, there is really no provision on this in the company's auction instructions.

Therefore, there is no foul play.

If I really asked him to explain, he really couldn't explain it.

But since Lu Fei didn't threaten anyone, why didn't anyone participate in the bidding?

This is the wind-milled bronze dog head of the twelve zodiac animals in the Old Summer Palace!

This is a real dog head, definitely not a fake, and it is the last one lost.

Shooting it back was definitely headline news.

According to past experience, the Shenzhou people will make a lot of money.

Those wealthy people who claim to have patriotic sentiments and are stupid and rich enough to show off will definitely do so at any cost.

In this way, it is logical that the dog heads will be sold at sky-high prices or even break records.

What happened today?

Why is everyone indifferent to this supreme treasure?

It seems like this is not a dog head, but shit. What a ghost.

At this moment, Peter almost collapsed completely.

Suddenly, Peter's eyes lit up.

Damn it!

In my desperation, I almost forgot that the company had arranged several childminders on site.

The purpose is to incite the emotions on the scene and make the competition among wealthy Chinese businessmen more fierce.

These people all acted based on Peter's eyes.

Peter didn't give any hint, and they didn't dare to raise their cards easily.


You are so bewitched by Lu Fei that you dare not bid, we still have our own people.

It is absolutely impossible to spend 100 yuan to take a photo of a dog's head back.

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