A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2099 No change

Thinking of a way, auctioneer Peter's expression suddenly softened.

"I'm sorry, dear Mr. Lu Fei."

"I was too nervous just now. You did not commit any foul. I apologize to you for my behavior just now."

"I hope you can forgive me."

Don’t reach out to hit the smiling person.

Even though Lu Fei was apologizing, it was hard for him to say anything.

“Since I didn’t commit any foul play, let’s ask the auctioneer to continue the process!”

"If no one bids again, you can lose the hammer." Lu Fei said.

"Okay, okay!"

"Please sit down and be patient."

After Lu Fei was comforted, Peter was overjoyed.

One hundred dollars is like taking away a dog's head. Is your brain broken?

This is London, not a place for you to run wild.

If you want to pick up the slack here, there is no way.

To get the dog head, you have to pay the price.

Thinking of this, Peter's eyes immediately found the inside line arranged in advance on the field, and he was about to give orders.

At this moment, a neutral voice came from his headset.

It was his boss, giving him orders.

After listening to the boss's order, Peter stood on the spot like a statue, completely uncomfortable.

"Mr. Peter, what are you still dawdling about?" Lu Fei asked impatiently.

Lu Fei's shout saved Peter's thoughts from the shock.

Looking at Lu Fei again, Peter broke out in cold sweat.

"Uh. Sorry, I was distracted."

"What is that!"

"The twelve zodiac animals in Old Summer Palace have the head of a dog, and Mr. Lu Fei bids one hundred yuan."

"Is there any higher one?"

When he said this, Peter's voice was choked and he almost cried.

His boss's order was not to use insiders to compete with Lu Fei.

This left Peter completely stunned.

You know, the value of this dog head is at least 50 million pounds, and it is still foreign.

People are sent here to take pictures on behalf of others, and their company only makes commission.

In this situation, Lu Fei is likely to succeed in his speculation without using insider information.

Not only does the company have to face serious damage to its reputation, it also has to give the auctioneer an explanation.

The so-called explanation can only mean losing money.

That would be a pretty hefty loss.

Is it crazy for the boss to issue such an order now?


After carefully recalling it, Peter not only took a breath of air.

Could it be that his own boss didn’t dare to provoke Lu Fei?

If that were the case, Lu Fei would be too scary.

I am an auctioneer myself, so whether the company suffers a loss or not actually has nothing to do with me.

However, paying a hundred dollars for a dog's head is simply ridiculous.

It can be said that it is simply a big joke.

If so, this must be the biggest shame in the history of auctions.

And the person who created this shame was none other than Peter.

After tonight, Beard will be discredited and become the biggest laughing stock in the industry.

In that case, his career will be over.

It's extremely sad.

The boss and insiders on the field can't be counted on.

The only hope now is for others to come forward and compete with Lu Fei to raise the price.

The more fierce the competition, the better it is for him personally.

Peter deliberately lengthened his voice and slowed down his rhythm, hoping that someone in the audience would come forward to rescue him.

But things went counterproductive.

After he finished speaking, the nine hundred people in the audience were collectively indifferent.

Even the vast majority of people were ready to leave, and few people looked at him at all.

At this moment, Peter was completely desperate.

"The twelve zodiac signs are dog-headed, Lu Fei is the first

The birth price is one hundred yuan. "

"Is there really no higher one?"


Listening to Peter's trembling pronunciation, many people in the audience laughed.

"Ha ha!"

"This auctioneer has probably never encountered such a weird thing in his life, and he was completely confused." .??.

"Damn it!"

"In the past, these glib auctioneers tried every means to break people's bones and suck out their marrow."

"How many collectors and bosses in China have been deceived by their sharp tongues?"

"Now it's finally their turn to be defeated. It's so damn satisfying." Zhang Yanhe whispered.

As for Fatty Wang, Fu Yuliang and others, they have already begun to make noises.


"Stop dilly-dallying, no one will raise the price at all."

"Hurry up!"

"Hurry up and drop the hammer, we are still waiting to go back for supper!"

"That's right, hurry up and seal the deal!"


As soon as these two people took the lead, the fellow Chinese people present who were watching the excitement and were not afraid of big things suddenly became excited.

Cheers arose one after another, and Peter's big nose kept trembling, and he was really about to cry.

But it's useless no matter how anxious you are.

At this point, he, a little auctioneer, cannot save the situation.

In desperation, Peter knew to continue the process.

"One hundred dollars a time!"

"One hundred dollars twice!"

Looking at the joking expressions of the audience, Peter didn't have the courage to ask any more questions and directly knocked down the hammer in his hand.

"One hundred dollars three times!"


"make a deal!"

At this point, the most bizarre case in the history of world auctions was born.

Lu Fei is the ultimate winner, and auctioneer Peter is the biggest tragedy in this bizarre case. \u003c


When the dust settled, the audience burst into deafening applause.

All the Chinese people stood up, clapped their hands with all their strength, and looked at Lu Fei with eyes filled with admiration.

Even Mr. Wang Zhenbang, who had a bad look in the audience, gave Lu Fei a thumbs up.

"Brother, you are too practical."

"You can get it done for one dollar, why do you have to pay a hundred dollars?"

"Ninety-nine pounds will sell for a lot of stuff."

"What a waste!" Long Yun laughed.

Lu Fei chuckled.

"I thought so too, but it's a pity that I don't have any change!"



Everyone laughed from the bottom of their hearts, but Murray's laughter was worse than crying.

This time, Murray was played around by Lu Fei.

What's even worse is that his identity is completely exposed.

In order to protect his life, the family is likely to deprive him of his status as an external business spokesperson in the future.

Perhaps, from now on, Murray can only live in the family and wait for death, becoming a carefree walking zombie.

At this time, Murray even suspected that Lu Fei had long known that Rui Stone Auction Company was a subsidiary of their family.

If that were the case, Lu Fei must be fully prepared for his trip to London.

And this weird auction was Lu Fei's personal conspiracy against him.

If that's the case, Lu Fei's wisdom is really terrifying.

After the applause, Lu Fei took out a hundred-yuan pound from his wallet and strode backstage.

One hundred yuan is a far cry from Rui Stone Company's expected price, and even the commission is saved.

A few minutes later, Lu Fei returned to the stage with the receipt.

Smilingly, he handed the documents to Peter, who looked like he was mourning for his concubine, and went directly to the dog's head.

Holding the dog's head above the country's head with both hands, it is now possible to loudly announce that all the twelve zodiac animals in the Haiyan Hall of the Old Summer Palace have returned.

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