A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2100 It’s worth this

It’s back!

It’s back!

After more than 150 years, all the twelve zodiac signs of the Old Summer Palace have finally returned to China.

It was already early morning in China time, but there were still tens of millions of netizens waiting to watch the live broadcast online.

When Lu Fei raised the dog's head high in his hand, the entire Internet was boiling, and even the whole of China was boiling.

not easy!

It's not easy.

One hundred and fifty years!

Today I finally avenge my shame and gather together the most representative twelve zodiac signs.

Lu Fei deserves the title of the number one collector and philanthropist in China!

"Well done Lu Fei!"

"Lu Fei is great!"

"Mr. Lu, I love you!"

"Mr. Lu, I want to give it to you"

The Internet was filled with praises, and Lu Fei's popularity reached its highest peak again.

At the Ristone Auction Company in London, Lu Fei was surrounded by hundreds of world media.

The long guns and short cannons in the hands of reporters kept flashing.

There is no doubt that this scene can definitely make the headlines tomorrow.

"Mr. Lu, you must be very excited at this moment. Can you tell me your feelings at this moment?"

"Mr. Lu, if the dog's head is successfully photographed, will you donate it to the motherland as soon as possible?"

"Mr. Lu"

The reporters rushed to ask questions like headless flies, making Lu Fei's head hurt.

At this time, a tall and charming white foreign woman wearing a long black skirt squeezed in front of Lu Fei.

"Mr. Lu Fei, can I ask you a question?"

Lu Fei looked up and saw that it was Caroline's best friend who was speaking.

Evelyn, a reporter from Global Daily.

Lu Fei chuckled.

"I have something to do later, just one question!"


"I won't take up too much of your time."

"I am

I would like to ask, why did you only bid one hundred yuan for this round? "

"The twelve zodiac dog heads are the most precious treasures in China. I bid one hundred pounds. It seems that I have some disrespect for the value of the dog heads!" Evelin asked.

This bitch deserves to be the chief reporter of Global Daily, and the questions she asks are extremely tricky.

This sentence was asked euphemistically, but it contained a deeper meaning.

Does that mean that the twelve zodiac animal heads that you regard as the most precious treasure are worth a hundred pounds?

Those European businessmen who did not dare to compete due to the power of the Thomas family heard this question, and their faces were full of gloating and joking.

Chang Yufei and Liu Peiwen hugged their shoulders, expecting Lu Fei to make a fool of himself in public.

It doesn't seem that easy to make a profit with one hundred yuan, right?

Let’s see how you answer this reporter’s tricky question.

Admitting it proves that your zodiac signs are garbage.

If you don't admit it, it means you are using coercion, inducement and opportunism.

No matter what, you must be defeated this time.


So damn cool!

I must ask back later which media this beautiful reporter belongs to, so that we can have a good discussion if we have the opportunity.

Chang Yufei and Chang Yufei were secretly happy, and the Chinese fellows present and Lu Fei's brainless fans on the Internet became nervous.

"Damn it!"

"Who are these bitches?"

"The question you raised is too immoral, isn't it?"

"Mr. Lu's ability to opportunistically capture the dog's head is a manifestation of his great wisdom. It has nothing to do with you!"

"It's just that I'm full."

"That's right!"

"You bitch, we remember you. If I meet you in China, I will never let you go."

Netizens cursed overwhelmingly, Fatty Wang

Zi Zhang Yanhe, Wang Zhenbang and other Lu Fei's friends were so anxious that they were sweating.

A poor answer to this question will definitely affect Lu Fei's reputation, and even China's reputation.

This level is difficult to pass!

Unlike them, Guan Haishan was sneering in his heart at this moment.


"You're a dead turtle, your son is a rag, you're cheating on people every day, you should be cheated once today."

"You bastard, you will definitely get retribution this time."

Everyone was extremely nervous as they had their own secrets, but the person involved, Lu Fei, was relaxed.

"The questions raised by this reporter are very interesting and pertinent!"


"I'll give you the answer."

"You asked me why I only offered one hundred pounds, right?" Lu Fei asked.

"That's right!"

"Prior to this, the twelve zodiac animal heads appeared many times in major auctions around the world."

"I did a rough calculation and found that on average, the transaction price of each animal head is more than 15 million pounds."

“This also includes transaction records from more than ten years ago.”

"The most recent time, Mr. Lu, you bought the dragon head, and the price exceeded 40 million pounds."

"The twelve zodiac animal heads themselves should be a set of combinations, that is, a whole."

"The other animal heads are worth tens of thousands, but for the last dog head, which is the most significant, you only offered one hundred pounds."

"I guess it's not just me, many people can't understand it."

"Please ask Mr. Lu Fei to help answer this question."

"Thank you!" Evelin said with a polite smile.

Lu Fei nodded.


"Actually, this question is very simple."

"Because, in my eyes, the value of this dog head is only a few hundred pounds."

"My offer of one hundred pounds was just a test. I didn't expect that everyone would be interested."

Interested, so I just missed it! "


Lu Fei's words stirred up waves.

Everyone was guessing how Lu Fei would respond, but no one expected that Lu Fei actually said that the dog head was worth several hundred pounds.

Holy shit!

Is this guy crazy?

When you say this, you directly describe the priceless twelve zodiac signs as shit.

This is simply an insult to the twelve zodiac signs Dashui Fa Chiguoguo!

Also, a dog head is worth several hundred yuan, so what do those previous animal heads count?

What are the treasures that people have recovered at great cost?

When you say this, don't you mean that the patriotic people who paid exorbitant prices to buy animal heads in the past are all idiots?

Don’t forget, you, Lu Fei, donated several animal heads!

In this case, aren't you the number one idiot in the world?

Normally the land and planes police people, why do you suddenly say such irresponsible words this time?

What a disappointment.

Netizens were extremely depressed, and the Chinese people present were disappointed.

The European bosses who were not afraid of big troubles could not hide their smirks. Liu Peiwen, Chang Yufei and Ye Jiannan burst into laughter.

"Mr. Lu Fei, did I hear you correctly?"

"You said that in your opinion, this dog head is worth a few hundred pounds?" Evelin asked in disbelief.

"That's right!"

"That's what I said!"

"In my eyes, this thing is only worth a few hundred pounds."


Chang Yufei couldn't control it anymore and came to Lu Fei laughing.

"Mr. Lu, do you have a cold and a fever today and are you talking nonsense?"

"How is it possible that this dog head is worth a few hundred pounds?"

"If that's the case, what does the dragon head you paid a huge price for before count?"

"Is not this contradictory?"

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