A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2101 Speaking openly

Two important treasures were poached by Lu Fei, and Chang Yufei was furious.

There was a serious loophole in Lu Fei's answer to a reporter's question just now. Chang Yufei would not miss this opportunity and quickly stood up to make things difficult for Lu Fei.

The wealthy European businessmen were waiting to see Lu Fei's joke with laughter. Even Murray wanted Lu Fei to make a fool of himself.

Just now, he was fooled around by Lu Fei.

If Lu Fei made a fool of himself in public, it would relieve the bad mood in his heart.

Chang Yufei shouted, and Liu Laoer, who was bullied by Lu Fei and almost committed suicide, also took the opportunity to add insult to injury.

"Lu Fei, what Mr. Chang said is right, but what you said is completely contradictory."

"If you don't give everyone a perfect explanation today, I believe you won't be able to explain it even in front of your Chinese compatriots."

Lu Fei looked at Liu Peiwen like an idiot and suddenly laughed.

This smile made Liu Laoer feel numb all over and had goosebumps all over his body.

"Mr. Liu Peiwen, it's not your turn to ask about the affairs of us Chinese people, right?"

"Please stay out of my sight and don't let me see you."

"I'm not in the mood when I see you. If I'm not in the mood, I don't bother to explain."

"When the time comes for your journalist friends to settle accounts with you, that is none of my business."



Everyone is well aware of the grievances between Lu Fei and the Liu family.

When Lu Fei said this, everyone laughed.

This is not giving Liu Peiwen any face!

Liu Laoer was shaking with anger and his lips were blue.

But in this situation, he had no choice but to endure it.

"Brother Yufei, don't you want to hear my explanation?"

"If you want to hear it, ask your deputy manager Liu to go out. If you don't want to hear it, you can leave." Lu Fei said.

Lu Fei turned over and pointed the finger at Chang Yufei, which made this guy even more embarrassed.

Let Liu Peiwen go out, it will be a loss of face for him and Christie's


Not letting him out, Lu Fei just used this as an excuse not to explain, and he could pass the test easily.

Compared with saving face, Chang Yufei hopes Lu Fei will make a fool of himself in public.

After weighing it again and again, he finally gritted his teeth and asked Liu Peiwen to wait for him outside.

This was tantamount to submissiveness in disguise, which also aroused ridicule from the Chinese audience, making Chang Yufei blush with anger.

"Mr. Lu Fei, can you speak now?"

"Why is the dog head worth only a few hundred yuan in your eyes?" Evelin said with a smile.

"That's right!"

"This dog head is worth a few hundred dollars in my eyes."

"Everyone knows what material this animal head is made of."

"This is ordinary wind-milled copper. In today's terms, it is red copper."

"In the Qing Dynasty, the smelting technology of wind-milled copper was quite developed. As long as you had money, wind-milled copper was not a rare thing."

"Nowadays, wind-milled copper objects from the Qing Dynasty can often be seen in major antique cities in China."

"The value of various ornaments and pendants is only a few hundred yuan in Shenzhou coins, and those over a thousand yuan are already rare."

"Because this thing is easy to preserve, it is not as delicate as porcelain, and the craftsmanship is not as complicated as porcelain."

"The twelve zodiac signs are made of wind-milled copper and are integrated with the base and fountain."

"Just taking out the animal head, it can be said that it is just a fragment, and it is no more than two hundred years old."

"Such a material, such a year, according to the current market conditions, it costs several thousand Shenzhou coins, which is equivalent to pounds, but only a few hundred yuan." Lu Fei said.


After hearing what Lu Fei said, the experts present frowned.

What Lu Fei said makes sense. Just talking about the material and year, the value of the animal head is

Several thousand Shenzhou coins.

The reason for the sky-high prices before was all due to artificial hype.

"Mr. Lu Fei, what you say makes no sense." Chang Yufei said.


"Why doesn't it make sense?" Lu Fei asked with a smile.

"These twelve weathered bronze animal heads come from the imperial garden Yuanmingyuan. They are authentic royal objects."

"Moreover, the twelve zodiac animal heads represent great historical significance, so they often fetch high prices."

"How can this be compared with ordinary street stall garbage?" Chang Yufei asked.

"Brother Yufei, what do you mean by historical significance?" Lu Fei asked with a stern face.


This time Chang Yufei was really confused.

Everyone knows the meaning of the twelve zodiac animal heads.

The key is, in this situation, there is no way to say it!

The so-called historical significance is of course the Opium War and the catastrophe of the Old Summer Palace.

But the architect of these catastrophes was the British and French forces.

And the methods used were extremely despicable.

The land we are standing on now is London, England. How do you say this in front of hundreds of media?

Just tell them in front of reporters how despicable and shameless the British army was back then. Isn’t this nonsense?

Let’s not talk about what the wealthy British businessmen present thought.

When the news comes out tomorrow, Chang Yufei will become a public enemy.

Not only the British hate him, but the Chinese will not let him go.

It is very likely that Christie's reputation will be damaged by his unrestrained words.

Chang Yufei would never dare to say this in public.

For a moment, Chang Yufei was so embarrassed that his face turned red and his neck became thick, his expression was extremely embarrassing, and he was speechless.


"Brother Yufei, what are you doing?

What's wrong? "

"As the president of Christie's Asia, you must be a master of history."

"In front of journalist friends and netizens from all over the world, please explain to everyone the great historical significance of the Twelve Zodiac Signs in the Haiyan Hall of the Old Summer Palace."

"Why is this thing worth so much?" Lu Fei asked aggressively.


This time, Chang Yufei was really stupid.

His face was changing, big beads of sweat were dripping down his forehead, and his breathing was quickened for several beats.


"Baoshao Fei is such a master!"

"It's so clever to eliminate such a big problem so easily."

"Pity this idiot Chang Yufei, he's still far behind in fighting with Baoshao Fei!"


Fatty Wang and others secretly rejoiced in the background. The reporters focused their attention and equipment on Chang Yufei, expecting Mr. Chang to tell them about the historical significance.

Chang Yufei's legs were weak and he took two trembling steps back, looking as embarrassed as he wanted.

"Brother Lu Fei, I suddenly have a stomachache, so I'm sorry."

"Another day, let's sit down and discuss!"

After Chang Yufei finished speaking, he took a deep breath and turned around to run away.

Damn it!

I fell into Lu Fei's trap again.

Don't stay in the land of right and wrong for long. If you say one more word, you may be doomed!

Must say goodbye.

Chang Yufei turned around and was about to leave, when Lu Fei's hearty laughter came from behind.

"Brother Yufei, walk slowly!"


Chang Yufei stopped, turned around awkwardly, and asked with a smile that was uglier than crying.

"Brother Lu Fei, I'm really not feeling well. Let's talk some other time!"

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