A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2102 Hepatobiliary Spasm

Chang Yufei did not dare to explain the historical significance of the dog head, so he lied that he was not feeling well and was about to run away, but was stopped by Lu Fei.

"Brother Yufei, why are you in such a hurry?"

"Don't forget, I am a famous miracle doctor in China. If you are not feeling well, I can help you treat it!"

"Come on, let me see first, what disease do you have?"


Damn it!

This guy Lu Fei is really difficult to deal with.

At this time, Chang Yufei felt extremely regretful. If he had known this, he shouldn't have stood up and humiliated himself!

Unfortunately, it was useless for him to regret it now, because his wrist had already been caught by Lu Fei.

A huge force came and Chang Yufei couldn't get rid of it at all.

Holding Chang Yufei's wrist, Lu Fei narrowed his eyes and diagnosed his pulse seriously.

After a few seconds, Lu Fei opened his eyes and smiled lightly.

"Brother Yufei, there is nothing wrong with your health."

"It's just that there is some spasm in the liver and gallbladder, as if he was frightened by something."

"Hey, are you scared because you don't dare to explain the history of dog heads?"


Chang Yufei's face wrinkled into a chrysanthemum, but the Chinese audience present laughed.

Lu Fei's face was full of teasing and even extreme contempt.

"Brother Yufei, why are you doing this?"

"I dare not say that you can tell me directly, why do you scare yourself like this?"

"If it's not dealt with in time, there will really be problems."

"Your liver and gallbladder spasm cannot be cured by medicine or stone. You must open your heart."

"Your heart is entangled with the historical issue of dog heads, so I am the only one who can help you."

"Remember, you owe me a favor!"

Now Chang Yufei finally recognizes the facts.

Whether it is financial power or wisdom, he and Lu Fei are not on the same level at all.

Challenge Lu Fei

, and can only bring humiliation to oneself.

It seems that from now on, one must be careful in front of Lu Fei.

"Brother Lu Fei, how are you going to help me?" Chang Yufei asked nervously.

"This is easy!"

"You don't dare to talk about the history of dog heads. Let me talk about it for you."

"Speak it out and your heart will be opened."

"My colleagues, my bosses, and all the journalists present."

"Just now, Mr. Chang said that the dog head has special historical significance, but it is not convenient for Mr. Chang to explain it to everyone."

"Next, I will speak to you on behalf of Mr. Chang."

Depend on!

Your uncle's!

Can you explain it to me?

Doesn’t this still put me in?

You are trying to use me as a scapegoat!

When Chang Yufei heard this, he suddenly felt hopeless.

"When it comes to the historical significance of dog heads, we must talk about the origin of dog heads."

"Everyone knows that the dog head is one of the twelve zodiac animal heads."

"The wind-milled bronze animal heads of the twelve zodiac signs are the twelve zodiac signs of the Haiyantang fountain designed by Castiglione."

"And these twelve animal heads are a component of the water-spraying method of the Great Water Technique."

"However, in the tenth year of Xianfeng, the British and French forces burned down the Old Summer Palace, creating an unprecedented catastrophe and destroying China's major royal gardens."

"Not only that, but he also robbed countless valuable treasures from the Old Summer Palace."

"The methods are simply despicable and outrageous."

When Lu Fei said this, the Chinese people present gnashed their teeth in hatred, while the wealthy British businessmen stared in anger.

Lu Fei's face was gloomy, his falcon-like eyes scanned the wealthy European businessmen present, and he spoke coldly to those resentful British reporters.

"Don't look at me like that."

"What I said are facts, and no one can fucking change the facts."

"The bandits not only robbed the treasures, but also set fire to the gardens. It was a heinous crime."

"The twelve zodiac animal heads of Haiyantang were cut off and snatched away by these bandits, and they have since been lost overseas."

"These twelve zodiac animal heads are originally just an accessory of the Great Water Technique, and they don't have much value."

"But a hundred years later, it was maliciously hyped by some unscrupulous businessmen, taking advantage of the so-called patriotic sentiments of Chinese businessmen and colleagues in the collection industry, and exorbitantly fetched it at a sky-high price."

"Such behavior is even more despicable and shameless."

"Ms. Evelyn asked me just now why I paid a huge price for the dragon head, but only paid a hundred pounds for the dog head."

"This problem is easy to explain."

"China has recovered several animal heads one after another. For this, China's wealthy businessmen and colleagues in the collection industry paid a huge price."

"It is said that there is no turning back when the bow is opened. Now that we have started collecting, of course there is no reason to stop."

"So, no matter how much the dragon head costs, I will take it back."

"What's more, I'm not short of money either."

“The reason why the dragon head is sold at a sky-high price is because the competition is fierce.”

"And today there is no competition for the dog head, so of course I get an advantage."

"Ms. Evelin, are you satisfied with my explanation?" Lu Fei said with a smile.

Evelin was slightly startled and said.

"Mr. Lu, I don't understand why no one competes with you tonight, but we all feel that there is something abnormal about this matter."

"Put this aside for now. You just said that a dog's head is worth a few hundred pounds in your eyes. How do you explain this?"


"As I said before, the animal head is a remnant, and the material and age have limitations.

, it’s worth so much in my eyes. "

"Mr. Chang said just now that it has special historical significance. That's his opinion."

"In the eyes of me and the Chinese people, that is not of historical significance, but of shame."

"What a shame!"

"Recycling the twelve zodiac animal heads is not to be proud of, but to be aware of shame and then be brave."

"This is also a spirit of Chinese people, and this spirit is not to give in, not to be cowardly, not to be afraid of powerful enemies, and to work hard to become stronger."

"We want to show the world that the great Chinese nation is so powerful that no foreign country can peek into it."

"As for the heavy price we paid to recover the animal heads, we just think of it as paying tuition."

"Although it cost a lot of money, it made our nation more united."

"So, I think the money was not wasted, but was worth thousands of dollars."

"At the same time, it also allows us all to see clearly the ugly faces of those auction companies."

"I believe that from now on, cases similar to the twelve zodiac animal heads will never appear easily."

"So, I think their good days are coming to an end."

"It will definitely not be that easy to get money from Black China people in the future."


"well said!"

"Mr. Lu said that very well."

"We Chinese people are not fools. It is absolutely impossible for these black-hearted thieves to use such despicable methods to hack our money in the future."


After Lu Fei finished speaking, the entire Chinese audience stood up and applauded and shouted in unison, the sound was loud.

The Chinese netizens online were even more excited and excited.

Tonight, Lu Fei once again slapped the foreigner in the face, and more importantly, made all Chinese people recognize the reality.

And Lu Fei's popularity has once again climbed to new heights.

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