A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2103 Each has his own merits

After the auction ended, Lu Fei left Rui Stone Building under various complicated looks.

When they arrived at the parking lot and were about to get in the car, the big reporter Evelin chased her out.

"Mr. Lu Fei, it is my duty as a reporter to ask you questions. You won't be angry, right?" Evelin asked nervously.

"hehe!" ??

"I, Lu Fei, am not that stingy."

"It's very late. I'll invite you to dinner another day. Let's go now."

When Lu Fei said this, Evelin let out a sigh of relief and waved goodbye to Lu Fei with a smile as bright as a flower.

Xiao Ma was called away by Long Yun, and the two of them responded with evil smiles mysteriously, which aroused Wade's extreme contempt.

Everyone said goodbye in the parking lot, Tianbao got into the front row, and Lu Fei said to Nina with a smile.

"Would you like to come back with me for a massage?"

Nina bit her lip slightly nervously.

He hesitated for two seconds and said coquettishly.

"Go, of course you have to go!"

"This is all what has been said, and I will never go back on it."

"It's you, aren't you afraid of being secretly photographed by the paparazzi and ruining your reputation?"


Lu Fei laughed loudly.

"I, Lu Fei, have always gone my own way."

"No one can control what I want to do."

"Besides, I just want to try your massage techniques, and I'm not doing anything wrong."

"What am I afraid of?" Lu Fei said.


"Mr. Lu is really domineering."

"Although you are not afraid of public opinion, you are not worried about your woman being jealous?"

"hehe!" ??

"We are aboveboard, there is nothing to worry about."

"If she is jealous because of this, she is not worthy of being my woman."

"Having said all that, do you want to go or not?"

"If you are worried about me doing something bad, I will send a car to take you back." Lu Fei said.


"What am I afraid of?"

"I wish you would do bad things to me."

"You know, you

But here is the man that I, Nina, admire the most! "

"I'll go with you."


The three of them got in the car and went straight back to the villa.

After entering the door, Jack and four maids were waiting in the living room.

"Mr. Lu Fei, do you still need my slave to give you a massage tonight?"

Jack glanced at Nina and said meaningfully to Lu Fei.


"of course yes!"

"Jack, please don't get me wrong."

"This is Miss Nina, she is my friend."

"She said her massage techniques are quite good. I'm going to try it out first to see which one of you two has the better technique."

After Lu Fei finished speaking, Jack gave a rare smile.

Nina stroked her black hair on her temples, looking charming and sexy.

"Mr. Lu, please arrange a room for me first!"

"I'm going to take a shower and get ready, and I'll let you experience my magical massage techniques later."


Lu Fei told Jack, who immediately took Nina to the room on the second floor next to Tianbao.

Tianbao looked at Lu Fei and smiled evilly.

"Brother Fei!"

"You should take it easy!"


Lu Fei returned to the room and took a shower, handed his bag to Tianbao, put on his pajamas and went to Nina's room.

The door opened, and an intoxicating fragrance hit him.

Seconds after it rained, Nina appeared in front of Lu Fei wearing a pure white transparent pajamas.

Her wet black hair is draped over her shoulders, her skin is as white as snow, and her facial features are flawless. Coupled with her sexy collarbone, it's simply captivating and makes people want to stop!

"Mr. Lu, do I look good?" Nina's eyes flashed and she smiled sweetly.


"I always think that Miss Nina is a natural beauty.

female. "

"Much more attractive than those Western beauties."

Lu Fei said and closed the door, and Nina instantly threw herself into Lu Fei's arms with a delicate fragrance.

Lu Fei stopped her tightly, took a deep breath of the fragrance and showed a lewd smile.

"Mr. Lu, let's go to the room."

Nina flashes her smart eyes, seducing her in every possible way.

But halfway through speaking, his vision suddenly went dark, and he suddenly lost consciousness.

Lu Fei chuckled and whispered.

"Fight with me, vixen, but you're still far behind."

Lu Fei didn't go to Nina's room at all. He first put her on the ground and then went into the bathroom.

Every corner was carefully checked to make sure there were no surveillance or listening devices.

Then he carried Nina to the bathroom and gently placed her on the massage table.

He took out a small yellow pill from his pajama pocket and stuffed it into Nina's mouth with a smirk on his face.

He turned around and prepared to leave. When he reached the door, he was still worried and turned back again.

He tore open the skirt of Nina's pajamas, stuffed half of it into her mouth, and tore the other half into strips of cloth to trap her hands.

Next, he sat next to Nina and carefully looked at this pretty face that turned all living beings upside down.


"Bangzi Country's plastic surgery skills are indeed superb!"

"If it weren't for me, most people wouldn't be able to see it."

"Woman, this is your destiny. No one can save you."

"Don't worry, I will let you get the destination you deserve."

Lu Fei sat aside for more than half an hour, washed his face and left Nina's room.

In the living room, Jack was still waiting and stood up quickly when he saw Lu Fei coming downstairs.

"Mr. Lu Fei, how was your friend's massage technique?"


"Not bad. My skills are better than yours, but I'm not strong enough."

"In short, they all have their own merits!" Lu Fei said.

“Then we still need to use the old slave for massage?

? "

Lu Fei waved his hand.

"No need for it tonight, I have to study something. If you are tired, you can rest first." Lu Fei said.

"I'm not tired, old slave!"

"I'll be waiting in the living room. If Mr. Lu Fei needs anything, just call me."


Lu Fei went to Tianbao's room, got his bag back, and dove into the room.

Jack, on the other hand, sat quietly on the sofa in the living room, sipping tea.

Half an hour later, the phone on the coffee table rang.

"Mr. Lu Fei, what are your orders?" Jack asked.

"Jack, if you're tired, make me a cup of coffee and send it over."


"Okay, please wait a moment."

Delivering coffee was supposed to be the maid's job, but Lu Fei told him when he got here that except for Jack and his own people, the maid was absolutely not allowed to enter his room.

Therefore, Jack could only deliver the coffee himself.

A few minutes later, Jack knocked on Lu Fei's door with a cup of steaming coffee.

"Please come in!"

Pushing open the door and entering, the old housekeeper was slightly startled when he saw Lu Fei.

At this time, Lu Fei was sitting in front of his desk, with awls, pliers, scissors and other tools lined up.

Lu Fei was playing with the scabbard of a knife in his hand.

This is the scabbard of the Seven Star Sword.

Jack put down his coffee gently, glanced casually and was about to go out. At this time, Lu Fei suddenly screamed in surprise.



"Sure enough, there is something strange. I finally found you."

Hearing this voice, Jack seemed to freeze and stopped abruptly.

Then I saw Lu Fei's thumb pressing hard on a gemstone in the scabbard.

Then, pick up a sharp knife and gently insert it into the gap where the gem is set.

The next second, something incredible happened.

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