A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2107 The Miracle of Soy Products

The four white maids stared blankly at the glass jar in Lu Fei's hand, their eyes full of curiosity.

"Mr. Lu Fei, is this the Chinese delicacy you are talking about?" Rui asked.

"That's right!"

"This thing is well-known in China and its reputation spreads far and wide."

"Especially northerners love it even more."

"The status of this thing in the eyes of Chinese people is no worse than the status of French fries in your hearts." Lu Fei said.

"Buy it!" .??.??

"So magical?"

"What exactly is this?"

"Is it tasty?"

The four maids were so curious that at this moment they even forgot about the tasks Jack gave them.

"Of course it's delicious."

"This thing is called fermented bean curd, and it's super delicious."

“In China, the top accompaniment of fermented bean curd is steamed buns.”

"The hot steamed buns are split in the middle and stuffed with fermented bean curd, which will make you bite off your tongue."

"Although you don't have steamed buns here, sliced ​​bread will do."

"You are so lucky today. I will let you try it later. I guarantee that you will never forget this magical taste."

Lu Fei's deception made the four maids extremely curious, and begged Lu Fei to open it quickly.

Lu Fei did not disappoint them, he tore off the plastic seal, and the maids quickly came up, four pairs of eyes fixed on the sky blue lid.

Lu Fei gently unscrewed the lid and took it off, and a powerful smell burst out instantly.

The four maids rolled their eyes and almost fainted.

"I bought it!"



"It stinks so bad, I can't stand it!"


The maids immediately covered their noses and fled, running away ten meters away, sitting on the ground and retching desperately.

At the same time, eight vicious sapphire eyes glared at Lu Fei.

If looks could kill, Lu Fei was in a state of shock at this moment.

The scars are riddled with wounds that will never be restored.

Lu Fei sat there, laughing with tears streaming down his face.


"I said, what do you think?"

"Why are you so repulsive to such a magical delicacy?"


The maids glared angrily, but they did not dare to get angry with Lu Fei. Their eyes were full of grievances.

"Mr. Lu Fei, you, you lie!"

"This tastes so disgusting, how can it be delicious?"

"That's right, the smell can kill anyone. Who can eat it?"


"It's not as exaggerated as you said."

"Canned herring tastes more disgusting, but a lot of people flock to it."

"This is much better than canned herring."

"Even though it smells bad, it tastes like a bad taste!"

Lu Fei said, picked up a piece of stinky tofu with his chopsticks, and spread it on the sliced ​​bread.

Then sandwich it with another piece of bread and devour it.



“So delicious!”

"Eating Western food these days has made me vomit, and finally I saw this in a Shenzhou store."

“The taste of hometown is still good!”

Lu Fei's expression was one of intoxication.

The maids who watched him eating stinky tofu couldn't bear it even more. They kept retching and almost vomited out bile.

"I bought it!"

"Mr. Lu Fei is a madman!"

"Yes, definitely a madman!"

"He actually eats such smelly food so deliciously. How can he stand it?"

"It's incredible!" the maids muttered.


Lu Fei made two pieces of bread in a few mouthfuls.

After taking a sip of milk, I picked up another piece of bread and continued to spread the stinky tofu.

While applying it, he explained to several maids.

"I'm not that bored. This is really the top food in China." .??.??

"And it's a time-honored brand in Tiandu, with a history of more than 300 years."

"This is the great Wang Zhi and stinky tofu."

"Buy it!"

"This, this thing is really edible?" Rena asked in disbelief.


"Don't you think the food I eat tastes delicious?"

"Although this thing smells a little bit stinky, it tastes like an incredible thing."

“It’s an understatement to say it’s a miracle among soy products.”


Got some bad smell?

Is your nose not working well?

This obviously smells worse than poop, okay?

Several maids rolled their eyes.


"You don't believe it?"

"If you don't believe me, try it for yourself. I guarantee you won't be able to stop."

The four maids shook their heads like rattles and took two steps back at the same time, fearing that Lu Fei would force them to eat stinky tofu.

That would be worse than life!

Seeing this, Lu Fei smiled even brighter.

"Beauties, please don't be so repellent."

"I kid you not, this is a miracle in soy products."

"The great inventor of stinky tofu is called Wang Zhihe. He was a scholar during the Kangxi period. However, his family was not well off and he could only work as a tofu maker."

"One hot summer morning, Wang Zhihe was about to go out to sell tofu."

"Unexpectedly, a relative broke into the house and said that he wanted to marry a wife. He asked him to help for a few days, and then sent Wang Zhi

and pull away. "

"When Wang Zhihe returned home after leaving home for a few days, he opened the door and smelled a strange stench."

"When he opened the wrapping cloth covering the tofu, he saw that the snow-white tofu had a layer of green hair."

"Wang Zhihe has been diligent and thrifty since he was a child. He reluctantly grabbed a handful of tofu and put it in his mouth. It actually tasted delicious."

"Wang Zhihe was overjoyed. He removed the green hair on the tofu, cut the tofu into small pieces, and started selling "stinky tofu" on his shoulders."

"In this way, Wang Zhihe's tofu business grew bigger and bigger, and he also operated white tofu and stinky tofu, and gradually became famous in the south of Beijing and the north."

"Smelly tofu has become a delicacy on the dinner table."

"In the 17th year of Kangxi's reign, Wang Zhihe built a workshop on Yanshou Temple Street West Road and set up a sign: "Wang Zhihe South Sauce Garden". He hired teachers and apprentices to deal mainly in stinky tofu, as well as soybean curd, dried tofu and various other products. Pickles.”

"Soon, the sales of stinky tofu expanded to the Northeast, Northwest, and North China."

"After many improvements, stinky tofu was introduced to the imperial kitchen in the late Qing Dynasty and became a daily side dish for the Empress Dowager Cixi."

"The Empress Dowager Cixi didn't like the name of stinky tofu, so she named it "Qingfang", which doubled the value of Wang Zhihe's stinky tofu."

"The three standing plaques in front of Wang Zhihe's door plus the painted dragon's head symbolize the meaning of "Da Nei Shang Yong"; the six characters "Wang Zhihe South Sauce Garden" are engraved on two plaques, respectively by Sun Jianai and Lu Qi, the number one scholar. Light-inscribed book.”

"Sun Jianai wrote two acrostic couplets. One says: "The delicious food spreads to you thousands of miles away, and my secret nourishes the heart." The other says: "The sauce is mixed with dragon pan and peony, and the chicken soles are blooming in the garden." The top of the crown The horizontal reading is "Zhihe Sauce Garden"."

"Wang Zhihe's business is getting more and more prosperous, and everyone is competing to imitate it."

"During the Guangxu period, Wang Zhenghe, Wang Zhihe, Zhizhonghe and other soy sauce gardens were successively opened outside Xuanwumen, Yanshou Temple Street and other places."

“However, the most authentic one is Wang Zhihe’s brand.”

"The value of Wang Zhihe's brand today is so high that you can hardly imagine it."

"So you don't have to be afraid, this is really the best food!"

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