A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2108 Incense and Sweating Medicine

Although Lu Fei wolfed down the introduction patiently, the four maids still stayed away.

Each one of them covered their noses and mouths tightly and kept retching.

The more delicious Lu Fei's food was, the harder it was for them to accept it.

After all, the taste is so exciting. ??

Lu Fei chuckled and didn't push too hard.


"I originally planned to let you experience the magical Chinese cuisine, but it seems that you are not so lucky!"

The maids all rolled their eyes.

My heart said, this is bullshit food!

It smells worse than poop. Even a normal person can't stand it, okay?

Want us to experience it?

No joke, even if we hold a gun to our head, we would rather die than surrender.

Soon, Lu Fei ate four slices of bread and two pieces of stinky tofu.

After drinking up the remaining half glass of milk, Lu Fei burped and stretched his waist with satisfaction.

This stretch could cost your life.

His fist accidentally touched the bottle of stinky tofu.



The bottle shattered on the ground, and stinky tofu and thick soup sprayed everywhere.

The soul-destroying smell rose into the sky and quickly filled every corner of the villa.

The four maids couldn't bear it anymore, and they knelt on the ground and vomited wildly.

"sorry Sorry."

"I did not do it on purpose."

"You should seize the time to tidy up!"


"It's a pity that I lost this jar of delicious food." Lu Fei said regretfully.

The maids had tears in their eyes and were about to cry.


"Mr. Lu Fei, the whole villa smells bad now. What should we do?"


"Tomorrow morning, the steward smells this smell and has to fire me. We

No. "


"Why are we carrying it like this!!" Ruili whimpered.


"I'm sorry, it's all my fault."

"You don't have to worry about that. I'll explain it to Jack tomorrow."

"By the way, I have the world's top incense over there. I'll bring it right away. I'll make sure it can get rid of the smell."

"You guys clean up here first, and I'll go get the incense right away!"

Lu Fei trotted upstairs, and the maids suddenly became desperate.

I can't even communicate, for fear of being polluted by the stench when I open my mouth.

Ruili conveyed the order with her eyes. The two maids went to the bathroom and got two wet towels to cover their noses and mouths. They reluctantly cleaned up the broken glass on the floor and the source of the poisonous gas that would make people smell bad forever.

He would vomit from time to time, and the scene was simply too horrible to watch.

After a while, Lu Fei walked down holding the incense burner and a bag of powder.

The incense burner was opened, the yellow powder was pressed with a mold, and he explained while lighting it.

"The incense I offer is the finest spice."

"Mixed with musk, sandalwood, ambergris and more than 20 kinds of precious spices."

"In the past, this was a special gift for the palace. Except for the emperor, the empress and the dowager, even the concubines were not eligible to use it."

"According to the current market price, one gram costs about 30,000 pounds."

"This spice is not only refreshing and refreshing, but also has the function of purifying the air."

"I promise there will be no more bad smell in the villa tomorrow morning."

The maids all know that Lu Fei is a famous collector, and they also know the value and usefulness of these spices.

While retching, I was filled with anticipation.

The room is really smelly now. It would be great if we could really purify the smell.


Lu Fei lit the tribute incense and closed the lid of the incense burner.

Light white smoke suddenly rose from the smoke hole on the lid.

The misty and pleasant fragrance makes people feel like they are in a fairyland.

Lu Fei took a sip and his face was filled with intoxication.


"Very comfortable."

"I don't have much stock of this kind of spice. I usually wouldn't be willing to use it. Today I'm giving you an advantage."

"Hey, don't cover yourself?"

"Hurry up and smell the incense. If you miss this time, you will never experience it in your life."

"This thing is truly priceless but has no market!"

After listening to Lu Fei's introduction, the maids were also full of curiosity. They removed the towels a little bit and tried to breathe in the smell.

After a few seconds, the maids' eyes lit up at the same time.

"I bought it!"

"It really smells so good, I can't even smell the slightest odor."


“Mr. Lu Fei’s incense offering is simply amazing”


The maid took off the towel and they were so intoxicated by the aroma that they simply couldn't stop.

But after a few seconds, I suddenly felt dizzy.

Before they had time to be intoxicated, they rolled their eyes and fainted to the ground one after another.

Lu Fei put out the incense and chuckled.

"I'm sorry, four beauties, I didn't introduce you clearly just now."

"This incense not only contains more than twenty kinds of spices, but also a major invention of the Jianghu people in China."

"This invention is called incense and sweat medicine."

"I can let you sleep comfortably and carefree until dawn."

"And I promise you won't dream."

"Quack, quack, quack."

Lu Fei speaks loudly

Laughing, Zhu Tianbao, who had just come downstairs, was full of contempt.

"Brother Fei, isn't it embarrassing for you to resort to such despicable means?" Tianbao asked, rolling his eyes.


"The process is not important, what is important is the result." Lu Fei didn't feel a trace of guilt.

"Having said that, I still find it a bit obscene."

"I can take care of the four of them easily by myself, why do I have to use such low-grade things?" Tianbao complained.


In the past, incense and sweat medicine were a low-grade method.

Generally used by thieves and flower pickers.

The thieves used the treasure box containing the Mongolian sweat medicine to pierce the window lattice paper, ignite the Mongolian sweat medicine, and let the smoke fill the room.

If you are not careful and take the antidote in advance, even the most awesome master will fall into the trap.

This method is extremely dirty and is generally used by the most trashy thieves and flower pickers.

All thieves with some skills would disdain this.

If it spreads, it will definitely lose its reputation, be scorned by people in the world, and even become a rat on the street, and everyone will beat it up.

With Tianbao's ability, he thought that it would be easy to deal with these four ladies.

What's more, there's Lu Fei, so it's even more foolproof.

But he never expected that Lu Fei would use such despicable and shameless methods.

In an instant, Lu Fei's tall image shrank by ten centimeters in Tianbao's mind.

Lu Fei gave this guy a hard look and said.

"You know a hammer."

"These four girls are definitely not simple."

"Although they are disguised as maids, their aura and eyes cannot be concealed."

"I have been paying attention to them for a long time. They walk and sit in a well-behaved manner, their eyes are bright, and they have a murderous aura that cannot be concealed."

"I can guarantee that these four girls are definitely masters. They are probably killers or special forces kings, and each of them has killed someone."

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