A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2109 Your eyes

Lu Fei used incense and sweat medicine to confuse four maids, and Tianbao despised them.

"You know a hammer!"

"These four girls are all masters. They are probably mercenary kings or killers."

"They are all sent by the Thomas family to monitor me. They must have special devices to communicate with the family."

"The two of us will definitely be able to deal with them if we join forces."

"But it's impossible to knock them out instantly."

"If they contact the family, all our plans will be in vain."

"This plan is of great importance and there is absolutely no room for any mistakes."

"What we want is results, there is no point in trying to be a hero."

Lu Fei said, rummaging through Rena's body.

Soon, a flat oval device the size of an egg was found on her belt.

There is a button about the size of a thumb in the middle of this thing, and a red light the size of a small grain of rice is flashing on the side.


"This is a special device."

"I can guarantee that if this thing is pressed, the Thomas family will feel something immediately."

"They must have communicated before that this device is not allowed to be used except for special occasions."

"Once there is a sense, it means that we have been completely exposed."

"On other people's territory, if the plan is exposed in advance, it will be a death."

"Although your boy is brave, you are still far from experienced in the arena!"

"You must practice more in the future." Lu Fei said fiercely.

Seeing this special device, Tianbao was completely convinced.

"Brother Fei, I was wrong."

"I didn't think that much. I will definitely change it in the future."

"What should we do now?" Tianbao asked.

Lu Fei pointed to the half-cleaned stinky tofu on the floor and said.

"Clean this place within ten minutes, then open the doors and windows for ventilation."


Looking at the stinky tofu soup, Tianbao also frowned.

This guy never eats stinky tofu and is extremely averse to this stuff.

However, he never dared to disobey Brother Fei's order, so he had to hold his nose and clean it immediately.

In fact, all this was carefully planned by Lu Fei.

After knocking over the stinky tofu and filling the air with a stink, he had the reason to take out the incense and sweat medicine and let the four maids fall asleep without anyone noticing.

To be on the safe side, Lu Fei took out four more yellow pills and fed them to the maids.

With the combination of sweat medicine and pills, Lu Fei can ensure that they sleep until tomorrow night.

If you don't feed them the antidote during this period, it won't work for anyone who comes.

Then, he helped the four maids up and placed them in the positions he had designed in advance.

Hand the first floor to Tianbao and immediately give instructions to Lang Lijing.

Then, Lu Fei quickly went upstairs and came to Nina's room.

At this time, Nina was sleeping particularly soundly, with saliva flowing from the corners of her mouth.

Lu Fei checked the cloth strips that bound her, and then checked her clothes inside and out.

After confirming that there was no special equipment, he picked up Nina and went to Tianbao's room.

Lu Fei knew that surveillance equipment must be installed in Nina's master bedroom, so he would not take the risk by going in!

He put Nina on Tianbao's bed, took out a white pill and fed it to her, then pinched her. Half a minute later, Nina slowly opened her eyes.


"Head hurts!"

"So dizzy!"

After looking at Lu Fei, Nina smiled sweetly, but immediately felt something was wrong.

Because she found that her hands and feet were firmly fixed and could not be moved at all.

Nina's head was buzzing, and she instinctively felt fear.

However, the frightened expression only lasted fleetingly, and a seductive smile immediately appeared.

"I hate it!"

"I really didn't expect that our dignified boss Lu would actually like to play this."

"But people don't like it."

"Can you please let go of me? Whatever you want, I will fully cooperate with you!"

"Fei, you just feel sorry for me!"

"It really hurts!"

Nina's cooing voice is even comparable to the black and white ecstasy.

Lu Fei suddenly got goosebumps all over his body.

If it were a little puppy, Jubi would be lost.

Unfortunately, he is Lu Fei.

Lu Fei has been a man for two generations.

Lu Fei smiled slightly, lit a cigarette and took a deep breath, pinched Nina's cheek, and blew all the smoke into her mouth.

Nina suddenly choked and coughed violently.


"I hate it!"

"Why are you so bad!"

"Please let go of me quickly, I can't bear it anymore!"

Nina looked at Lu Fei pitifully with tears in her eyes.

Unfortunately, she could not see a trace of compassion in Lu Fei's expression, but a devilish and ferocious smile.


"Fairy, this trick of yours won't work on me."

"I don't know where you got the plastic surgery, but the technique is really good."

"It's a pity that even if it's flawless and flawless, your face is still the same scary, bloody, scar-filled face in my heart."

"Thinking about the scars that are deep enough to reach the bone, thinking about the sliced ​​gums and cheekbones."

"No matter how perverted a man is, he probably won't be interested in you!"

After hearing what Lu Fei said, Nina felt like she was struck by lightning.

The pupils in her beautiful eyes dilated violently, and her delicate body trembled as if she had been electrocuted.

Cold sweat was already covering his snow-white forehead, and his face was pale and extremely frightened.


"Lu Fei

, you, what are you talking about! "

"I'm timid, please don't scare me, okay?" Nina said nervously.


"Still pretending?"

"Is this interesting?"

"I have to say, your acting skills are really good."

"Being able to talk and laugh in front of your enemies."

"See with your own eyes your enemies insulting and cursing your father, but you can remain indifferent."

"Even, you still seduce your enemies in every possible way."

"If I become an actor, I will definitely win the Golden Horse Award for Best Actress."

"Unfortunately, this is all what if."

"If you want to be a movie queen, you can only do it in the next life."

"Ever since you attacked my woman in Fengtian City, you have embarked on a path of no return."

"Liu Sisi, you think you are smart, but in my eyes, you are nothing but shit."

"Your grandfather is mad at me, your uncle and your cousin are in jail, and your father is living like a dog. I can kill him at any time."

"Even your ancestral grave is under my control, so who do you think you are?"

"Are you worthy of fighting with me?" Lu Feien said fiercely.


Nina screamed in horror, big beads of sweat dripping down her face, she could no longer act.

Half a minute later, the panic gradually eased, and when he looked at Lu Fei again, his eyes were full of hatred and murderous intent.

"Lu Fei, I do underestimate you."

"But I don't understand. Even my dad can't recognize me. How did you recognize me?" Liu Sisi asked.


"This is too simple."

"The moment Fengtian Binghe attacked Xinyi, your vicious look was imprinted in my heart, and I will never forget it for the rest of my life."

"You can change your appearance, but your eyes can never change."

"Because that look belongs only to you, Liu Sisi."

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