Lu Fei identified Liu Sisi, who was horrified.

"Lu Fei, I want to know when you recognized me?" Liu Sisi asked.


"I'm afraid I'll piss you off if I tell you."

"Ruixin Group appointed you as the president of Asia. I had doubts when I first saw your photo."

"When we meet in Tiandu City, I will conclude that you are Liu Sisi."

"To be on the safe side, while we were having dinner, I got a piece of your hair and did a DNA test." .??.

"The Special Branch of China has your file. At that time, I was sure that you were Liu Sisi." Lu Fei said.


Liu Sisi's eyes widened and her mouth opened to the extreme, with a look of disbelief on her face.

"You do not believe?"

"Let me tell you, not only do I know you are Liu Sisi, I also know that Thomas Roy told Special Branch leader Zhao Yuanchao to release you."

"Then I'll send you to South Korea for plastic surgery, and then send you to Ruixin Company."

"Use your connections in China and the puppets Zhao Yuanchao to suppress my business and reputation, thereby causing me to go bankrupt and lose everything."

"Miss Liu Sisi, am I right?" Lu Fei said with a smile.

"You know I'm from the Thomas family?"

"Do you also know that Ruixin Group is the property of the Thomas family?" Liu Sisi asked.


"So, you were behind the last Ruixin Group drug smuggling incident?"

"That's right!"

When Liu Sisi heard this, she was immediately disappointed.

Gritting his teeth, his eyes were filled with resentment.

"Lu Fei, you are the devil, you are too scary." Liu Sisi said tremblingly.

"Am I the devil?"

"Fengtian Binghe, you want to kill Xinyi and silence her."

"How vicious was this woman like you at that time?"

"If I'm the devil, who the hell are you?"

"Liu Sisi, let me tell you, you are the culprit for your Liu family to be where it is today."

"Liu Jinxuan collaborated with the Du family in the Demon City to suppress me in business, and collaborated with the islanders to excavate shipwrecks from the Northern Song Dynasty. I can forgive these things."

"It's none of my business if the Chinese officials deal with him."

"I competed with your grandfather for treasures. Even if I beat him, I would only win his antiques, and I would never kill them all."

"The reason why you want your Liu family to be completely destroyed is because you poisoned Xinyi in the first place."

"Wang Xinyi is my woman, she is my rival, and anyone who wants to harm her will die."

"The Yoshida family used Xinyi to blackmail me, and I destroyed the Yoshida family."

"Roy is involved, sooner or later I want him to see God."

"As for you, the vicious female devil, I will make your life worse than death."

"I will spend the rest of your life repenting for your sinful heart."

When Lu Fei spoke, his expression was more serious than ever.

Every word was written to the bone, every sentence was written to the flesh, and the eagle-watching wolf-gu burst out, frightening Liu Sisi out of her body and her liver and gallbladder violently.


"Lu Fei, don't be alarmist, you don't have that ability at all."

"The Thomas family is not something you can fight against. You can't even deal with Christie's."

"My father is protected by Chang Yufei, and you can't retaliate. How can you compete with Mr. Roy?"

"Why do you have that?" Liu Sisi shouted.


Lu Fei looked up to the sky and laughed, which made Liu Sisi hairy.

"Liu Sisi, you are too naive."

"In my eyes, your father Liu Peiwen is nothing but bullshit."

"Back on Treasure Island, your father watched me take the treasure house from your grandma's grave."

"You may not know that the dragon head I auctioned came from that treasure house."

"I took the dragon head to Hawaii for auction, just to give Yoshida Ohno and Thomas Murray an illusion and let them bet against me in the Jinling Treasure Hunt with the twelve zodiac animal heads."

"Your father knew I did this but didn't report it. Do you know why?"

"Because he's afraid of me." .??.

"Your father trembles when he sees me."

"If it hadn't been for my grace, your father wouldn't be alive today."

"Also, I was the one who handed your father over in the first place."

"I knocked him out, put him in a hotel in Baodao, and then called all your creditors."

"Chang Yufei was the first to arrive, so he detained your father and used your father's channels to repay your family's huge debt to Christie's."

"Do you think Christie's is protecting him?"


"Liu Peiwen is just like Christie's dog."

"If I wanted to kill him, it would be easier than squeezing an ant to death."

"As for Thomas Roy, you think too highly of him."

"He is nothing."

"Within three months, I will definitely let him see God."

"When the time comes, I will bring the evidence to you for you to appreciate carefully."


Listening to Lu Fei's narration, Liu Sisi panicked to the extreme. Her head was buzzing and she was twitching like an epilepsy.

"Lu Fei, you are so cruel."

"Our Liu family has been ruined. Are you still unwilling to give up?"

"I beg you, can you let my dad go?"

Liu Sisi couldn't help pleading with tears streaming down her face.

Lu Fei's expression was serious and his eyes were as firm as ever.

"Let him go?"

"How do you want me to let it go?

Pass him? "

"Actually, Liu Peiwen is a walking corpse in my eyes."

"If I wanted him to die, he wouldn't survive today."

"I never wanted to take his life."

"But you are unrepentant and will harm me together with the Thomas family after you are rescued."

"If I, Lu Fei, hadn't been careful and careful every step of the way, I would have been doomed."

"Because your provocation made me see the drawbacks of kindness."

"So, I decided to eradicate it and not give your Liu family any chance to retaliate."

"Liu Sisi, am I right to do this?" Lu Fei asked coldly.

"don't want!"

"Lu Fei, this is not my fault, nor is it the Liu family's fault."

"The Thomas family controls me, and I can't help it!"

"Besides, I didn't really harm you. I even protected you secretly."

"I don't hate you. I attacked Wang Xinyi because I was jealous of her."

"I, Liu Sisi, have longed for countless times to have an upright man as my husband in the future."

"After I came out, I learned about your growth experience, and I found that you are the hero in my mind."

"So, I don't hate you, and I won't harm you."

"As you saw at the auction door today, I have fallen out with John."

"Ruixin Group is an industry owned by the Thomas family, and John is the Thomas family's spokesperson for Ruixin Group."

"My falling out with John means I'm falling out with the Thomas family!"

"The Thomas family is so terrifying. If I hadn't made up my mind to love you wholeheartedly, how could I dare to go against them!"

"Lu Fei, I really like you."

"I know you have already obtained the certificate from Chen Xiang, and Wang Xinyi is also your woman."

"I don't want a status, I just want to be your lover, please trust me, okay?"

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