A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2111 In one thought

When it fell into Lu Fei's hands, Liu Sisi was so frightened that her liver and gallbladder became violent.

At this time, it was the stupidest excitement to be with Lu Fei. After calming down, Liu Sisi changed her strategy and seduced Lu Fei pitifully.

Her behavior always works to her advantage.

Unfortunately, it didn't work at all today.

"Want to be my lover?"


"Your acting skills this time are not up to par!"

"If I'm not mistaken, the order you received is to get solid evidence that you slept with me."

"This evidence was then used to force me to hand over my property and the sword that the Thomas family desperately wanted."

"Otherwise, wouldn't it be right for me to be ruined forever?"

"If I guess correctly, you are fully prepared in your bedroom at this time."

"As long as you enter the master bedroom, you will be exposed to the surveillance of the Thomas family, right?" Lu Fei sneered.


Liu Sisi exclaimed, her eyes full of fear and disbelief.

"You, how do you know everything?" Liu Sisi asked in shock.


"I know a lot more!"

"Liu Sisi, give up your little cleverness!"

"That trick of yours won't work on me."

"From the moment you kidnapped Wang Xinyi, you were a dead person in my eyes."

"Speaking of which, I really admire you."

"The mind is flexible and the city is extremely deep."

"Falling in the arms of your enemy, and witnessing your genocidal enemy insulting your biological father, you can bear it. This kind of scheming is definitely not what ordinary people can do."

"However, I will not have any mercy on those who touch my reverse scale."

"So, all your tricks are useless, you are dead this time."

"If you are obedient, I can guarantee that your father, Liu Peiwen, will be spared."

"Otherwise, I can let him join your grandfather Liu Jianhua at any time.

Get together! "

"But we are reunited in the underworld."

Seeing Lu Fei's cold eyes, Liu Sisi shivered, and her delicate body was shaking like chaff.

"Lu Fei, you, what do you want me to do?"

"It's easy!"

"Tell me every detail of how you escaped from Ascension."

"I also want to know about the follow-up tasks assigned to you by the Thomas family."

"Finally, you must cooperate with me in instructing Zhao Yuanchao, the leader of the Special Branch."

"If you do these three things, I will leave a bloodline to your Liu family."

"Don't count on your uncle and Liu Jinxuan."

"They are just like you, they can only sit through the bottom of the prison." Lu Fei said.

After hearing what Lu Fei said, Liu Sisi was completely disappointed.

Lu Fei has a heart of stone, and it seems impossible to expect him to let him go.

Saving dad Liu Peiwen's life should be the best outcome.

However, to keep his father, he had to agree to Lu Fei's conditions.

Agreeing to Lu Fei's conditions would be tantamount to going against the Thomas family.

Liu Sisi didn't know the existence of the Thomas family before.

After being rescued by Roy, Liu Sisi saw the tip of the iceberg of the Thomas family after a brief contact.

Even this tip of the iceberg was far beyond her imagination.

It can be seen how abnormal the strength of the Thomas family is.

To fight against such a family is undoubtedly to shake a tree with an egg against a rock, and the consequences can only be catastrophic.

Lu Fei is a man of his word. If you promise him, he will definitely let his father live.

However, the anger of the Thomas family was also beyond her ability to bear.

Even more cruel than Lu Fei's revenge, his father's fate will be even more terrible.

On the other hand, there is a glimmer of hope for Lu Fei.

Lu Fei may not necessarily kill Liu Peiwen.

Because Liu Peiwen did not pose any threat to Lu Fei, Lu Fei did not want to do too much wrong.

Otherwise, Lu Fei would have killed Liu Peiwen long ago.

Also, Liu Sisi didn't believe that Lu Fei could compete with the powerful Thomas family.

He is still useful to the Thomas family, and since this is the territory of the Thomas family, it is difficult for Lu Fei to cause trouble.

As long as he doesn't betray the Thomas family, there is still hope.

Thinking of this, Liu Sisi was no longer afraid, but became determined.

He glared at Lu Fei with infinite hatred and said.

"Lu Fei, stop dreaming."

"The great Thomas family cannot be shaken by a rag collector like you."

"To tell you the truth, Christie's is also a property of the Thomas family. Of course Mr. Roy knows that Liu Peiwen is my father, and he will also protect my father."

"You have no chance at all."

"Lu Fei, those who understand current affairs are heroes."

"This is London, the base of the Thomas family. Here, even if you have extraordinary abilities, it will be of no use."

"Now you let me go and swear not to do anything to my father again. The grudge between our Liu family and you will be wiped out forever."

"Today's mission failed. I will personally explain to Mr. Roy and ensure that you will not be exposed."

"If you want, I can be your lover at any time. This is the best of both worlds."

"Otherwise, the Thomas family will definitely avenge me."

"Even if they don't avenge me, they will try their best to protect my dad. You have no chance."

"Lu Fei, you are a smart man, I believe you will make the wisest choice." Liu Sisi said.


Lu Fei looked up to the sky and laughed, which made Liu Sisi's hair stand on end.

"Lu Fei, why are you laughing?"


"I laugh at you idiot."

"I just praised you for your intelligence and scheming. How did you become a fool so quickly?"

"I'm so disappointed."

"Liu Sisi, you are right, the Thomas family is indeed powerful."

"And what you see is not even the tip of the iceberg."

"In their eyes, you are not even a dog. You are at best a disposable tool."

"They will protect you and your father?"

"what do you think?"

"As for how strong I, Lu Fei, am, you can't imagine it."

"You are right, this is London, this is the headquarters of the Thomas family."

"The villa we are in now was given to me by the Thomas family."

"The housekeeper and maid here are all sent by the Thomas family to monitor me."

"But I treat you as if it's nothing, and I'll catch you anyway."

"Because I'm not afraid of them. In my eyes, they are just slightly bigger ants."

"So, you must not have any illusions."

"The only person in this world who can save your father is me, Lu Fei."

"And your father's life or death depends on your thoughts."

"I don't want to talk to you now. Let me ask you again."

"Follow my request and your father can survive, otherwise, he will die!!"

The word "death" came out of Lu Fei's mouth, as if it was a call from hell.

The murderous intent made Liu Sisi's hair stand on end.

Everything Lu Fei did did indeed prove that he was not afraid of the Thomas family, but it was just that he was not afraid.

Liu Sisi absolutely did not believe that Lu Fei could fight against the Thomas family, and it was still on the Thomas family's home court.

This is simply nonsense.

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