A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2112 Seeing Hope

Liu Sisi didn't believe that Lu Fei had the strength to fight against the Thomas family.

Because in her eyes, the Thomas family has become a god-like existence.

Today I was captured by Lu Fei, and I was lucky enough to be rescued by Roy.

Even if he couldn't be saved, his father would be protected by the Thomas family.

Because this was Roy's promise to her.

Therefore, Liu Sisi was determined not to betray the Thomas family.

"Lu Fei, stop your wishful thinking."

"If I fall into your hands, I admit it. This is my fate, Liu Sisi."

"However, the Thomas family is definitely not something you can compete with."

"Fighting with them is undoubtedly a moth flying into a flame."

"I will never compromise with you."

After saying that, Liu Sisi turned her face to the side and ignored Lu Fei again.


"Have some backbone!"

"I hope you won't regret it!"

Lu Fei knew that Liu Sisi was a cruel person, and since she refused to compromise, it was useless to say anything.

Therefore, there was no need for Lu Fei to talk nonsense to her. He knocked Liu Sisi unconscious again and fed her a yellow pill.

Returning to his room, he took out his tablet and connected to Lang Lijing's signal.

In the Thomas family meeting room, the patriarch kept rubbing his hands in excitement.

In everyone's eyes, the patriarch has always been mature and prudent.

The face of Mount Tai remains unchanged.

I was so excited today that it almost made everyone doubt their life.


"Have someone bring the Seven-Star Sword over. I finally know where the secret of the Seven-Star Sword is hidden."


Hearing this, everyone in the conference room stood up excitedly.

"Master Patriarch, you said you found the secret of the Seven-Star Sword?" Ques asked tremblingly.


"That's right!"

"I really found it."

"Our previous thinking was all wrong."


"I can't say that my thinking is wrong. It's Queen Naimazhen's wisdom that is so amazing."


"If it weren't for the evil genius Lu Fei, we wouldn't be able to find the secret even if we study for a thousand years."


After the patriarch finished explaining, several direct family members present were completely excited.

Oh, God!

The Seven Star Sword has been passed down in the family for more than nine hundred years.

Year after year, generation after generation, countless ancestors and wise men have studied this knife countless times.

Even after dismantling the Seven-Star Sword, the secret could not be found.

By now, family members have almost given up.

They even suspected that the Seven-Star Sword was just a cover and there was no secret at all.

The reason why there are rumors that there is a treasure map in the Seven Star Sword is because it was spread by Empress Naima.

The purpose is to make the five overseas vassal kings work for her wholeheartedly.

Not only the Thomas family, but also the Xiao family and the Robert family have the same idea.

Because they have studied the Seven-Star Sword countless times, but no one has discovered the secret.

So, the biggest possibility is that there are no secrets.

Just when they were at their most desperate, the fourth Seven-Star Sword appeared in Lu Fei's hand.

The appearance of this knife once again ignited the hopes of the three major families.

The appearance of the last knife completely drove them crazy.

The three major families must get the last knife in Lu Fei's hand at all costs.

However, what they are thinking about at the moment is just to get the sword, protect themselves wisely, and then think of ways to expand their strength and strive to collect all five swords.

But they don't expect to study

Uncover the real secret of the Seven Star Sword.

Now the clan leader said that he had found the secret. This news made them even more excited than collecting the five seven-star knives.

Because they saw hope of finding the treasure.

The ultimate goal that has not been achieved for more than nine hundred years may be a miracle in front of people like them. .??.

How could this make them not excited?

After the excitement, Quess immediately arranged for Murray and Third Elder Bird to go to the vault to retrieve the Seven-Star Knife.

The clan leader and other elders immediately prepared the corresponding tools. At this moment, everyone was extremely excited.

In the heart of the Thomas family, there is a small church.

This church has existed here for more than 400 years.

The overall structure is made of bluestone, which looks simple, elegant and full of age.

There are no buildings within one kilometer of this church, and no lights shine here.

Looking around, there is a huge square, dark and empty.

It exudes a strange aura.

Although the square is empty and silent, the surrounding area is heavily guarded.

There are four squads with live ammunition patrolling constantly, each squad has twelve people.

The team members were wearing camouflage uniforms and all equipped with top-notch equipment. It could be said that they were armed to the teeth.

They are all tall and mighty, with murderous eyes in their eyes. It can be seen that each team member must have killed someone, and there are more than one.

Judging by their momentum, they should all be the top mercenaries in the world.

There is an entrance in the east corner of the square, which is also the only entrance to the square.

This entrance is even more heavily guarded, guarded by fifteen strong men with guns and ammunition, and their aura is a hundred times more powerful than those on patrol.

When Murray and Bird arrive here, they also have to undergo strict inspection.

Identification checks, body searches, including hair and mouth checks.

No one spoke during the whole process, and both parties cooperated tacitly.

, the movements are quite skillful.

Five minutes later, the door opened.

Murray and Bird walked towards the church with serious faces.

Ten minutes later, the church was dimly lit.

Twenty minutes later, the lights went out and Bird and Murray walked out of the church.

Different from when he went in, when he came out, Bird had a silver-white suitcase in his hand.

A handcuff was used to connect Bird's wrist to the handle of the suitcase.

It can be seen how important this box is.

The two returned to the exit and had to be inspected again.

After confirming that only this box was raised, the guard let them go and sent six strong men with guns to escort the two Murrays back to the door of the conference room.

Then, these six strong men stood guard on both sides of the door.

"Lord Patriarch, the Seven-Star Sword has been brought forward." Bird's voice trembled with excitement.

The patriarch was equally excited. He took the suitcase and put it in front of him. He entered the password and fingerprint, and the suitcase popped open instantly.

The upper and lower layers inside the suitcase are made of special protective sponge.

This material is not only fireproof, but also bulletproof.

The material of the box is even more awesome.

This is the most cutting-edge technology in the world and can even prevent nuclear explosions.

There is an arc-shaped groove in the middle of the two layers of special sponge.

Placed in the middle of the groove is the golden Seven-Star National Treasure Sword.

It's exactly the same as Lu Fei's knife, and there's no difference in patina.

This knife has been passed down in the Thomas family for hundreds of years.

The senior family members present had seen him more than once.

When I looked at this knife before, I had no ups and downs in my heart.

Because I couldn't find the secret, instead of being excited, I was very depressed.

But today was different. Looking at the knife again, everyone's eyes showed a burning brilliance, and they were extremely excited.

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