A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2113 Emergency Situation

When the Qixing Town National Treasure Sword was taken out, everyone was extremely excited.

The clan leader took matters into his own hands and lined up the tools.

Then he stretched out his trembling hands, ready to take out the sword from the box.

At this moment, intensive gunshots rang out outside.

"Bang, bang"

Gunshots rang out and everyone was shocked.

The patriarch's extended hands also suddenly retracted.

"what happened?"

"Who's shooting?"

"Hurry out and see if someone breaks in?"

The clan leader frowned and quickly issued the order.

Quasi Murray and Roy opened the door and prepared to go out.

At this time, the lights suddenly went out.

The conference room suddenly fell into darkness.


"what happened?"

"Why is there no power?"

"In the end what happened?"

"what the hell?"

Several elders shouted angrily, but the patriarch had an extremely ominous premonition.

"Shut up, everyone!"

"Don't mess up!"

"Hurry up and get the emergency lights to protect the Seven Star Sword."

Only then did people react and quickly picked up the emergency lights from the wall and prepared to turn them on.

Suddenly, the lights came on again.

The power outage lasted only fifteen seconds, but it gave everyone a huge mental contrast, and they were immediately stunned.

The patriarch was the first to calm down and rushed towards the explosion-proof password box.

Everyone felt relieved when they saw the Seven-Star Knife lying in the box safe and sound.

Immediately, the clan leader became furious.

"Hurry and find out why the gun was fired just now and why there was a power outage."

Quess was about to investigate when he opened the door and met the security captain.

The captain carried a gun on his back and a badly damaged drone in his hand.


tell! "

"A drone sneaked in just now and was shot down by us." the captain shouted.

Only then did everyone suddenly realize.

"What happened to the power outage just now?"


"There was a little glitch in the electrical system and one of the fuses shorted out."

"The person in charge of the power distribution room has been replaced, and there will be no more hidden dangers," the captain said.


“What do the people in charge of the distribution room do for a living?”

"Notify the manager and change the person in charge immediately."

"The current person in charge, let him work as a gardener in the backyard, and he will not be allowed to reuse it for ten years." Ques shouted.


"Send the drone to the science and technology department and let them investigate it in the shortest possible time. The owner of the drone must be found."


The security captain retreated, and everyone's expressions became serious.

The security of the Thomas family is so tight, with air defense radar monitoring it 24 hours a day.

But even so, a drone sneaked in.

Needless to say, the other party must be a network expert, probably a top hacker.

The goal is to reconnoiter the Thomas family's base camp, and the nature is quite serious.

The patriarch's face was gloomy and terrifying, and his brows were tightly knitted together.

"How brave. We must investigate clearly who wants to spy on our family's base camp."

"Master Patriarch, I took a look just now. That drone was specially modified."

"All parts are not produced by manufacturers and should be made and assembled by individuals."

"Obviously, the other party acted extremely carefully, so we can only investigate from the drone's program." Roy said.

"Our family's

Air defense procedures are the most cutting-edge technology in the world. "

"In this case, their drones can sneak in. Needless to say, the person operating it must be the world's top hacker."

"It's definitely not easy to investigate such a master."

"However, this also gives us the biggest clue." Quasi said.

"Second Elder, what do you say?" Murray asked.


"This is not simple yet." .??.

"The drones are controlled by the world's top experts. Such experts are not something ordinary people can afford."

“Even if you have money, you may not be able to do it.”

"I think it must be a master personally trained by a large family with hundreds of years of experience, and it is also a family that is hostile to our family."

"Analyzing it this way, the answer is obvious."

"I think the person who controls the drone must be someone from the Xiao family or the Robert family," Kuis said.

Everyone nodded in unison, agreeing with Quess's judgment.

"Second Elder, is it possible that Lu Fei's people did it?" Roy asked.

When this question came out, everyone frowned again.

However, everyone soon felt relieved.

Quess chuckled.

"It can't be Lu Fei."

"Although Lu Fei has some wealth, it has only been two years since he came to prominence. He has no background at all."

"His subordinates are all rich second-generation people who are just waiting to die. There are no technological experts at all."

"Besides, Lu Fei has no reason to spy on us."

"Fighting us with his strength is simply seeking death, let alone on our territory."

"No matter how stupid Lu Fei is, he will not overestimate his capabilities and spy on us. Besides, he doesn't dare."

"Now the Robert family has two seven-star knives, and the Xiao family has already deployed them and is ready to attack us.

. "

"What happened this time was probably done by the Xiao family."

"They have the motive and the strength."

"Don't dwell on this issue now."

"The scientific and technological talents in our family are not vegetarians. I believe they will be able to find each other out."

"The Xiao family is ready, and our family is also ready."

"Whether it is the Xiao family or the Robert family, it is not easy to disintegrate us easily."

"If we really develop the secret of the Seven-Star Sword, we may be able to turn our passivity into an initiative and gain an advantage," Quess said.

"Quiss said it well!"

"If they want to take action against our family, they won't be able to achieve their goal overnight."

"Everyone is prepared to remain unchanged in the face of all changes. The heritage of our family is not in vain."

"Now, let's find out the secret of this seven-star sword."

"That's the big deal."

The patriarch said, taking out the Seven-Star Sword with both hands, and everyone's eyes were focused on the Seven-Star Sword.

After taking the Seven-Star Sword, the clan leader took the sword out of its sheath and threw the sword aside.

Holding the luxurious scabbard with both hands, he carefully explored it inch by inch.

When groping for the top of the gems, Brother Thum, the patriarch, exerted force and carefully felt the elasticity under each gem.

But after pressing all the gems, the clan leader suddenly broke into a cold sweat and his face turned a little red.

Because he didn't feel anything strange at all.

Under everyone's gaze, this was obviously pretentious.

Moreover, he was still the kind who pretended not to be struck by lightning, which made him very embarrassed.

Suddenly, he remembered Lu Fei's words.

This feeling is what those of us who are quite sensitive to antiques can feel.

Ordinary people simply cannot understand it.

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