A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2114 Huolin

The patriarch of the Thomas family imitated Lu Fei's technique and massaged the scabbard randomly, but of course there was no result.

Why did the patriarch of the Thomas family know about Lu Fei's methods?

Why do you know there is a secret hidden in the scabbard?

This was not a tip from Jack.

Because Jack, Quis' old butler, is surprisingly the patriarch of the Thomas family, Thomas Holling.

This time Lu Fei came to London was a rare opportunity for the Thomas family.

They were determined to get the seven-star sword in Lu Fei's hand.

After several previous contacts with the clan leader Huo Lin, he knew that Lu Fei was very intelligent.

He also knew that with his wisdom, Murray Roy and even the elders of Ques were no match for Lu Fei.

This is not a lack of ability, but a congenital deficiency. No matter how hard you try, it will not help.

So Huo Lin decided to contact Lu Fei personally.

Of course, he couldn't use his identity as the patriarch to contact Lu Fei. That would not only lower the price, but also escalate Lu Fei's defense.

Pretend to be Ques's butler, and then integrate into Lu Fei's side as this identity.

Not only can you understand Lu Fei's temper and character up close, but it is also easier to steal Lu Fei's secrets.

After a few days, Huolin endured the humiliation and finally achieved the desired results.

But he never expected that everything about him would be completely exposed to Lu Fei's eyes.

When Lu Fei met Huo Lin for the first time in the club, he could tell that Huo Lin was extraordinary.

On the surface, he looks like a slave, but Huolin's eyes and temperament reveal his extraordinary nature.

This is the same as when Lu Fei saw Liu Sisi.

A person's appearance and temperament can be changed, and they can even be disguised.

But no one could hide his eyes.

Huo Lin is over seventy years old, mature and steady.

But he was facing Lu Fei, who had lived in two lifetimes and had more experience.

The first time he saw his eyes, Lu Fei knew that he was definitely not a servant.

Probably a senior member of the Thomas family, at least on the same level as Ques.

Because they were in the clubhouse at that time, Roy and Murray had equally shocked expressions when they saw Hollin.

Although the shocked expression was fleeting, Lu Fei still captured it keenly.

Lu Fei simply used his plan to lure the snake out of the hole.

He spoke his thoughts in an insinuating way, and at the same time installed a monitoring and positioning device in Hollin's pocket.

Sure enough, after hearing the news, Huo Lin returned to the family for the first time to discuss with everyone.

At the same time, Lu Fei ordered Lang Lijing to crack the Thomas family's defense program and obtained the Thomas family's floor plan and the detailed distribution of security forces.

However, Lu Yun was also shocked when he learned that Jack was the patriarch of the Thomas family.

He saw that Jack was extraordinary, but he never expected that he would be so awesome.

After learning that Jack was the patriarch of the Thomas family, Lu Fei immediately changed his second plan and put it into action.

At this time, in the conference room, Huo Lin couldn't show off, and his old face was red with embarrassment.

The other members quickly turned their heads to the side, too embarrassed to look any further.

Because they are afraid of laughing.

Huo Lin was embarrassed for half a minute and immediately started studying again.

It doesn’t matter if you can’t find anything special based on the feel.

Anyway, there are five large gems on the scabbard. If you take them all off, you will definitely find them.

Huo Lin didn't hesitate, picked up the tools and started working immediately.

His techniques are certainly incomparable to Lu Fei's.

It took more than an hour just to remove the first stone.

After concentrating for more than an hour, Huo Lin was exhausted mentally and sweating profusely, and his fingers were trembling.

But what makes him depressed is that the special thing is not here.

I took a sip of coffee and took a break before continuing.

With the first experience, the second time was much smoother.

Less than half an hour later, the second stone was removed.

After cleaning the pure gold groove below, Brother Thumb pressed it down, and Hollin was pleasantly surprised.


"Found it, I found it."

"The Emperor lives up to his hard work, it's not easy."

"Queen Naimazhen, you are so wise!"

"If Lu Fei, a monster genius, hadn't appeared, we wouldn't have been able to find him in a thousand years!"

Huo Lin was trembling with excitement and burst into tears. Several other elders and juniors were also excited.

Everyone quickly gathered around and looked carefully with their eyes wide open. Sure enough, there was a gap one millimeter wide inside.

And I could vaguely see that there was indeed something inside.

Seeing this, everyone burst into tears with excitement, and even several elders burst into tears.


So fucking deceptive.

Queen Naimazhen is too shrewd.

For hundreds of years, the geniuses of the Thomas family have successively disassembled the Seven-Star Sword countless times and studied every detail countless times.

Of course, the gems on the scabbard have also been removed countless times.

But when the gem is removed, there are gold grooves underneath.

It was a setting for fixing gemstones. To the naked eye, it didn't look like there was any special place at all.

As for pressing the grooves, no one has tried it at all.

You know, the bottom of the groove is solid gold, that is real gold!

Who the hell would have thought that there is another mystery in the golden groove under the gem?

No matter how big your imagination is, you won’t think about it!

If Lu Fei hadn't felt the elasticity with his hand and Huo Lin had witnessed it with his own eyes, this secret would have been kept indefinitely.

Just when they were desperate and ready to give up, the answer to the mystery was solved so quietly. How could they not be excited?

Especially the older elders, they have also studied countless times but failed to find the answer.

I thought I would not find the answer in my lifetime, but happiness came suddenly.

They were so excited that they almost had a heart attack.

After the excitement, everyone felt worried again.

The gap is about one millimeter, and the thickness of the gold foil inside is almost the same as the gap, and it is packed quite compactly.

Lu Fei used a special tool, a steel needle with barbed grooves, to take out the gold foil.

But although the Thomas family is rich, they really don't have such handy possessions.

Horton tried more than a dozen times with steel needles, steel wires, awls and other tools, but failed to remove the gold foil, which made everyone extremely depressed.

In fact, there is a simple and crude way, which is to cut the seven-star sword scabbard.

But they couldn't bear it.

After all, this is a treasure passed down from their ancestors and a symbol of their family.

This thing is kept as a symbol and as a thought, and cannot be destroyed no matter what.

After trying for another ten minutes, Huolin sighed and put down the tools in his hands.

"Okay, everyone, don't be depressed."

"Now that we have found the secret, this is a major breakthrough."

"I know, there's a folded gold leaf inside."

"What is engraved on the gold foil is part of the map. I saw it with my own eyes at Lu Fei's place, and I also know how to take out the gold foil."

Huo Lin found a piece of paper and drew a picture of Lu Fei's steel needle in his mind.

Give the drawing to Murray and let the technicians make it immediately. With professional tools, it is easy to remove the gold foil.

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