A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2118 Mission failed?

Everything tonight is according to Lu Fei's plan.

While Lu Fei was plotting against Jack in the villa, Xiao Ma had already sneaked into the Thomas family under the cover of Lang Lijing's technology.

Lu Fei knew that the strictest technological restrictions were in place inside and outside the conference room.

If they want to study the secret of the Seven-Star Sword, they must be here. Therefore, Xiao Ma's first target is of course the conference room.

The front of the conference room was open without any cover, and it was also within the sight of the patrolling security guards, so the only option was to break in through the window.

The Thomas family's conference room has only one window and is surrounded by dense infrared light barriers.

They trusted their technology, so they didn't protect the windows too much, which gave Xiao Ma an opportunity.

There is an alloy protective cover outside the window, which can't stop Xiao Ma.

He took out Lu Fei's demon dragon sword and cut one open in less than ten minutes.

If one was removed, the gap would be only twenty centimeters, making it impossible for ordinary people to get in.

He used the Guandong Ma family's unique bone-shrinking technique and got in easily.

In fact, Pony could just cut another one, which would be easier.

But doing so would give the Thomas family an illusion.

Even if they find something wrong with the protective cover, they won't suspect someone sneaking in.

Because the gap is so small, even the thinnest children cannot get in, let alone adults.

This can paralyze the opponent's thoughts and will.

After infiltrating, Pony cleaned up all traces.

He lifted up the tablecloth and got under the oval table, and began to adjust his breathing and rest.

As for whether you can succeed, it depends on luck.

If Lu Fei's plan succeeds and people from the Thomas family come to the conference room to study the secret of the Seven-Star Sword, then there is hope of success.

If they don't do research here, it's just bad luck.

Fortunately, Lu Feihe

Xiao Ma was lucky enough, and they came to the conference room to study.

Xiao Ma heard everything Huo Lin and the others said clearly when they came to the conference room.

As for each of their expressions and their location, Lang Lijing also simultaneously transmitted it to the micro-display in Xiao Ma's hand.

Even though Xiao Ma is under the desk, everything that happens in the conference room is under Xiao Ma's control.

The third elder took the suitcase to the conference room and handed it to Huolin, and Xiao Ma came to Huolin quietly.

At the same time, the drone controlled by Lang Lijing sneaked into the Thomas family and was deliberately exposed to the sight of the security team members.

Gunshots rang out outside, and Lang Lijing stared at the expressions of everyone in the conference room.

Choosing the best time to cut off the central control power supply, the conference room fell into darkness. At the same time, surprise and panic filled everyone in the conference room.

For a second or so, their minds went blank, followed by panic and subsequent instinctive reactions.

Although the time is short, it is enough for the carefully calculated pony.

Xiao Ma had already determined the location of the suitcase, and could even clearly see the direction of the seven-star knives in the suitcase.

In an instant, Xiao Ma emerged from the hole like a ghost, took out the seven-star sword that Lu Fei had given him in advance, and substituted the real sword of the Thomas family.

Then Xiao Ma hid under the table again. A few seconds later, the lights in the conference room came on. Xiao Ma had completed the task perfectly.

Seeing the "Seven-Star Knife" lying in the box safe and sound, the Thomas family was completely relieved. Of course, there was no need to conduct an in-depth investigation.

Because their goal is to study the sword.

They were extremely excited to find the secret of the sword.

Of course, they

I still have to thank Lu Fei and Xiao Ma.

If Xiao Ma hadn't switched the package for them, there would have been no discovery under the gem.

The pony left the Thomas family compound safely.

I wanted to walk south in the dark night, and after a few minutes I got into the woods of the cemetery.

Ten minutes later, Xiao Ma left the cemetery and got into a Volkswagen without a license plate in a dark corner.

At the same time, all the Thomas family's monitoring equipment returned to normal.

However, everything is still under Lang Lijing's control.

The people who responded to Xiao Ma were Long Yun and two Xiao family masters.

They waited here uneasily for more than three hours, and the pony finally came out safely.

However, after getting in the car, Xiao Ma's expression was extremely frustrated.

"How is it?" Long Yun asked.

Pony shook his head.

"The Thomas family's security is too tight. I have no chance at all. I can't even find where the things are."

"The mission failed." Xiao Ma said dejectedly.

Passing Xiao Ma a cigarette, Long Yun chuckled.

"You don't have to be upset, this is the headquarters of the Thomas family."

"After hundreds of years of hard work, it would have collapsed long ago without a certain level of strength."

"You can sneak in for three hours without being discovered and still escape unscathed. This is already quite impressive."

Long Yun didn't believe that Xiao Ma could succeed from the beginning.

Even after hearing Lu Fei say that he should cover Xiao Ma to steal the sword, Long Yun felt that Lu Fei was mentally disturbed.

Are you kidding me?

This is the nest that the Thomas family has occupied for hundreds of years!

Although the Thomas family is not as powerful as the Xiao family, it is definitely the most powerful in Europe.

Hundreds of years

Over time, countless arrogant and ignorant people tried to take advantage of their family, but they still stood firm. That was not luck, but true strength.

Not to mention stealing the treasure of the clan, even stealing a brick is almost impossible!

This is because Xiao Ma's Shenzhou is super awesome, and with good luck, he was able to escape unscathed.

If it were anyone else, even he, Long Yun, wouldn't dare to try.

Therefore, Long Yun was not surprised at all when Xiao Ma failed to complete the task.

Being able to sneak in for three hours and escape completely made Long Yun admire him.

The young master is proud enough to have such capable people under his command.

Xiao Ma shook his head helplessly.

"Their security is absolutely perverted."

"The people patrolling inside are all murderous. They all seem to be at the level of soldiers."

"And with so many people and advanced equipment, there is no chance at all."


"I let Brother Fei down this time." Xiao Ma said frustratedly.

"Brother Xiaoma, don't say that. You're so awesome that you escaped unscathed. It's me, a brother who doesn't know the heights of the sky, that's a bit too whimsical."

"This would have been mission impossible."

"If even the family's treasure could be stolen, their family would not be where it is today."

"It's not your fault. If Lu Fei talks about you later, I will scold him for you!" Long Yun said.

Hearing what Long Yun said, Xiao Ma felt relieved.

The car turned several streets and instead of going to the Xiao family's mansion in London, it headed towards the suburbs.

On the other side, the "ghost" BMW that Hollin was riding in also returned to the villa quietly.

It was already 3:30 in the morning, and Huolin lowered the window and took a closer look at the villa.

After watching for more than ten minutes to make sure there was nothing unusual, I got out of the car and walked inside.

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