A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2119: Encircled

After confirming that there was nothing abnormal, the patriarch Huo Lin opened the door and got out of the car.

With a wave of his hand, the "Ghost" BMW turned around and left.

Although Huolin is firm in his views, decades of experience have tempered his cautious character.

It never hurts to be cautious.

Huo Lin did not rush into the villa, but went around to the floor-to-ceiling windows in the living room to check what was going on inside.

At this time, the living room was silent and the lights were bright, no different from the meeting he left after.

The two maids leaned on the sofa and squinted their eyes to rest.

There were two chairs on the left side of the stairs, with Rena and another maid sitting on them.

The two of them were in a somewhat loose state, but both had their eyes open and stared at the stairs.

It was already 3:30 in the morning. The maids were human beings. There were no special circumstances. It was normal for them to relax a little.

Fortunately, they were very dedicated and did not fall asleep with their eyes open.

The four maids were in normal condition, which meant that nothing unexpected happened inside. Huo Lin was completely relieved.

Come to the door and push it open directly.

The reason why he didn't lock the door was because he specifically asked for it.

Lock the door, and when you come back, you have to knock on the door and ask the maid to open the door.

Huo Lin was worried that making a sound would wake up Lu Fei, so he made this arrangement.

Opening the door gently, Huo Lin stepped in unprepared.

But as soon as he took a step in, he suddenly felt a sudden pain in his neck, and then he rolled his eyes and lost consciousness.

Ques slept extremely soundly that night.

The reason is that the family's seven-star sword has found the ultimate secret.

For hundreds of years, the family elites have been trying one after another without finding the answer. Today, the ultimate answer is about to be revealed in front of their generation. What an achievement this is!

In the second half of the night, Quess also had a sweet dream.

I dreamed that the patriarch Huolin took out the gold foil map with a special tool.

Everyone is looking forward to opening it

, everyone in the conference room suddenly burst into excited cheers.

In the next five years, the family used various methods to finally collect the five seven-star knives.

Following the same pattern, he took out the five gold foil maps and put them together, and finally found the exact location of the ultimate treasure.

The patriarch was getting old, so he ordered Ques to personally supervise the formation and take the family elites and employees deep into China to search for treasures.

After three years of unremitting efforts, Mongolia's treasure, which was used to search for the entire China and even the Eurasian continent, was finally found in a deep mountain.

Gold, silver and jewelry are piled up like mountains, and all kinds of antiques stretch as far as the eye can see.

Several famous holy objects in Europe are all here. Ques picked up the angel horn and blew it gently, as if he could command the world.

At this moment, the Xiao family and the Robert family were insignificant ants in front of them.

You can easily crush it with just a finger.

All the forces and dynasties in the world bowed their heads. From then on, the Thomas family looked down upon the world and all living beings.

In the dream, Quess almost laughed out loud.

But just when he was immersed in the beautiful dream and couldn't extricate himself, the phone rang abruptly pulled him out of his dream.

Ques slowly opened his eyes, glanced at the dim room, and suddenly became angry.

Damn it!

It’s only half past five!

What damn bastard is so blind to make a phone call at this time?

Don’t you know I’m having a sweet dream?

Damn it!

Quis picked up the phone impatiently and glanced at the caller ID, then frowned.

The caller ID showed Lu Fei's name, which was so new.

During the past few days when Lu Fei came to London, Murray was responsible for receiving him.

Although Lu Fei has his own phone number, he has never

Have been beaten.

What could be the reason for calling so early today?

Thinking back to his worries last night, Ques suddenly became energetic and immediately answered Lu Fei's call.


"Good morning, Mr. Lu Fei, it's so early, do you have anything wrong?"

Ques was polite, but Lu Fei's attitude on the phone was quite unfriendly.

"Dear Mr. Quess, what kind of plane are you doing?"


Lu Fei asked questions without thinking, which directly confused Ques.

"Mr. Lu Fei, what do you mean?" Ques asked.

"What's the meaning?"

"Dear Mr. Quess, I, Lu Fei, regard you as my friend and that's why I accept your hospitality."

"If it wasn't for your face, I wouldn't live here at all."

"It's just a house. I, Lu Fei, can still afford it."

"Besides, Long Yun and Wade strongly requested to receive me. If I accept their invitation, it will definitely be much better than what you received."

When Lu Fei said this, Ques became even more confused.

Damn it!

Where are these things?

Why can’t I understand a word of it?

It's so early in the morning, isn't this awkward?


"Mr. Lu Fei, please don't be angry yet."

"What happened? I'm so confused now that I don't understand it at all!" Quess said.

"not understand?"


"I think you are pretending to be confused because you understand, right?"


"Mr. Lu Fei, please calm down first."

"I swear, I really don't know what made you angry."

"You are the most distinguished guest of our family.

People, stop beating around the bush. "

"If you have any problems, just tell me and I will help you solve it."

"If I did something wrong, I apologize to you and I will give you a satisfactory explanation, okay?"

"No matter what happened, I don't want there to be another misunderstanding between us," Quess said.

Lu Fei took a deep breath and said unhappily.

"Mr. Quess, are you still pretending to me now? Is this interesting?"

"The conditions I proposed are a bit excessive. If you don't agree, just pretend I didn't say it. There's no need to treat me like this, right?"

"Today, if you don't give me a perfect explanation, I will declare that your family will never be qualified to compete for my sword." Lu Fei shouted.

Lu Fei was so excited that Ques was also dumbfounded.

We had a good meeting last night. We knew that Lu Fei's knife had lost its value, but in order to stabilize Lu Fei, we still had to agree to Lu Fei's conditions.

The other two sides worked together to try to get Lu Fei's lifeline.

But before he could get his lifeline, he aroused Lu Fei's anger. What the hell was going on?

Could it be that bastard Roy who caused trouble again?

The wise second elder Thomas Quis was completely confused.

"Dear Mr. Lu Fei, don't get excited."

"Please calm down and tell me what happened?"

"Even if you want to deprive us of the qualification to compete, you still have to let me understand where we went wrong?" Ques asked.



Lu Fei's weird sneer came over the phone.

The sneer made Ques's scalp tingle and goosebumps spread all over his body.

"Mr. Quess, you are worthy of being the elder of the Thomas family. You can really pretend!"

"Let me ask you, where have you hidden my brother Tianbao and the woman I brought back last night?"

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