A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2120 Important Person

Lu Fei asked for help, but Ques was completely confused and his head was buzzing.

A very bad feeling arose spontaneously and became more and more intense.

Lu Fei asked him for someone, something obviously happened.

At this time, the first thing that came to Kuisi's mind was not Lu Fei, but the safety of the clan leader Huo Lin.

Last night I had a dream that the patriarch led everyone to turn the tide and collect five seven-star knives.

Then open the treasure and look at the world!

The patriarch is the cornerstone of the family. If something happens to him, it will be in trouble. .??.

"Mr. Lu Fei, please don't rush and speak slowly."

"What happened?" Ques asked.


"I just woke up, feeling dizzy and having a splitting headache, as if I had been drugged."

"What's even more disgusting is that my woman and my brother are all missing."

"They don't have the habit of doing morning exercises. They are not in the villa and the phone cannot be reached. Something must have happened."

"Mr. Quess, we are in your territory now, and you must give me a perfect explanation."

"Also, regardless of whether you attacked my people or not, I must see them come back intact within one day."

"Otherwise, your family will never get the sword in my hand." Lu Fei roared.


"You were drugged?"

"Your brother and woman are missing?"

Hearing what Lu Fei said, Ques was completely shocked.

Damn it!

What's happening here?

How could such a weird thing happen to us?


Suddenly, Ques's eyes lit up.

Could it be that the patriarch took action last night, fascinated Lu Fei, and stole his sword and map?

If that were the case, that would be awesome.

Thinking of this, Quess was inexplicably excited, but suddenly he frowned again.


The patriarch was so confused that Lu Fei took away his treasure. This was normal.


However, there is no need for him to take Lu Fei’s little brother and Nina away, right?

Even if they are taken away, they must be taken away together with Lu Fei and put under house arrest, so as to avoid the news being exposed.

However, Lu Fei is fine now, and he is still roaring that he wants people at all.

This is not logical.

Also, if the clan leader steals Lu Fei's treasure, he will notify everyone immediately to discuss the aftermath.

However, I didn’t receive a call from the clan leader at all?

Moreover, there was no abnormality happening around the villa, otherwise the surveillance whistle would have reported back long ago.

So weird.

What the hell is going on?

What happened?

"That's right!"

"My head still hurts so bad now."

"Back then you swore to me that you would protect my safety."

"I believe in your strength, and even more so in the sincerity of your family, so I live in your villa."

"Besides, among the three of you, I am the only one who proposed the deal plan to you."

"Regardless of whether the deal is successful or not, I have given enough sincerity."

"But now that this has happened, how do you explain it now?"

"Is this how your family treats guests?"

"I even suspect that this is what your family did." Lu Fei shouted.

"No no no!"

"This is absolutely impossible, Mr. Lu Fei, please don't get me wrong."

"We are friends, how could we do something to hurt you?"

"Besides, we have no motive, right?" Ques said.


"Of course you have a motive."

"Yesterday we were negotiating and the deal conditions I proposed were too harsh and unacceptable to you."

"Moreover, you are worried that I will give up on your deal with the Xiao family or the Robert family."

"You are so angry that you plotted against me and stole my treasure at no cost. This is completely reasonable." Lu Fei shouted.

Damn it!

Ques's nose was almost crooked with anger.

Isn’t this a crime that you want to inflict?

If we plot against you, can you still call me alive and ask for it?

"Mr. Lu Fei, please calm down."

"I swear, it is absolutely impossible for our people to assassinate you."


"Why should I believe you?" Lu Fei asked.

"To be honest, after returning yesterday, the family held a meeting regarding our negotiations."

"It has been approved at the meeting that we will exchange our Chinese collection with you for the golden knife."

"Although the collections are valuable, they are dead objects after all."

"But your golden sword has extraordinary significance to our family."

"I'm preparing to inform you in the morning."

"Since we have reached a deal, how can we assassinate you?"

"You are very powerful and intelligent, and you have certain connections in China and even Asia."

"It's better to have a friend like you than an enemy, right?"

"So, we have no reason to harm you at all."

"On the contrary, I think this matter might have been done by the Xiao family and the Robert family."

"They may have received news of our upcoming deal, so the person who kidnapped you framed the blame on our family."

"In this case, of course you will hold a grudge against us, and you will not be able to continue trading with us."

"That way, they can have a chance."

"what do you think?"


Lu Fei had to admire Ques' reaction and adaptability.

Quess deserves to be admitted to the Thomas Family Presbyterian Church!

"Mr. Quess, what you said makes sense."

"But how can I trust you?"

"After all, the incident happened to my people in your villa."

"So, your family is the most suspect." Lu Fei said.

"Mr. Lu Fei, I assure you on the honor of the Thomas family that this matter has absolutely nothing to do with us."

"Think about it, if we charmed you, we would definitely put you under house arrest. How could we give you a chance to question us?"

"So, this is the most obvious frame-up," Quess said.

After Quess explained this, Lu Fei's attitude softened.

"What you said makes sense, but you still can't clear away the suspicion."

"The most important thing now is not to investigate who attacked me, but to find my brother and woman as soon as possible and rescue them as soon as possible."

"As long as we find them, the answer will come to light."

"Mr. Quasi, if you want to avoid suspicion, you'd better do your best to help me find someone."

"As long as you help, our transaction will continue." Lu Fei said.


Quess breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't worry, Mr. Lu Fei, we will mobilize all our forces to find and rescue your friends."

"As long as they are in Europe, we will be able to rescue them."

"Okay, please." Lu Fei said.

"By the way, didn't the person who kidnapped your friend steal your golden knife?" Ques asked.


"of course not."

"I, Lu Fei, have hidden something that no one in this world has been able to find."

"If they find it, I probably won't be able to talk to you on the phone."

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