A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2121 The clan leader is lost

Ques was overjoyed when he heard from Lu Fei that there was still a possibility of trading, and that Lu Fei's sword and map were not lost.

At the same time, he was a little more wary of Lu Fei's wisdom and strength.

No matter who kidnapped Lu Fei's little brother and woman, the target must be the treasure in Lu Fei's hands.

Since nothing happened to Lu Fei, the baby must not have been lost.

Otherwise, even if Lu Fei survives, he will still be placed under house arrest.

Putting Lu Fei under house arrest may not necessarily allow Lu Fei to hand over his treasure.

Let Lu Fei continue to enjoy life outside, and sooner or later he will find clues to the baby.

If what Lu Fei said was true and he was really fascinated by the other party, then the other party would have a lot of time to search for Lu Fei's treasure.

They couldn't find it all night long, which shows how good Lu Fei is at hiding treasures.


Ques was busy analyzing Lu Fei's treasure, but when he thought about it, he suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

The other party sneaked into the villa to charm Lu Fei and kidnapped Lu Fei's friends.

What is the current situation of the patriarch and the four female bodyguards?

If the other party sneaks into the villa, the patriarch, Reina and the others will definitely notice it.

In this case, the opponent can succeed, which is obviously much stronger than Rena and others.

In this case, nothing will happen to the patriarch, right?

Thinking of this, Ques turned pale with fright and trembled all over.

"Mr. Lu Fei, where is my butler Jack?"

"Didn't you ask, didn't he realize who kidnapped your friend?" Ques asked nervously.


"If I can find Jack, why should I ask you?"

"Don't talk about Jack, all four maids are missing, so I suspect that your family did it." Lu Fei said.


Quess jumped up from the bed upon hearing this.

The next second his vision turned black and he sat down on the ground. His whole body was weak and his phone almost flew out of his hand.

"You, you, you said Jack is missing too?" Quis said tremblingly.


"They're all gone!"

"I'm the only one in the whole villa now, damn it."

"I now feel that my safety has been seriously threatened. I want Long Yun and Wade's people to come over and protect me."

"I'll call them right now." Lu Fei said.


"Mr. Lu Fei, please don't call them yet."

"According to our analysis, both of them cannot escape suspicion."

"Don't worry, we will protect your safety. I will send someone over to protect you immediately," Quess said.


"Are you keeping me safe?"

"You can pull him down!"

"If something like this can happen in your villa, how can I trust you with my safety?"

"You Thomas family members are valuable, but my life, Lu Fei's, is even more valuable."

"I believe Long Yun and Wade. Even if they want to harm me, they will not attack me if they are both present."

"Find and rescue my people as soon as possible."

"Then use your Chinese collection to trade with me. Once the transaction is completed, I will return to China immediately."

"I can't stay in this damn place for another minute."

After Lu Fei finished speaking, he immediately hung up the phone, and Kuisi slumped down as if he were mourning for his concubine.

A few minutes later, Quess's brain gradually returned to clarity and he immediately called Hollin.

Unfortunately, the other party's phone has been turned off.

Oh my God!

Why can't I get through?

Nothing really happened, right?

Oh, God!

Please protect the safety of the patriarch. Nothing happens to him!

Ques prayed and called the maid Rena, but her phone was also turned off.

An extremely ominous haze instantly enveloped Ques, and he was dripping with cold sweat. Ques almost collapsed.

After thinking about it, Lu Fei immediately called the other elders.

"Has the patriarch gone home?"


"Didn't go back?" .??.??

"Has the patriarch called home?"



"problem occurs!"

"Something serious has happened."

"There was an accident in Lu Fei's villa last night. The patriarch disappeared and the phone was turned off. Something may have happened."

"Everyone will go back to the family gathering for a meeting immediately, and let our people block London immediately."

"We must find the patriarch back no matter what."

Half an hour later, Quess came to the family meeting room in his pajamas.

At this time, the conference room had become a mess.

The senior family members and other elders were so anxious that they kept pacing, like ants on a hot pot.

"How about it?"

"Any clues?"

"Have you found the patriarch?"

Ques's eyes were scarlet and he asked anxiously.

Everyone shook their heads in dejection and despair. Ques's feet weakened and he almost fell.

Thanks to Murray's support, he sat down.

"Second Elder, what happened?"

"How come the patriarch is missing?" Murray asked anxiously.

Kuisi told him everything about Lu Fei's phone call in the morning, and everyone was stunned on the spot.

Several people with average psychological quality almost fainted.

Oh my God!

Something really big has happened.

Huo Lin is the patriarch, the cornerstone of the family, and the anchor of the family.

\u003e He is resourceful, bold and careful, good at employing people and far-sighted.

For decades, it was only thanks to Hollin's leadership that the Thomas family was able to resolve one crisis after another and once again strengthen its strength.

Over the years, everyone has become dependent on the patriarch.

As long as the patriarch is here, the Thomas family will thrive.

Even if the Xiao family invades, everyone believes that the patriarch can resolve the crisis.

Now that the patriarch has suddenly disappeared, for the Thomas family, it is simply more serious than the sky falling.

Without the Dinghai Shenzhen in charge, everyone else would be like a piece of loose sand.

If a foreign enemy invades at this time, it will undoubtedly be a disaster for their family!

"Who did it!"

"Who did it?"

"Find this man and I will cut him to pieces!"

"No, cutting him into pieces by a thousand cuts is too cheap. I want all his relatives to go to hell."

"shut up!"

The senior officials were shouting and shouting with indignation. Ques shouted, and everyone became quiet.

"Second Elder, you are very resourceful, what do you think we should do?" Murray asked.

"There are our hidden posts around the villa. Let them send the surveillance video from last night immediately."

"The villa is monitored from all directions. If anyone sneaks in, he will be discovered." Ques shouted.


In order to avoid Lu Fei becoming suspicious, there was no surveillance equipment in the villa.

However, there are extremely hidden sentries placed outside the villa, which can monitor every move outside the villa.

Anyone who comes in or out cannot escape the surveillance of the secret whistle. As long as the video is pulled out, there will definitely be clues.

Murray immediately called the whistleblower.

"Immediately send the surveillance video of the villa last night back to the headquarters." Murray ordered.


"Do it immediately."

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