A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2122 I don’t understand

The secret whistle in the villa retrieved information and prepared to send last night's video back to the headquarters.

The senior officials were extremely anxious and asked urgently.

"Were you on duty last night?" Murray asked.

Murray's bad tone frightened the sentry out of his wits.

"Sir, we are always on duty!"

"The six of us work in three shifts, monitoring the villa all the time, and we absolutely don't dare to relax in the slightest."

"I promise to God." The captain of the secret guard said in fear.

"Did anything special happen in the villa last night?"

"Have any outsiders sneaked in or gone out?"

"No!" .??.??

"Mr. Jack went out last night and said hello to us before going out."

"Mr Jack then came back and entered the villa and everything was normal after that."

The secret whistle didn't know that Jack was the patriarch of the Thomas family, so he spoke very casually.

"No situation?"

"Fuck you!"

"Last night, Lu Fei's companions and women were kidnapped, and Mr. Jack and Rena disappeared at the same time."

"How dare you say there's no situation, damn it."

"Are you lazy and sleeping without monitoring?" Murray roared.

Hearing this, the captain of the secret whistle was so frightened that he was out of his wits.

He knelt down across the screen, and his body kept shaking, and he almost peed his pants.

"Sir, I swear I really didn't lie to you. How dare we lie to you!"

"Nothing really happened."

"Last night's surveillance video has been sent to you. If you don't believe me, you can see it for yourself."

Of course the top brass of the Thomas family didn't believe it.

Lu Fei's people were kidnapped and the patriarch disappeared. What a serious situation this is.

If the secret whistler hadn't been lazy and slept, how could he not have discovered it?

They even suspected that their secret sentinels had been bribed by the murderer.

The senior family members were gnashing their teeth with hatred. If they had been at the scene, they would have killed six secret sentries.


However, the following video recording gave them a blow.

In the video, the patriarch carefully entered the villa and never came out again.

Fast-forward the video until dawn, and it's all the same scene.

Nothing happened during this time.

The lights on the second and third floors of the villa were not turned on, and no one sneaked into the villa.

If they hadn't seen Long Yun and Wade arriving at the villa two days later with more than a dozen bodyguards each, the Thomas family would have even thought the video was fake.


Damn it!

What a hell!

How is this possible?

The senior members of the family looked at each other, and they were all stunned. Then, everyone turned their attention to the wise second elder Kuis.

"Second Elder, isn't this video too weird?"

"There is no situation at all. How is this possible?"

"Could it be that they dug holes out of the ground?" Murray said.


"Our hidden sentry surveillance can radiate around three kilometers."

"They have only been here for three days. Even if they dig holes, they can't go this far."

"As long as you show your head, it will be monitored."

"So, they probably didn't dig out a hole, but isn't this too incredible?"

Everyone was talking about it and had no clue at all.

"Shut up, everyone!"

Ques shouted, and everyone fell silent.

"What's your logic?"

"The patriarch has been staying in the villa these days, where do they have time to dig holes?"

"That's impossible," Quess said.


"But what now?

What to do? "

"Where should we find the patriarch?"

"His old man will definitely be fine!"

The conference room was in complete chaos, and Quess was frowning and shaking his head.

Suddenly, Ques's eyes lit up, he stood up and ran outside immediately.

"Murray Roy is coming with me right away."

"Our analysis was wrong. We fell into Lu Fei's trap. Lu Fei's people were not kidnapped at all."

"The patriarch and the others have not disappeared. They should still be in the villa now, but they are controlled by Lu Fei."

"Lu Fei asked Wade and Long Yun's people to come over to protect him. In fact, he wanted to use them as cover to kidnap the patriarch."

"The three of us will rush to the villa immediately, and all of you will synchronize with An Gang's video immediately."

"From now on, anyone who comes out of the villa must be monitored by me."

"If you get in the car and go out, send someone to stop and check at the intersection immediately."

Ques is worthy of being the leader of the family's think tank. Everyone agreed with his analysis.

If you think about it carefully, what Quess said is accurate. It is very likely that what he said is the truth.

However, everyone still has some doubts.

They couldn't understand why Lu Fei wanted to control the patriarch.

Jack's identity is highly confidential. There is no way Lu Fei knows that Jack is the clan leader!

The patriarch has never been seen in public.

Not to mention Lu Fei, even the heads of the Xiao family and the Robert family have never met Huo Lin.

It is even more impossible for Lu Fei to know the true identity of the clan leader.

In front of Lu Fei, the patriarch is Ques's butler.

What's the use of Lu Fei's plan to control a housekeeper in such a big way?

Isn't this nonsense?

If he had a purpose, he might as well kidnap Murray!

After all, Murray is also a direct descendant of the family. Using Murray as a blackmail is much stronger than a butler.


I really don’t understand it!

Others were still doubtful, but Quess was convinced.

Because apart from this result, he really couldn't think of any other possibilities.

Ques gritted his teeth secretly.

Lu Fei, you are simply seeking death.

He kidnapped our clan leader and dared the evildoer to file a complaint first.

Damn it!

If I get conclusive evidence, I will have to skin you.

Not only are they going to kill you, but your family, your property, everything you have is going to be embezzled.

If you dare to threaten the safety of the clan leader, you will die without mercy.

Ques was worried about the clan leader's safety and was eager to save people, but Roy was gnashing his teeth in happiness in his heart.

If anyone in the world hates Lu Fei the most, besides the Liu family, it is Roy.

As a direct bloodline of the great Thomas family, what a noble existence that is.

Roy stood up and stamped his feet, causing the whole of Europe to tremble.

Because he represents the Thomas family.

But even such a noble Roy failed in front of Lu Fei many times.

Lu Fei didn't look down on him the first time they met in Jincheng.

On the edge of the Changshanyu Reservoir, he almost died in the hands of Lu Fei if the leaders of the China Special Branch and the military had not stopped him.

The most annoying thing is that when he came to his own territory in London, Lu Fei didn't even take him seriously.

Not only was he not afraid, but he went even harder and humiliated him many times.

Roy had repeatedly proposed to deal with Lu Fei, but the elders and clan leaders did not agree. Roy was extremely depressed.

Being manipulated by a rag collector is simply a great shame and humiliation.

Roy swore that Lu Fei must be killed with his own hands.

And today is the best opportunity.

If Quess's guess is confirmed, even God will not be able to protect Lu Fei.

He must accept the most cruel punishment in the world and his life would be worse than death.

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