A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2123 Ironclad evidence

In the villa, after ending the call with Ques, Lu Fei called Long Yun and Wade, telling them about last night's tragic experience and asking them to send someone to protect him.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Fei immediately called Dong Jianye.

It was noon in China time.

Today is the 80th birthday of Dong Jianye’s mother-in-law. For the first time, she took a day off to celebrate her mother-in-law’s birthday.

I had just bought a gift in the supermarket and was driving to my mother-in-law's house when Lu Fei called.

When he saw it was Lu Fei's number, old Dong Jianye's heart beat wildly and he couldn't help but frown.

You know, Bao Bao Fei doesn't call himself often.

But once the call comes, nothing good will happen.

Ninety-nine percent of the time, he gets into big trouble so that he can wipe his ass.

Therefore, Dong Jianye suddenly became worried when he saw it was Lu Fei's number.

Even though I am worried, I still have to accept it. If something important is delayed, that would be too much.


"Boss Dong, what are you doing?"

"Did you miss me?" Lu Fei said with a smile.

"Depend on!"

"You kid, please don't talk to me in this tone. I have goosebumps. I can't stand it!"

"By the way, aren't you in the UK? What do you want from me?" Dong Jianye asked.

"Yes, I am indeed in England."

"And it is indeed a good thing to come to you if I have something to do. It is a huge good thing."

"Once it's done, I'm sure you'll get promoted and make a fortune." Lu Fei said with a smile.


"You can pull him down!"

"I don't expect to be promoted, and getting rich is even more nonsense."

"If I get rich, I'm not far away from getting in."

"Hey, today is my mother-in-law's eightieth birthday. It's the first time in nine years that I've asked for leave to visit her."

"If it's just a trivial matter, you can just do it. No.

Are you going to disturb me? "

"By the way, you can find the Dragon King!"

"He has more power than me, and he is also your uncle, so he is much more powerful than me."

Dong Jianye is really worried.

Judging from Lu Fei's tone, he must be up to no good.

I can't take this job myself, let alone ask.

If you ask, you will do something. If you don't do something, you will be completely offended.

Simply ask him to find Chen Honggang.

The Five Dragons Brigade basically all have the special rights, so that they can get rid of Lu Fei's entanglement.


Dong Jianye expressed satisfaction with his adaptability, but Lu Fei on the other side of the phone rolled his eyes.

"Boss Dong, don't play tricks on me."

"What do you think? Brother Men'erqing."

"I am the chief instructor of the Five Dragons Brigade. I know better than you how much power the Five Dragons have."

"To tell you the truth, the Five Dragons can indeed handle this matter."

"However, our friendship as buddies ends here. If something good happens, I can't leave you behind, Boss Dong."

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make a contribution. If you do it right, it will achieve results you didn't expect."

"I'll ask you again, are you sure you don't want to participate?" Lu Fei asked.


What Lu Fei said completely aroused Dong Jianye's curiosity.

If you think about it carefully, Lu Fei can indeed cause trouble, but there are indeed many opportunities to make meritorious deeds and receive awards when working with Lu Fei.

After several cooperations, Xuanlong and Special Department have benefited a lot, so Dong Jianye has a good relationship with Lu Fei.

Now that Lu Fei was in London, he called him from across the ocean. The matter was definitely very serious.

Thinking of this, Dong Jian

Ye parked the car on the side of the road, lit a cigarette and asked.

"You're right, we buddies do have a friendship."

"Tell me what's going on first. If my buddy can do it, I'll try my best to help you." Dong Jianye said.


"Boss Dong, you are wrong."

"This time you are not helping me, but helping yourself."

"This is a great opportunity given to you by my buddy."

"How do you say this?" Dong Jianye asked curiously.

"Now that this matter is done, I'm 90% sure that Zhao Yuanchao's position will be yours."

"It depends on whether you dare to do it or not."

"Pfft cough cough"

Dong Jianye almost choked to death after taking a puff of cigarette, and started coughing non-stop.

Damn it!

If you don’t brag, you will die!

Zhao Yuanchao is a particularly powerful leader. The existence of the top executives in China can be said to be extremely powerful.

There is a two-level difference between him and me. No matter how great my achievements are, I still can't reach that position!

Besides, Zhao Yuanchao has been in this position for decades and can be said to be impregnable.

Isn't it a foolish dream to replace him by yourself?

"What, you don't believe it?" Lu Fei asked.


"My instructor from mainland China, are you drunk and talking nonsense?"

"Can you please stop teasing me?"

"Even if you say this to me, you will pretend that you didn't say it, and I will pretend that I didn't hear it. Don't spread it, otherwise it will be of no benefit to you or me."

"Well, seeing as it's noon, I'm in a hurry to celebrate my mother-in-law's birthday, so I won't talk nonsense to you!"

"I'll treat you to a drink when you come back. This is it for now, bye!"

Dong Jianye couldn't help but hang up the phone.

I took a look at the encrypted satellite radio

He spat hard.


"Why are you so convulsed again?"


After saying that, Dong Jianye put on his seat belt, started the engine and was ready to hit the road.

At this time, the computer email prompt sounded.

Dong Jianye opened the bag and took out the special WeChat tablet computer. He saw that it was an email from Lu Fei.

Dong Jianye didn't want to click on the email, but out of curiosity, he clicked on the email anyway.


"Let me see if you've gotten into trouble again."

Dong Jianye gloated and admired it, but after reading two lines, Dong Jianye's smile froze and he suddenly became serious.

Looking further down, Dong Jianye's hands began to tremble and his face turned pale.

The air conditioner in the car was quite cool, but Boss Dong was already sweating profusely.

As he continued to watch, Dong Jianye's breathing began to quicken, his hands shook violently, and his face was ashen.

After reading all the emails, Dong Jianye felt completely bad.

Having worked in the Special Branch for more than 30 years, Tung Kin-ye has seen too many ups and downs.

Three teachings and nine streams, five elements and eight works, who has not been exposed to them?

Over time, Dong Jianye has already developed an indestructible body and can deal with anything with a calm mind.

Even when he teamed up with Lu Fei to take down the two giants Jiang Hongyang and Deng Xinhua last year, Dong Jiaye didn't feel excited at all.

This is a state of extraordinary experience and training.

However, when he saw this email today, Dong Jianye was dumbfounded.

Shock, shock, fear, but also deep excitement and excitement.

To help with shortness of breath, pale face, and almost having a heart attack.

It is certainly not an ordinary thing that can make Dong Jianye's mentality change so dramatically.

Because what was recorded in this email was irrefutable evidence of the crimes of Zhao Yuanchao and nine senior executives of China.

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