A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2124 What do you want to do?

After reading the email from Lu Fei, Dong Jianye was so shocked that his whole body trembled.

This is all evidence of the crimes committed by Zhao Yuanchao and several other giants.

Every detail is described clearly.

This is so scary.

Each of the nine people above, including Zhao Yuanchao, is the top figure in China.

It can be said to be the mainstay.

If this evidence were revealed, it would be earth-shattering!

If not done well, it will cause unprecedented super shocks with disastrous consequences.

Not only the nine of them, but also the number of big bosses that will be affected.

It would be unimaginable to dig them all out!

Dong Jianye also suspected that something was wrong with Zhao Yuanchao before, but no evidence was ever found.

Of course, he didn't dare to dig deeper.

If Zhao Yuanchao discovers him, he will die without a burial place.

Now seeing these evidences, Dong Jianye is really sad and happy at the same time.

Fortunately, if he could eradicate the black sheep like Zhao Yuanchao, it would definitely be a great achievement for him.

Sadly, Zhao Yuanchao has been an official for many years and has a lot of connections, which can be said to be deep-rooted.

It would be great to be able to move to him. If someone more powerful prevents him from achieving his goal, then he will inevitably attract Zhao Yuanchao's violent revenge.

That is definitely not something I can bear.

Therefore, looking at this information, Dong Jianye was hesitant and didn't know what to do next.

At this time, the phone rang again, and it was Lu Fei calling again.

Dong Jianye answered the call without hesitation.

"Boss Dong, did you see the email I sent you?"

"How's it going? Are you surprised or surprised?"

Lu Fei was still smiling, but Dong Jianye was not in as good a mood as he was.

"Baolanfei, where did you get this information?" Dong Jianye asked tremblingly.


"You don't have to worry about this, I can assure you

The thing is, this information is absolutely true. "

"If you upload these information, I guarantee that you will make a great contribution."

"When Zhao Yuanchao falls, his position must be yours."

"How's it going? Are you very excited?"

"I think you must be enjoying yourself right now, right?" Lu Fei said with a smile.


"Having fun?"

"Sir, I'm not as big-hearted as you."

"Balan Fei, let me ask you, what on earth are you going to do?" Dong Jianye asked.


Speaking of this, Lu Fei's tone suddenly became serious.

"He Zhao Yuanchao and those old bastards have repeatedly planned to harm me."

"During the Changshanyu Reservoir incident, they controlled me and forced me to confess."

"If the Dragon King hadn't taken action, I would have been doomed."

"After that, they provided many conveniences to Ruixin Group and tried every means to suppress me."

"Ruixin Group is smuggling drugs, and they even sent people to intervene."

"If it weren't for the solid evidence, Ruixin Group would definitely be safe."

"Some time ago, a large number of Ruixin drugs were smuggled into Shenzhou Duojia Pharmacy in the south."

"Xing Shuya, the president of our company, reported it and they actually instigated the health department to repeatedly delay the investigation and pursue the case."

"There was really nothing I could do. I investigated on my own and found that these smuggled drugs came from a new company called Heyang Trading on Hong Kong Island."

"And the chairman of this company is Zhao Yuanchao's close nephew Ye Jiannan."

"They tried every means to persecute me, and I had to fight back."

"This time, I will make them irrecoverable, otherwise, sooner or later, I will be killed by them."

"There's one more thing, maybe you don't know

road. "

"The extradition of Thomas Roy, a participant in the Changshanyu Reservoir incident, was also arranged by Zhao Yuanchao," Lu Fei said.


"You said Roy was let go by Zhao Yuanchao?" Dong Jianye asked in surprise. ??

Of course he knew about this, and he was the one who informed Lu Fei that Roy would be extradited back to the country.

Dong Jianye was also puzzled. Roy's crime was so heinous that it was logically impossible to extradite him.

But overnight, such a weird thing really happened.

Dong Jianye also conducted an investigation afterwards. However, the procedures provided were quite complete and Dong Jianye found no flaws, so he left the matter alone.

Now when Lu Fei said it, how could Dong Jianye not be surprised!


"Roy was originally detained by your special department."

"According to Roy's crime, he must be reported for arrest."

"Who can do it except Zhao Yuanchao who bends the law for personal gain?"

"This is nothing. If I tell you something, you will be even more surprised."

"What's going on?" Dong Jianye asked.

"Boss Dong, do you remember Liu Sisi?"

Of course Dong Jiaye remembers it.

In Fengtian, Liu Sisi was captured by the Special Branch together with Xuanlong.

Liu Sisi was later convicted of espionage and imprisoned in a special prison.

The so-called special prisons also fall under the direct supervision of the Special Division.

Entering there, without exception, they are all super felons, the kind who can sit through the bottom of the prison.

Deng Xinhua and Jiang Hongyang also served their sentences there.

"Of course I know Liu Sisi, he is being held in a special prison right now!" Dong Jianye said.


"Boss Dong, your news is too outdated."

"You go to the special prison now. If you can see Liu Sisi, I, Lu Fei, will give you my head." Lu Fei laughed.


Dong Jianye took a breath of air when he heard this.

"What do you mean, broken fly?"

"Don't bluff me, kid. Liu Sisi has been convicted of espionage and will never be able to get out of jail in this life."

"Once locked up in a special prison, it is impossible for anyone to come out."

"Liu Sisi must still be detained there," Dong Jianye said.


"Boss Dong, you are an idiot this time."

"Liu Sisi was released a long time ago and went to South Korea to have plastic surgery. She is extremely happy at large."

"Do you know Nina, the president of Ruixin Group Asia?" Lu Fei asked.

"of course I know."

"Then let me tell you, Nina is Liu Sisi."


Dong Jianye was shocked and dumbfounded.

"This is absolutely impossible."

"Nina, I've seen Liu Sisi disfigured by you. No matter how awesome her plastic surgery skills are, she can't be that perfect."

"Baolanfei, stop bluffing me." Dong Jianye yelled.


"you are too naive."

"Plastic surgery technology is so advanced now that many big stars have had surgeries. Do you see the one that looks like plastic surgery?"

"Don't forget, I am a miracle doctor."

"I have much more contact with Nina than you do."

"The first time I met her, I was sure she had had plastic surgery."

"When I saw the look in her eyes, I felt like I had seen her before."

"Then I tried every means to get Nina's DNA sample and compared it with your Special Branch archives. The result was that she was Liu Sisi."

"Last night, Liu Sisi confessed to me that he and Roy were released by Zhao Yuanchao at the same time. The purpose was to use Liu Sisi's experience and understanding of me to deal with me."

"If you don't believe me, go to the special prison now and check it out. You will definitely be surprised."

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