A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2126 The trump card


Dong Jianye was so excited that Lu Fei deceived him that he decided to go crazy with Lu Fei.

Damn it!

If you don't succeed, you will be benevolent, and I will risk everything.

Dong Jianye had already had enough of having this gang of black sheep weighing on his head.

The two discussed for a few more minutes before hanging up the phone.

At this time, Dong Jianye completely calmed down.

Thinking back to the impulse just now, I still felt a little scared.

But more of it is excitement and excitement.

With these evidences, Xuanlong's cooperation, and most importantly, Lu Fei taking the lead, everything should be safe. .??.??

Li Shengnan called, and the two discussed for a while and agreed on a meeting time.

Afterwards, Dong Jianye immediately called his cronies and ordered them to gather at a hidden stronghold.

After all contacts were made, Dong Jianye discovered that there were more than a dozen missed calls from his wife on his mobile phone, and he immediately called back.

"I'm sorry, honey, I have important things to do and I can't go today."

"Talk to mom, and I'll take time to visit her in the evening."

"Dong Jianye, you bastard!"

"I have been with you for decades, and you have only visited our house a handful of times. Do you still want to be embarrassed?"

"Today is my mother's eightieth birthday!"

"I don't care what you are busy with. You must go to celebrate my mother's birthday today, otherwise I will never be done with you."

"Dong Jianye, did you hear that?"

"Dong Jianye"


"You bastard, you dare to hang up on me, go to hell!"

The special place is the stronghold of the Thirteenth Branch of Tiandu.

Three hundred people gathered in the auditorium, waiting for the boss Dong Jianye's lecture.

"Brothers, we have a special mission to perform today."

"You are all my best brothers, elites who have gone through countless trials and hardships. Are you ready?"

Dong Jianye yelled.

"Ready at all the time."

Seeing the 300 people in the audience showing off their heroic spirit, Dong Jianye nodded with satisfaction.

"Now, everyone hand over your communication tools."

"A group of ten people will head to the city immediately."

"We will meet at XXX location in half an hour."


Until now, Dong Jianye has not given them any real information.

Because the matter is so important, no news should be leaked, otherwise it may lead to the failure of the operation.

Everyone handed over their communication tools and followed Dong Jianye fully armed to the city.

On the other side, after hanging up the phone, Lu Fei took a sip of tea comfortably without any nervousness.

Lu Fei believed in his plan, and he believed in Dong Jianye even more.

The arrest of senior officials like Zhao Yuanchao is the responsibility of the Special Branch, and the Wulong Brigade does not have this authority.

It is also possible to let Xuanlong attack first and then play, but there are likely to be variables in the middle.

If there is a super boss who interferes with Xuanlong's overstepping of authority, it will really be difficult to handle.

However, it is different when Dong Jianye is involved.

The special thing about Representative Tung Jianye is that he has a good reputation, so arresting them is justifiable.

Even if someone intervenes, nothing can be done.

They want to find a more powerful being to stop them, but it's definitely too late.

When the general is out, military orders are not obeyed.

If Dong Jianye and the others were successfully arrested and immediately imprisoned secretly, and then they would use evidence and facts to speak for themselves, then Zhao Yuanchao and others would be absolutely miserable.

By that time, even if someone wanted to help, he would not dare.

That might get them in there too.

With such an existence, the word Mingzhe Baoshen has been revised.

After reaching Super Perfection, they will never risk their lives for Zhao Yuanchao and others.

As for whether Dong Jianye would be different from what he meant, Lu Fei had certainly considered it.

Dong Jianye is an upright person who hates evil and hates evil. With his character, he should not join the ranks of the black sheep.

Of course, Lu Fei also prepared for the worst.

Even if Dong Jianye colludes with them and leaks the plan, Lu Fei is not worried.

There is only fifty minutes left before everyone agrees to take action.

Even if the other party knows the plan, it is absolutely impossible to destroy all the evidence in such a short period of time.

Lu Fei asked Li Shengnan, Yang Yi and others to pay close attention to the situation in Tiandu.

If he discovers something is wrong, Lu Fei will immediately post all the evidence online and report it in his own name.

If someone else publishes it, maybe people don’t believe it.

But with their status and influence, it is impossible for them not to believe it.

If that happens, the whole city will be in trouble and everyone will know about it.

This is tantamount to making the family scandal public, and senior leaders will definitely be dissatisfied with him. Pan Xingzhou and others will also reprimand him, and he will probably be dismissed from office.

However, if such a commotion occurs, Zhao Yuanchao and others will undoubtedly die.

Because leaders must give a satisfactory explanation to all Chinese people.

Lu Fei is not afraid of losing his job, and he doesn't care what his leaders think of him. As long as he can make those bastards like Zhao Yuanchao irrecoverable, Lu Fei doesn't care about anything.

Because these bastards have seriously threatened themselves, so they must be eradicated.

As for future storms, we can only adapt accordingly.

The soldiers came to cover up the water and the earth, and Lu Fei believed that he could deal with it.

He also believed that with this example of killing chickens to scare monkeys, ordinary monsters would no longer dare to fight against him.

Of course, this is the last resort out of necessity.

There is a glimmer of hope, and Lu Fei doesn't want to cause trouble in the city.

After all, the leader wants face and China wants dignity, so this matter should be handled internally.

Therefore, Lu Fei has high hopes for Dong Jianye.

In fact, Dong Jianye did not disappoint Lu Fei.

Not far from Tiandu's high-rise office area, in a Xuanlong stronghold, Dong Jianye's men met with the Xuanlong team led by Li Shengnan and Yang Yi.

Once here, with the supervision of both parties, Dong Jianye told his men the next action plan.

After hearing the plan, the three hundred members of the Special Division turned pale and their whole bodies were soaked with sweat.


I have a mother-in-law!

Capture Zhao Yuanchao and other nine super bosses, and make a sudden attack to kill them first and then kill them later.

This is too exaggerated!

This is simply Monkey King causing havoc in the Heavenly Palace, earth-shattering!

However, it seems really exciting!

Upon hearing the plan, the team members were extremely nervous at first, and their little hearts were beating wildly.

However, these are elites who have gone through countless battles, and their psychological quality is beyond ordinary people.

After calming down, the team members' eyes were full of excitement.

Capturing your immediate superiors and super leaders is enough to brag about for a lifetime.

As for the consequences, that's not what they need to consider.

When the sky falls, there is a tall one holding it up.

What they have to do is to carry out the orders of the boss Dong Jianye to the letter.

After success, they will get half of the military medals. If it fails, Dong Jianye will take the blame. They are worried!

After the plan is drawn up, Xuanlong and Special Department still have to perfect the details.

What they are about to face are nine super bosses, and they will attack first and then attack them suddenly. Therefore, the chance is only this one, and there is absolutely no room for mistakes.

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