A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2127 Arresting people

At exactly one o'clock in the afternoon, China time, Xuanlong and 500 members of the Special Branch's action team suddenly appeared at the door of the high-rise office area.

Seeing so many team members with guns and ammunition, Mengang was startled and instinctively picked up the gun.


"What are you going to do?"

Li Shengnan glared and shouted.

"The Shenzhou Xuanlong Joint Special Branch is handling the case, so get out of here."


Hearing this, Mengang was also dumbfounded.

Xuanlong and Special Branch are both our own people!

But with so many people rushing in fully armed, what if something big happens?

"Leader, please show me your certificate and approval from your superiors." The gate guard said with a salute.


"My dear Xuanlong Li Shengnan, we are carrying out a secret mission and I cannot show you the approval document." Li Shengnan said.

Even though Li Shengnan's official position is not too high, everyone knows the reputation of the Black Dragon Mother Yaksha who defeated the Buddha in a battle.

When the gatekeeper heard that it was a dominatrix, he shivered, but he immediately returned to normal.

"Report to Captain Li, this is the high-level office area. I can't let you in without the leadership's instructions."


Li Shengnan was worried that he would miss the opportunity to fight, so he didn't bother to talk nonsense to him, so he waved and shouted.

"Disarm them and keep them under control. Leave two teams on guard while the others follow me in."


The two gatekeepers suddenly became miserable and were disarmed and controlled by several Xuanlong warriors.

Of course, it's just to keep them safe so they don't leak the information.

They are all his own, so Xuanlong will certainly not make things difficult for him.

Entering the office area, more than two hundred team members immediately divided into nine teams and rushed towards the target.

It was not yet work time, and Zhao Yuanchao was drinking tea and reading the newspaper in his exclusive lounge.

Suddenly, the door was kicked open, and Li Shengnan and Dong Jianye rushed in with twenty team members.

Zhao Yuanchao was shocked by the sudden intrusion.

But when he saw clearly that it was Li Shengnan and Dong Jianye, they

He calmed down immediately.

"Dong Jianye, what do you want to do?"

"Do you understand the rules?"

"And you, Li Shengnan, who asked you to come in? Do you have my approval?" Zhao Yuanchao yelled.

Seeing Zhao Yuanchao with his own eyes, Dong Jianye felt mixed emotions.

Although he knew that Zhao Yuanchao was involved in the law, he was his old leader after all.

Dong Jianye was also promoted by Zhao Yuanchao. Speaking of which, Zhao Yuanchao was kind to him.

Facing his old leader, Dong Jianye couldn't bear it anymore.

He couldn't bear it, Li Shengnan didn't care about that.

Damn it!

Although he cannot serve the people wholeheartedly despite being in a high position, he has done so many heinous and bad things. He deserves it.

The most irritating thing is that this guy bullied Feidi over and over again. It would be a shame to die.

Li Shengnan rushed forward, grabbed the newspaper from Zhao Yuanchao's hand, threw it to the ground, and shouted loudly.

"Zhao Yuanchao, you are under arrest. Someone comes and takes you away."


When Zhao Yuanchao heard this, he felt very bad.

He himself knows whether he has committed a crime or not.

Ever since he was caught by Roy, Zhao Yuanchao was worried that one day he would be useless and Roy would reveal evidence of his crime.

He had thought about destroying the evidence before, but with so many clues and Roy obstructing him and monitoring his every move, there was no way he could do it.

But he never expected that when Roy didn't deal with him, Shenzhou Xuanlong would attack first.

This is much more serious than Roy's!

Roy needs to clean himself up, he still has time and room to escape.

But facing the Shenzhou Xuanlong, he didn't have the slightest chance.

However, Zhao Yuanchao is a top boss after all and has rich experience. He calmed down immediately.


Not only did he not feel guilty, but he glared at Li Shengnan fiercely.


Zhao Yuanchao stood up and shouted loudly.

"Li Shengnan, what are you doing?"

"Arrest me, do you Xuanlong have the power?"

"Do you have any evidence?"

"Where's your arrest warrant?"

"I even suspect that you are going to stage a coup. You Xuanlong are simply lawless."

"I'll call my superiors right away." .??.

Zhao Yuanchao frowned and glared at the arrogant group. Unfortunately, he was facing the audacious Li Shengnan, and he was not given a chance to show off.

Li Shengnan walked up and slapped Zhao Yuanchao hard in the mouth!

"You dare to quibble when you are about to die, who the hell gave you the courage."

"Someone, take it away!"


The military order was like a mountain, and the four soldiers rushed forward without hesitation. No matter how Zhao Yuanchao roared, they directly controlled it.

Not only that, Li Shengnan also took a pair of handcuffs from a member of the Special Branch and put them on Zhao Yuanchao himself.

Then he took a photo with a smile and forwarded it to Lu Fei.

At this time, Zhao Yuanchao felt like he was mourning for his heir. He knew that this time was serious, but he was still stubborn as hell.


"Let me go, why are you arresting me?"

"I am Zhao Yuanchao, you have no right to arrest me."


"Hurry up and call your superiors. I want to sue Chen Honggang. Is the Wulong Brigade planning to rebel?"

Unfortunately, no one responded at all, and they forcibly dragged him out.

When he came to the corridor, Zhao Yuanchao was dumbfounded.

His secretary has been controlled, and several leaders with connections have also been taken away.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Yuanchao knew something was really bad.

One hundred percent sure that Xuanlong must have obtained irrefutable evidence of his crime.

\u003e However, he was still unwilling to accept it and stared at Dong Jianye and shouted.

"Dong Jianye, what do you do for food?"

"I order you to lead people to stop Xuanlong."

Li Shengnan kicked Zhao Yuanchao on the butt and sneered disdainfully.

"Idiot, you are blind!"

"Didn't you see that Old Dong is with us?"

"You are right, our Xuanlong did not go all out to capture you, but this time our Xuanlong is just a supporting role."

"We are cooperating with your Special Division in handling the case. What else do you have to say now?"

"take away!"

In this way, Zhao Yuanchao was completely dumbfounded.

While being dragged out, he shouted at Dong Jianye.

It's a pity that the latter pretended not to hear. What's even more damning is that two members of the Special Division replaced the two members of Xuanlong.

Four people set up Zhao Yuanchao and quickly evacuated the high-rise office area.

At the same time, all nine other leaders who were originally targeted were arrested.

From the time Li Shengnan and the others rushed into the office area to the time they evacuated, the whole process took less than ten minutes.

This is the speed of soldiers.

It wasn't until Li Shengnan and his convoy disappeared without a trace that other people in the office area reacted.

Everyone was stunned and stunned, and everyone was so scared that they were sweating.


"Xuanlong's people actually forcibly removed the weapons from the gate and captured Mr. Zhao?"

"is this real?"

"It's not just Mr. Zhao!"

"Mr. Xu, Mr. Liu, and nine others were also taken away."

"Not only Xuanlong, but also a pair of special team members, led by Dong Jianye."


"What on earth did Mr. Zhao and the others commit? Why are Xuanlong and the others so bold?"


"Watch your mouth, it's not something we can control."

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