A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2128 Earth-shattering

Nine top giants in China were arrested at the same time. This was a huge event.

However, ordinary people and ordinary officials have no idea and cannot receive the news.

Those who witnessed and understood the situation with their own eyes were given a silence order, and they did not dare to speak out even if they had the courage to do so.

Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous.

Even though the online media and ordinary people didn't know it clearly, China's senior officials caused an uproar. Even Chen Yunfei frowned when he heard about it.


"This little bastard Lu Fei is so brave!" Chen Yunfei laughed and cursed.

"Dad, how did you know it was Lu Fei who did it?" Chen Hongyi asked in surprise.

"Is that hard to guess?"

"If you think about it carefully, you will realize that you are such an idiot. Mud can't hold up the wall!"

"Thanks for having such a good son-in-law, otherwise, when I close my eyes, the Chen family will fall." The old man seriously despised his eldest son.

Thinking about it carefully, Chen Hongyi also took a breath of air.

"Dad, if Lu Fei did this, he won't be dealt with, right?"


"That kid is very smart. Since he dares to do this, he must be well prepared."

"I didn't even notify you, so nothing will happen."

"Not only will it be fine, but you will probably get huge benefits!"


In the high-level office, Pan Xingzhou's phone numbers were ringing off the hook.

Zhao Yuanchao and others were arrested too suddenly. What's even more terrible is that no one knows why they were arrested or even where they were imprisoned.

These guys are super bosses!

It's so nonsense to just disappear without knowing it.

The leaders above did not know the situation, but Pan Xingzhou knew it clearly.

However, when he found out, Xuanlong had already taken action.

It can be said that when Lu Fei was there, he would kill first and then show off. Mr. Pan was so angry that he kept cursing.


"This little brat is just playing the piano randomly. He's so out of character."

Although he yelled and cursed, Pan Xingzhou felt extremely happy in his heart.

In fact, the leaders above have noticed Zhao Yuanchao and others for a long time, and have been conducting secret investigations for several years, suffering from the lack of conclusive evidence.

However, Pan Xingzhou has already mastered some of the inextricable details.

Now comparing it with the evidence sent by Lu Fei, Pan Xingzhou immediately concluded that Lu Fei's evidence had no water at all, and it could be said that the evidence was ironclad.

This time, Zhao Yuanchao will definitely be doomed.

Without such a few huge black sheep, the future work will be smoother. How can Mr. Pan be unhappy!

At the same time, Pan Xingzhou appreciated Lu Fei's methods and courage even more.

The most important thing is that Lu Fei is firmly on his side.

It will be even more enjoyable if everyone complements each other in the future.

After reading the evidence, Pan Xingzhou immediately contacted Su Baozhen and Chen Honggang. The three of them had a brief discussion and took the evidence sent by Lu Fei to the top leaders to make a report.

At this time, it was still early morning in London time.

Lu Fei didn't care what kind of chaos China's top officials were in, or what their attitude was toward him.

Seeing the photos of Zhao Yuanchao's arrest sent by Li Shengnan, Lu Fei was completely relieved.

So many things happened last night, and Lu Fei didn't have time to do morning exercises.

I took a sip of cold milk and deleted the photos sent by Li Shengnan.


Must be deleted.

If this photo were to be circulated, the consequences would be equally serious.

Everything went smoothly according to Lu Fei's new ideas, and Lu Fei felt extremely happy.

Light a cigarette and glance at the empty space

In the quiet villa, he smiled slightly and immediately dialed Long Yun's number.

"Brother Long, things are going well. You can bring a dozen people to my place immediately."

Later, Lu Fei called Wade again.

"Fei, what's going on so early?" Wade asked.

"Wade, I have some unfortunate news for you. Something happened at my residence last night."


When Wade heard this, he jumped up from the bed instantly.

"What happened?" .??.

"Are you okay?" Wade asked.


"You don't know what happened last night?" Lu Fei asked.


"Fei, what happened?"


"Last night, I was drugged and knocked unconscious."

"I woke up this morning and my brothers Tianbao and Nina were gone."

"Including Ques's housekeeper and maid, all disappeared."

"I asked Quess, and he swore it wasn't them," Lu Fei said.

When Wade heard this, he suddenly got goosebumps all over his body!

"Buy it!"

"What such a big situation happened?"


"My friend, what do you mean, you don't suspect that I did it, do you?"

"Oh my God!"

"Don't think so. You are my best friend. How can I harm you?"

"This must have been done by the Thomas family, probably that bastard Roy."

"Roy is a despicable person who will seek revenge."

"You have had many unpleasant encounters before. He must have a grudge against you."

"The auction is over and you are preparing to return to China. He can't wait to take revenge on you!" Wade shouted.


"Don't be nervous!"

"You're right, we are friends, best friends."

"We always work well together, and I certainly won't doubt you."

"I think the same as you. I also suspect that Roy, that bastard, did it."

"This is their family's villa. It's impossible for outsiders to come in easily. At the same time, he also has enough motives."

"The reason why they didn't kill me is because they didn't find my sword. Keeping me here means keeping clues."

"Still, they kidnapped my brother and Nina."

"I guess they will use Tianbao and Nina to blackmail me next."

"Nina has nothing to do with me, but Tianbao is my best friend, and I will definitely not give up on him."

"I have no other intention in calling you. I just hope you can send someone to help me investigate the whereabouts of my brother and Nina, and find and rescue them as soon as possible." Lu Fei said.

"Fei, your analysis is so correct."

"Don't worry, I will report to the family right away."

"Even though this is the territory of the Thomas family, our strength here cannot be underestimated."

"We will do our best to help you find your brother." Wade said.

"Then please."

"By the way, I have almost no ability to protect myself here."

"So, I need your protection." Lu Fei said.

"Fei, don't worry. Although the Thomas family is awesome, with us here, he can't cover the sky with just one hand."

"I will personally take people to the villa to find you. I will be here to ensure your safety."


"Wade, I saw you right. You are indeed my best friend."

"Let's talk about it some other time. Under the same conditions, this knife still prioritizes cooperation with you."

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