A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2130 You can really pretend

The four of them, Lu Fei and others, were drinking tea and waiting in the villa. Within half an hour, three cars from Quess also arrived at the villa.

Less than 100 meters away from the villa, Ques stopped the vehicle and immediately contacted the secret guard at the villa.

"Did anything special happen after Long Yun and the others arrived at the villa?" Ques asked.

"Report to the second elder that everything is normal."

"Has anyone ever left?"


"Wade and Long Yun's people were guarding outside the villa. Long Yun, Wade, entered the villa and never came out." An Gang said. .??.??

After hanging up the phone, Ques felt relieved.

He guessed that the so-called emergency situation last night was caused by Lu Fei.

It is possible that Lu Fei controlled the clan leader and the four maids.

Fortunately, no one has ever left the villa. If it is as he guessed, the patriarch and the maids must still be in the villa.

If you take people in to search, you will definitely be able to find the patriarch.

"Lu Fei!"

"If you let me know that you dare to go against the clan leader, you will be dead."

"This is London, don't count on the Xiao family and the Robert family."

"The anger of the Thomas family is ignited, and not even God can save you."

Ques' face was extremely gloomy, and Roy became even more excited.

He was eager to find evidence that Lu Fei kidnapped the clan leader, and then he could justifiably deal with Lu Fei.

At this time, he was already studying how to do this damn yellow-skinned monkey.

"Murray Roy, when we go in later, you have to adapt accordingly."

"Find an excuse to search the villa."

"In addition to the garage, this villa also has a basement, and there is a secret room in the basement."

"The key point is to search the secret room, but be careful."

"If Lu Fei really kidnapped the clan leader, there might be an ambush inside."

"You all should be smart and don't force yourself. As long as you find the clan leader, you can

enough. "

"I'll make arrangements later. This is our territory, and we have plenty of ways to rescue the clan leader." Ques ordered.


"And Roy, I know you hate Lu Fei and want to kill him with a thousand knives."

"But now is not the time to vent. Our goal is to find the clan leader. There will be many opportunities later."

"You kid, please don't do bad things to me, otherwise I won't be able to spare you."

"Don't worry, elder, I'm measured." Roy assured.


"Let's go in."

This time Quess also brought twelve powerful bodyguards.

These are the elites of the Thomas Family Guards. Each of them is a mercenary king who licks blood with his blade and has considerable experience.

Take them out individually and each one can be the king of killers.

With them by his side, Ques was not afraid of Wade and Long Yun at all.

Arriving at the villa, Ques asked the guards to wait outside the gate, and he took Murray and Roy into the villa.

Long Yun's bodyguards were guarding the door, but they all knew Murray.

This is someone else's villa, so of course they won't stop it.

Pushing the door open and walking in, the three of them frowned when they saw the mess on the ground and Lu Fei's gloomy and terrifying face.

When they were outside, Ques gritted his teeth with hatred.

But when he saw Lu Fei, he immediately put on a harmless face.

"Mr. Lu Fei, you were shocked. Why is this place like this?"

"Were they all smashed by bad guys?" Ques asked.

"No, I smashed it."

"My good brother is missing, and I just want to vent my anger."


Mr. Si will find someone to settle the matter. I will compensate you according to the price, regardless of the loss. " Lu Fei said.


"Mr. Lu Fei, you are out of touch. This villa was originally given to you by us. Of course, everything here belongs to you."

"I'll find someone to clean this place up in a while. If there's anything missing, I'll make it up for you right away."

"By the way, in addition to visiting Mr. Lu Fei, I came here mainly to investigate what happened last night."

"In this way, we can find clues to find your brother and rescue him as soon as possible." Quasi said.

"Mr. Quasi, where are you going to find my brother?" Lu Fei asked.

"We are already investigating this and believe there will be results soon."

"As long as he is still in London, we will be able to find him and rescue him."

"Mr. Lu Fei, just wait for the good news!"

"Also, none of us want to see this happen, but no matter what, it's because we failed to protect you and your brothers."

"Here, on behalf of my family, I sincerely apologize to you."

Quis bowed and said.


"You can really pretend!" Long Yun snorted contemptuously.

Long Yun's attitude immediately angered Roy.

"Long Yun, what do you mean by being so sinister?"

"Don't you know what it means?"

"What happened last night was 100% done by your family. The purpose was to rob brother Lu Fei of his golden knife."

"Your family is so despicable!"

"I feel ashamed for you to do such a thing with a century-old foundation." Long Yun spat fiercely.

"Mr. Long Yun, please pay attention to your words."

"Why do you say our family did it?"

"Lu Fei is our

How could we rob the distinguished guest invited by the family? "

"Even if we have evil intentions, we can't start here."

"This is our family's property. Taking action here is equivalent to admitting that we did it. Do you think we would be so stupid?" Ques said with a stern face.


"Dignified guest?"

"We are all sensible people. Mr. Quess, please stop acting, okay?"

"You invited Lu Fei here just for the knife in his hand. We all know it."

"As for taking action here, it doesn't mean that you are stupid, but it shows that you are smart."

"In this way, you can hide the truth and avoid suspicion. For you, this is also the best excuse." Lu Fei said.

"Long Yun, you are so slanderous."

"What evidence do you have that we did it?"

"There is no evidence, you are just blaming others."

"Who do you think you are? Even the head of the Xiao family can't slander us like this." Roy shouted.

"Roy, shut the fuck up!"

"Who do you think you are?"

"Without your family, you wouldn't be able to survive a day."

"We all know that you bullied Lu Fei many times, and Lu Fei's resistance made you lose face. You hate Lu Fei to the extreme, and you hope that Lu Fei will die without a burial place all the time."

"I guess you must have arranged what happened last night, right?" Long Yun said.


Roy was furious and wanted to fight Long Yun desperately.

Quess glared at him fiercely, and Roy stepped aside.

Quesna is the second elder of the Thomas family and the family's think tank. The city is not very deep.

Although Long Yun's words were a bit excessive, Ques remained very calm.

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